Publications since 1990
D. Palmer, U. Bismayer and E. Salje
Phase Transitions in Leucite: Order Parameter Behaviour and the Landau Potential deduced from Raman Spectroscopy and Birefringence Studies
J. Phys. Chem. Minerals 17, 259 - 265, 1990
U. Bismayer
Stepwise Ferroelastic Phase Transitions in Pb3(P1-xAsxO4)2
Ferroelastic and Co-elastic Phase Transitions in Crystals (Cambridge Topics in Mineral Physics and Chemistry Vol. 1, ed. E. Salje, Cambridge University Press), 253 - 267, 1990
K. Stadnicka, A.M. Glazer and U. Bismayer
The Phase Diagram of Dicalcium Strontium/Lead Propionate
Phase Transitions 27, 73 - 80, 1990
U. Bismayer
Hard Mode Raman Spectroscopy and its Application to Ferroelastic and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions
Phase Transitions 27, 211 - 267, 1990
E. Salje, U. Bismayer, B.Wruck and J. Hensler
Influence of Lattice Imperfections on the Transition Temperatures of Structural Phase Transitions: The Plateau Effect
Phase Transitions 35, 61 - 74, 1991
U. Bismayer, W. Schmahl, C. Schmidt and L.A. Groat
Thermal Instability and 2D Characteristics in Titanite, CaTiSiO5
Phys. Chem. Min. 19, 260 - 266, 1992
E. Salje, C. Schmidt and U. Bismayer
Structural Phase Transition in Titanite, CaTiSiO5: A Raman-spectroscopic Study
Phys. Chem. Min. 19, 502 - 506, 1993
E. Salje, A. Graeme-Barber, M.A. Carpenter and U. Bismayer
Lattice Parameters, Spontaneous Strain and Phase Transitions in Pb3(PO4)2
Acta Cryst. B49, 387 - 392, 1993
J. Hensler, H. Boysen, U. Bismayer and T. Vogt
Ferroelastic Transformation and Crystal Structure of Ba-diluted Lead Phosphate, (Pb1-xBax)3(PO4)2
Z. Krist. 206, 213-231, 1993
W. Kaminsky and U. Bismayer
The Faraday Effect near the Ferroelastic Phase Transition of Lead Phosphate, Pb3(PO4)2
Phase Transitions 46, 41-46, 1993
T. Bleser, B. Berge, U. Bismayer and E.K.H. Salje
The Possibility that the Optical Second-Harmonic Generation in Lead Phosphate, Pb3(PO4)2, is related to Structural Imperfections
J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 6, 2093-2099, 1994
U. Bismayer, J. Hensler, E. Salje and B. Güttler
Renormalization Phenomena in Ba-diluted Ferroelastic Lead Phosphate, (Pb1-xBax)3(PO4)2
Phase Transitions 48, 149-168, 1994
B. Wruck, E.K.H. Salje, M. Zhang, T. Abraham and U. Bismayer
On the Thickness of Ferroelastic Twin Walls in Lead Phosphate Pb3(PO4)2: A X-ray Diffraction Study
Phase Transitions 48, 135-148, 1994
U. Bismayer, E. Brinksmeier, B. Güttler, H. Seibt and C. Menz
Measurement of Sub-Surface-Damage in Silicon Wafers
Prec. Engineering 16, 139-144, 1994
J. Verhey, U. Bismayer, B. Güttler and H. Lundt
The Surface of Machined Silicon Wafers: A Raman Spectroscopic Study
Semiconductor Science and Technology Letters 9, 404-408, 1994
Zhang M., E.K.H. Salje, U. Bismayer, H.-G. Unruh, B. Wruck and C. Schmidt
Phase Transition(s) in Titanite CaTiSiO5: An Infrared Spectroscopic, Dielectric Response and Heat Capacity Study
Phys. Chem. Min. 22 41-49, 1995
U. Bismayer, R.W. Röwer
Hard Mode Raman Spectroscopy and Renormalization Phenomena in Diluted Lead Phosphate, (Pb1-xSrx)3(PO4)2
J. Molecular Structure 349, 385-388, 1995
B. Güttler, U. Bismayer, P. Groves and E. Salje
Fatigue Mechanisms in Thin Film PZT Memory Materials
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 10, 245-248, 1995
U. Bismayer, R.W. Röwer
Ferroelastic Phase Transition and Renormalization Effect in Diluted Lead Phosphate, (Pb1-xSrx)3(PO4)2 and (Pb1-xBax)3(PO4)2
Phase Transitions 55, 169-179, 1995
L.A. Groat, U. Bismayer and B. Güttler
A Ferroelastic Phase Transition in Vesuvianite
Phase Transitions 55, 217-227, 1995
L.A. Groat, S. Kek, U. Bismayer, C. Schmidt, H.G. Krane, H. Meyer, L. Nistor and G. Van Tendeloo
Structural Study of Malayaite, CaSnSiO5
American Mineralogist 81, 595-602, 1996
U. Bismayer (Guest Editor)
Phase Transitions in Minerals and Ceramics
Phase Transitions, Vol. 59, 1996
L. Schwalowsky, U. Bismayer and Th. Lippmann
The improper ferroelastic phase transition of letovicite, (NH4)3H(SO4)2: An optical birefringence, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic study
Phase Transitions 59, 61-76, 1996
H.W. Meyer, M. Zhang, U. Bismayer, E.K.H. Salje, C. Schmidt, S. Kek, W. Morgenroth and T. Bleser
Phase transformation of natural titanite: An infrared, Raman spectroscopic, optical birefringence and X-ray diffraction study
Phase Transitions 59, 39-60, 1996
S. Kek, M. Aroyo, U. Bismayer, C. Schmidt, K. Eichhorn and H. G. Krane
Synchrotron Radiation Study of the Crystal Structure of Titanite (CaTiSiO5) at 100K, 295K and 530K: Model for a Two-step Structural Transition
Z. Krist. 212, 9-19, 1997
Zhang M., E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Structural phase transition near 825 K in titanite: evidence from infrared spectroscopic observation
American Mineralogist 82, 30-35, 1997
R.W. Röwer, U. Bismayer, W. Morgenroth and B. Güttler
Ferroelastic phase transition, domain pattern and metastability in diluted lead phosphate-type crystals
Solid State Ionics 101-103, 585-589, 1997
J. Chrosch, U. Bismayer and E.K.H. Salje
Anti-phase boundaries and phase transitions in titanite: an X-ray diffraction study
American Mineralogist 82, 677-681, 1997
J. Modlich, O. Jarchow, T. Rentschler, A. Reller and U. Bismayer
Synthesis and characterization of Pb(Mg,Mn,Nb)O3
Solid State Ionics 95, 131-135, 1997
E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Hard Mode Spectroscopy: The Concept and Applications
Phase Transitions 63, 1-75, 1997
L. Schwalowsky, V. Vinnichenko, A. Baranov, U. Bismayer, B. Merinov and G. Eckold
Protonic conductivity and ferroelastic instability in triammonium hydrogen disulphate: A dielectric and neutron diffraction study
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 10(13), 3019, 1998
U. Bismayer and W. Steurer (Guest Editors)
Kinetic processes and diffuse scattering
Phase Transitions 67, 1998
C. Paulmann, U. Bismayer and M. Aroyo
Precursors in lead phosphate-type ferroelastics: Diffuse X-ray scattering, group theory and modelling
Phase Transitions 67, 1-26, 1998
H.-W. Meyer, U. Bismayer, G. Adiwidjaja, M. Zhang, L. Nistor and G. Van Tendeloo
Natural titanite and malayaite: Structural investigations and the 500 K anomaly
Phase Transitions 67, 27-49, 1998
Fechtelkord M. and U. Bismayer
NMR-spectroscopic study of 207Pb in pure and barium diluted lead phosphate
Solid State NMR 11, 231-241, 1998
Niemeier D., H. Mehner, U. Bismayer and K.D. Becker
A temperature-dependent 119Sn and 57Fe Mössbauerstudy of malayaite, CaSnSiO5:Fe
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 211, 581-594, 1999
Bismayer U., M. Zhang, L.A. Groat, E.K.H. Salje and H.-W. Meyer
The alpha-beta phase transition in titanite and the isosymmetric analogue in malayaite
Phase Transitions 68, 545-556, 1999
Malcherek T., C.M. Domeneghetti, V. Tazzoli, E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
A high temperature diffraction study of synthetic titanite CaTiOSiO4
Phase Transitions 69, 119-131, 1999
Zhang M., H.-W. Meyer, L.A. Groat, U. Bismayer, E.K.H. Salje and G. Adiwidjaja
An infrared spectroscopic and single-crystal X-ray study of malayaite, CaSnSiO5
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 26, 546-553, 1999
Palosz, B., S. Gierlotka, S. Stel'makh, R. Pielaszek, P. Zinn and U. Bismayer
High-Pressure High Temperature in-situ Diffraction Studies of Nanocrystalline Ceramic Materials at HASYLAB
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 286, 184-194, 1999
Angel R.J. and U. Bismayer
Renormalisation of the phase transition in lead phosphate, Pb3(PO4)2,by high pressure: lattice parameters and spontaneous strain
Acta. Cryst. B 55, 896-901, 1999
Merinov B.V., U. Bismayer, V.V. Synitsyn and A.I. Baranov
Mixed alkali metal selenate proton conductors: Phase transitions and crystal structure of [Rb0.54(NH4)0.46]3H(SeO4)2
Phase Transitions 69, 439-453, 1999
Savytskii D.I., S.B. Ubizkii, O.A. Matkovskii, A. Suchocki, U. Bismayer, V.M. Pashkov, V.N. Borisovand A.N. Alexandrovskii
Anomaly of NdGaO3 single crystal dielectric properties in the temperature range 80-300K
Phase Transitions 70, 57-63, 1999
Lemmens H., O. Richard, G. Van Tendeloo and U. Bismayer
Microstructure and phase transition in Pb(Sc0.5Ta0.5)3
Jap. Soc. Electron Microscopy 48, 843-847, 1999
Bismayer U., D. Mathes, D. Bosbach, A. Putnis, G. Van Tendeloo, J. Novak and E.K.H. Salje
Ferroelastic orientation states and domain walls in lead phosphate type crystals
Mineralogical Magazine 64, 233-239, 2000
Vasylechko L., L. Akselrud, W. Morgenroth, U. Bismayer, A. Matkovskii, D. Savytskii
The crystal structure of NdGaO3 at 100 K and 293 K based on synchrotron data
J. Alloys and Compounds 297, 46-52, 2000
Merinov B., G. Bourenkov and U. Bismayer
High-temperature superionic phase transition of mixed proton conductor [Rb0.57(NH4)0.43H(SeO4)2: dynamic twinning and anomalous display of dynamically disordered hydrogen atoms
phys. stat. sol (b) 217, 365-378, 2000
Salje E.K.H., U. Bismayer, S.A. Hayward and J. Novak
Twin walls and hierarchical mesoscopic structures
Mineralogical Magazine 64, 201-211, 2000
Bismayer U., D. Mathes, M. Aroyo, D. Bosbach, A. Putnis, G. Van Tendeloo, B. Güttler
Ferroelastic domains in lead phosphate-arsenate: An AFM, X-ray diffraction, TEM and Raman study
Phase Transitions 71, 243-270, 2000
Zhang M., E.K.H. Salje, T. Malcherek, U. Bismayer and L.A. Groat
Dehydration of metamict titanite: An infrared spectroscopic study
The Canadian Mineralogist 38, 199-130, 2000
Paulmann C., U. Bismayer and L.A. Groat
Thermal annealing of metamict titanite: A synchrotron radiation and optical birefringence study
Z. Kristallographie 215, 678-682, 2000
Savytskii D.I., M. Berkowski, L.O. Vasylechko, J. Fink-Finowicki, A.O. Matkovskii
Twin Structure of (La,Nd)GaO3 Solid Solution
Cryst. Res. Technol. 35 N1, 53-63, 2000
Bismayer U.
Hard mode spectroscopy of phase transitions
in: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Ed P.H. Ribbe)
Vol. 39, 265-283, 2000
Fechtelkord M., A. Engelhardt, J.-Ch. Buhl, L. Schwalowsky, U. Bismayer
Separation of local order and proton conduction mechanisms in letovicite, (NH4)3H(SO4)2: A 1H and 14N NMR spectroscopic study
Solid State NMR 17, 76-88, 2000
Vasylechko L., Niewa R., Borrmann H., Knapp M., Savytskii D., Matkovski A., Bismayer U., Berkowski M.
R-3c; Pbnm Phase Transition of La1-xSmxGaO3 (0 smaller x smaller 0.3) Perovskites and Crystal Structures of the Orthorhombic and Trigonal Phases
Solid State Ionics 143, 219-227, 2001
Vasylechko L., Savytski D., Matkovski A., Berkowski M., Knapp M., Bismayer U.
Room and high temperature crystal structures of La1-xNdxGaO3 (x=0.27 and 0.37) perovskites determined by synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction.
J. Alloys and Compounds,328, 264-271, 2001
Angel R.J., U. Bismayer, W.G. Marshall
Renormalisation of the phase transition in lead phosphate, Pb3(PO4)2, by high pressure: structure
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 13, 5353-5364, 2001
Bismayer U.
Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchungsmethoden in den Geowissenschaften.
Bd. 2, Ed G. Amthauer, M.K. Pavicevic, E. Schweizerbart'sche V., Stuttgart, p. 67-79, 2001
Mihailova B., U. Bismayer, A. Engelhardt, B. Guettler
Wall-related Raman scattering in ferroelastic lead phosphate Pb3(PO4)2
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 13, 9383-9392, 2001
Paulmann C., R. Kurtz, U. Bismayer
Software development for studies of diffuse scattering using CCD-detectors and synchrotron radiation sources
Nuclear Instr. Methods in Physical Research A 467-468, 1113-1116, 2001
Mihailova B., U. Bismayer, B. Güttler, M. Gospodinov and L. Konstantinov
Local structure and dynamics in relaxor-ferroelectric PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3 and PbSc1/2Ta1/2O3 single crystals
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 1091-1105, 2002
Novak J., U. Bismayer and E.K.H. Salje
Simulated equilibrium shapes of ferroelastic needle domains
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 657-664, 2002
Merinov B.V., S.M. Haile, U. Bismayer
Crystal structure of the "intermediate" phase of the protonic conductor Rb3H(SeO4) 2
Solid State Ionics 146, 355-365, 2002
Zhang M., E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Metamictization and recrystallization of titanite: An infrared spectroscopic study
American Mineralogist 87, 882-890, 2002
Friese K., M.I. Aroyo, L. Schwalowsky and G. Adiwidjaja and U. Bismayer
The disordered high temperature structure of(NH4)3H(SO4)2 and ist relationship to the room temperature phase
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 165, 136-137 2002
Palosz B., E. Grzanka, S. Gierlotka, S. Stel'makh, P. Pielaszek, U. Bismayer, J. Neuefeind, H.-P. Weber and W. Palosz
Diffraction studies of nanocrystals: Theory and Experiment
Acta Physica Polonica A 102, 57-82, 2002
Palosz B., E. Grzanka, S. Gierlotka, S. Stel'makh, P. Pielaszek, U. Bismayer, J. Neuefeind, H.-P. Weber, Th. Proffen, R. Von Dreele and W. Palosz
Analysis of short and long range atomic order in nanocrystalline diamonds with application of power diffractometry
Z. Kristallographie 217 497-509, 2002
Lee W.T., E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Surface structure of domain walls in a ferroelastic system with a domain wall pressure
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 14 7901-7910 2002
Bismayer U. (Guest Editor)
Recent research activities in light scattering techniques, Section B:
Phase Transitions 2003, Vol. 76, Taylor and Francis, Reading, UK
Lee W.T., E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Structure and Transport Properties of Ferroelastic Domain Walls in a Simple Model
Phase Transitions 76 81-102, 2003
Mihailova B., U. Bismayer, B. Güttler, L. Tosheva and J. Sterte
Raman scattering in locally inhomogeneous oxide crystals
Phase Transitions 76, 17-32, 2003
Palosz B., E. Grzanka, S. Gierlotka, S. Stel'makh, R. Pielaszek, W. Lojkowski, U. Bismayer, J. Neufeind, H.-P. Weber and W. Palosz
Application of X-ray powder diffraction to nano-materials - Determination of the atomic structure of nanocrystals with relaxed and strained surfaces
Phase Transitions 76, 171-185, 2003
Becker A., U. Bismayer, M. Epple, H. Fabritius, B. Hasse, J. Shi, A. Ziegler
Structural characterisation of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) in sternal deposits of the crustacea Porcellio scaber
Dalton Transactions, Society of Chemistry (London), 551-555, 2003
Savytskii D., Senyshyn A., Matkovskii A., Vasylechko L., Wieteska K., Wierzchowski W., Lukasiewicz T. and U. Bismayer
White beam synchrotron X-ray topography studies of twinning in GdFeO3-type perovskite crystals
Z. Kristallogr. 218, 17-25, 2003
Bartels M., Hagen V., Burianek M., Getzlaff M., Bismayer U. and R Wiesendanger
Impurity-induced resistivity of ferroelastic domain walls in doped lead phosphate
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 957-962, 2003
Lee W.T., E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Domain wall diffusion and domain wall softening
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 1343-1366 2003
Klocke A, Shi J, Kahl-Nieke B, Bismayer U.
Bond strength with custom base indirect bonding techniques
Angle Orthodontist 73, 176-180, 2003
Vasylechko L., Vashook V., Savytskii D., Senyshyn A., Niewa R., Knapp M., Ullmann H., Berkowki M., Matkovskii A. and U. Bismayer
Crystal structure, thermal expansion and conductivity of anisotropic La1-xSrxGa1-2xMg2xO3 (x=0.05, 0.1) single crystals
J. Solid State Chemistry 172, 396-411 2003
Vasylechko V., D. Savytskii, A. Senyshyn, A.Matkovskii , C. Bähtz, M. L. Sanjuán, U. Bismayer and M. Berkowski
Low-temperature structural and Raman studies on rare-earth gallates
Physical Review B 68, 024101-1-024101-8, 2003
Klocke A, Shi J, Kahl-Nieke B, Bismayer U.
In vitro investigation of indirect bonding with a hydrophilic primer
Angle Orthodontist 73, 445-450, 2003
Lee W.T., Salje E.K.H., Bismayer U.
Domain wall structure and domain wall strain
Journal of Applied Physics 93, 9890-9897, 2003
Shi J., Klocke A., Zhang M., Bismayer U.
Thermal behaviour of biological and natural apatites: An infrared spectroscopic study
American Mineralogist 88, 1866-1871, 2003
Güttler B., Mihailova B., Stosch R., Bismayer U., Gospodinov M.
Local phenomena in relaxor-ferroelectric PbSc0.5B''0.5O3 (B''= Nb,Ta) studied by Raman spectroscopy
J Molecular Structure 661-662, 469-479, 2003
Senyshyn A., Oganov A., Vasylechko L., Ehrenberg H., Bismayer U., Berkowski M., Matkovskii A.
The crystal structure and thermal expansion of the perovskite-type Nd0.75Sm0.25GaO3 - powder diffraction and lattice dynamical studies
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 16, 253-265, 2004
Angel R.J., Bismayer U. and W.G. Marshall
Local and long range order in ferroelastic lead phosphate at high pressure
Acta Cryst B 60, 1-9, 2004
Vasylechko L., Senyshyn A., Pivak Ye., Berkowski M., Vashook V., Ullmann H., C. Bähtz, U. Bismayer
LSGM single crystals: crystal structure, thermal expansion, phase transitions and conductivity
In: Mixed Ionic Electronic Perovskites for Advanced Energy Systems. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston 173, 223-229, 2004
Savytskii D., Trots D., Matkovskii A., Paulmann C., Bismayer U., Berkowski M.
Real structure of LSGMO crystal studied by Laue method
In: Mixed Ionic Electronic Perovskites for Advanced Energy Systems. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston 173, 239-245, 2004
Senyshyn A., Vasylechko L., Knapp M., Bismayer U., Berkowski M., Matkovskii A.
Thermal expansion of the perovskite-type NdGaO3
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 382, 84-91, 2004
Lee W.T., E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Ionic transport in twin domain walls
Ferroelectrics 303, 3-7, 2004
Savytskii D., Vasylechko L., Bismayer U., Paulmann C., Berkowski M.
Configuration of twin walls in LSGMO
In: Fuel Cell Technologies: State & Perspectives, NATO Science Series. Edited by N. Sammes and O. Vasyliev. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 135-147, 2005
Shi J., Bismayer, U., Klocke, A., Gierlotka, S., and B. Palosz
S High-Pressure and -Temperature Sintering of Nanosized Hydroxyapatite Powders
Key Engineering Material 288-289, 175-178, 2005
Bismayer U., Shi, J., Klocke, A., Gierlotka, S., and B. Palosz
From Dental Enamel to Synthetic Hydroxyapatite-Metal Composites
Key Engineering Material 288-289, 561-564, 2005
Bismayer U. (Guest Editor)
Phase Transitions
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie Vol.220, 8/2005, Oldenbourg, München, Germany
Lee W. T, Salje, E. K. H. , Bismayer U.
Surface relaxations at mineral surfaces
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 220, 683-690, 2005
Mihailova B., Bismayer, U., Güttler, B., Gospodinov, M., Boris, A., Berndhard, C. and M. Aroyo
Nanoscale phase transformations in relaxor-ferroelectric lead scandium tantalate and lead scandium niobate
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 220, 740-747, 2005
Senyshyn, A., Ehrenberg, H., Vasylechko, L., Gale J.D. and U. Bismayer
Computational study of LnGaO3 (Ln = La–Gd) perovskites
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 17, 6217-6234, 2005
Lee W.T., Salje, E.K.H. and U. Bismayer
Influence of point defects on the distribution of twin wall widths
Physical Review B72, 104116, 2005
Thermally-induced structural modification of dental enamel apatite: Decomposition and transformation of carbonate groups
Europ. J. Min. 17, 769-775, 2005
Toledano P. and U. Bismayer
Phenomenological therory of the crystalline-to-amorphous phase transition during self irradiation
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 17, 6627 - 6634, 2005
Baranov A. and U. Bismayer
Annealing effects, anomalous dielectric properties and conductivity of As-diluted lead phosphate Pb3(P1-xAsxO4)2
Z. Krist. 221, 178 - 185, 2006
Katzke H., Bismayer, U. and P. Toledano
Theory of the high-pressure structural phase transitions in Si, Ge, Sn and Pb
Physical Review B 73(13), 134105, 2006
Katzke, H., Bismayer, U. and P. Toledano
Reconstructive phase transitions between carbon polymorphs: limit states and periodic order-parameters
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 5129 - 5134, 2006
Lee W.T., Salje E.K.H., Goncalves-Ferreira L., Daraktchiev M. and U. Bismayer
Intrinsic activation energy for twin-wall motion in the ferroelastic perovskite CaTiO3
Physical Review B 73(21), 214110, 2006
Marinova V., Mihailova, B., Malcherek, T., Paulmann, C., Lengyel, K., Kovacs, L., Veleva, M., Gospodinov, M., Güttler, B., Stosch, R. and U. Bismayer
Structural, optical and dielectric properties of relaxor-ferroelectric Pb0.78Ba0.22Sc0.5Ta0.5OO3
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 18, L385-L393, 2006
Klocke A., Mihailova B., Zhang S., Gasharova B., Stosch R., Kahl-Nieke B., Güttler, B., Henriot P., Ritschel B. and U. Bismayer
CO2laser-induced zonation in dental enamel: A Raman and IR micro-spectroscopic study
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials 81B, 499-507, 2007
Zhang M., E.K.H. Salje, M.A. Carpenter, J. Yang Wang, L.A. Groat, G.A. Lager, L. Wang, A. Beran and U. Bismayer
Temperature dependence of IR absorption of hydrous/hydroxyl species in minerals and synthetic materials
Am. Min. 92, 1502-1517, 2007
Mihailova B., Gospodinov M., Güttler B., Petrova, D., Stosch R. and U. Bismayer
Ferroic nanoclusters in relaxors: the effect of oxygen vacancies
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 246220, 2007
Mihailova B., Gospodinov M., Güttler B., D., Stosch R. and U. Bismayer
Ferroic clustering and phonon anomalies in Pb-based perovslite-type relaxors
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 275205, 2007
Mihailova B., Bastjan M., Schulz B., Ruebhausen M., Gospodinov M., Malcherek T., Stosch R., Güttler B. and U. Bismayer
Resonance Raman scattering of relaxor PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 and PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3
Applied Physics Letters 90, 042907, 2007
Zhang M., E.K.H. Salje, M.A. Carpenter, J. Y. Wang, L.A. Groat, G.A. Lager, L. Wang, A. Beran and U. Bismayer
Temperature dependence of IR absorption of hydrous/hydroxyl species in minerals and synthetic materials
American Mineralogist 92, 1502-1517, 2007
Fechtelkord M., A. Diekmann and U. Bismayer
Proton dynamics in letovicite: Part I. Static 1H NMR experiments and lineshape simulations
American Mineralogist 92, 1821-1826, 2007
Fechtelkord M., A. Diekmann and U. Bismayer
Proton dynamics in letovicite: Part II. Static 1H NMR experiments and lineshape simulations
American Mineralogist 92, 1827-1832, 2007
Mihailova B., B. Maier, C. Paulmann, T. Malcherek, J. Ihringer. M. Gospodinov, R. Stosch, B. Güttler and U. Bismayer
High-temperature structural transformation in relaxor-ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 and Pb0.78Ba0.22Sc0.5O3
Physical Review B 77, 174106, 2008
Wang X., B. Mihailova, A. Klocke, U.E.A. Fittschen, S. Heidrich, M. Hill, R. Stosch, B. Güttler, J.A.C. Broekaert and U. Bismayer
Side effects of a non-peroxide-based home bleaching agent on dental enamel
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A 88, 195-204, 2008
B. Mihailova, R.J. Angel, A.-M. Welsch, J. Zhao, J. Engel, C. Paulmann, M. Gospodinov, H. Ahsbahs, R. Stosch, B. Güttler and U. Bismayer
Pressure-induced phase transition in PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 as a model Pb-based perovksite-type relaxor ferroelectric
Physical Review Letters 101, 017602, 2008
Wang, X., A. Klocke, B. Mihailova, L. Tosheva and U. Bismayer
New insights into structural alteration of dental apatite induced by citric acid and sodium fluoride
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 8840-8848, 2008
Fischer, M., Th. Malcherek, U. Bismayer, P. Blaha and K. Schwarz
Structure and stability of Cd2Nb2O7 and Cd2Ta2O7 explored by ab-initio calculations
Physical Review B 78, 014108, 2008
Baranov A.I., V.V. Grebenev, U. Bismayer and J. Ludwig
Structural Phase Transitions and Solid State Chemical Reactions in Complex Potassium Hydrogen Sulfate Salts Driven by Fast Proton Diffusion
Ferroelectrics 369, 108-116, 2008
Vasylechko V., A. Senyshyn and U. Bismayer
Perovskite-Type Aluminates and Gallates
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths,
Eds K.A. Gschneidner, Jr, J-C. Bünzli, V.K. Pecharsky, Elsevier, North-Holland, Vol. 39 ,118-195, 2009
Welsch A-M., B. Mihailova, M. Gospodinov, R. Stosch, B. Güttler and U. Bismayer
High pressure Raman spectroscopic study on the relaxor ferroelectric PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 235901(6pp), 2009
Maier B., B. Mihailova,C. Paulmann,J. Ihringer, M. Gospodinov, R. Stosch, B. Güttler and U. Bismayer
Effect of local elastic strain on the structure of Pb-based relaxors: A comparative study of pure and Ba- and Bi-doped PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3
Physical Review B 79, 224108 (8p), 2009
Tataryn T., D. Savytskii, L. Vasylechko, C. Paulmann, U. Bismayer and H. Boysen
Chevron-like twin pattern in crystals of solid oxide electrolytes
Phys. Status Solidi C6, 1178-1181, 2009
Welsch A.-M., B. J. Maier, J. M. Engel, B. Mihailova, R. J. Angel, C. Paulmann, M. Gospodinov, A. Friedrich, R. Stosch, B. Güttler, D. Petrova and U. Bismayer
Effect of Ba-incorporation on pressure-induced structural changes in the relaxor ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3
Physical Review B 80 , 104118, 2009
Salje E.K.H., T. Beirau, B. Mihailova and U. Bismayer
Chemical mixing and hard mode spectroscopy in ferroelastic lead phosphate-arsenate: local symmetry splitting and multiscaling behaviour
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 045403 (6pp), 2010
Bismayer U, C. Paulmann, L. Groat and M. Zhang
Local phenomena in metamict titanite
Acta Physica Polonica A 117, 74-77, 2010
Malcherek T., U. Bismayer and C. Paulmann
The crystal structure of Cd2Nb2O7: symmetry mode analysis of the ferroelectric phase
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 205401 (8pp), 2010
Viladkar S.G. and U. Bismayer
Compositional variation in pyrochlores of Amba Dongar carbonatite-alkalic complex, Gujarat, India
J. Geological Soc. India 75 (3) 495-502, 2010
Maier B.J., R.J. Angel, W.G. Marshall, B. Mihailova, C. Paulmann, J.M. Engel, M. Gospodinov, A.-M. Welsch, D. Petrova and U. Bismayer
Octahedral tilting in Pb-based relaxor ferroelectrics at high pressure
Acta Cryst. B66, 280–291, 2010
Maier B.J., A.-M. Welsch, R. J. Angel, B. Mihailova,1, J. Zhao, J. M. Engel, L. A. Schmitt, C. Paulmann, M. Gospodinov, A. Friedrich, and U. Bismayer
A-site Doping Induced Renormalization of Structural Transformations in PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3 Relaxor Ferroelectric under High Pressure
Physical Review B 81, 174116 (8pp), 2010
Beirau T., U. Bismayer, B. Mihailova, C. Paulmann and L. Groat
Structural phenomena of metamict titanite: a synchrotron, X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopic study
Phase Transitions 83, 694-702, 2010
Maier B.J., R.J. Angel, B. Mihailova, W G Marshall, M. Gospodinov and U. Bismayer
High-pressure powder neutron diffraction study on lead scandium niobate
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 05902, 2011
Welsch A.-M., B.J. Maier, B. Mihailova, R.J. Angel, J. Zhao, C. Paulmann, J. Engel, M. Gospodinov, V. Marinova and U. Bismayer
Transformation processes in relaxor ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 heavily doped with Nb and Sn
Z. Kristallogr. 226, 126-137, 2011
Maier B.J., A.-M. Welsch, B. Mihailova, R.J. Angel, J. Zhao, C. Paulmann, J. Engel, W.G. Marshall, M. Gospodinov, D. Petrova and U. Bismayer
Effect of La doping on the ferroic order in Pb-based perovskite-type relaxor ferroelectrics
Physical Review B 83, 134106 (12 pp), 2011
Willumeit R., J. Fischer, F. Feyerabend, N. Hort, U. Bismayer, S. Heidrich, B. Mihailova
Chemical surface alteration of biodegradable magnesium exposed to corrosion media
Acta Biomaterialia 7, 2704-2715, 2011
Waeselmann N., B. Mihailova, B.J. Maier, C. Paulmann, M. Gospodinov, V. Marinova, U. Bismayer
Local structural phenomena in pure and Ru-doped 0.9PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3 - 0.1PbTiO3 near the morphotropic phase boundary as revealed by Raman spectroscopy
Physical Review B 83, 214104 (13 pp), 2011
Wang, X., B. Mihailova, A. Klocke, S. Heidrich and U. Bismayer
ffect of artificial saliva on the apatite structure of eroded enamel
International Journal of Spectroscopy 2011, ID 236496 (9pp), 2011
Salje E.K.H., D.J. Safarik, J.C. Lashley, L.A. Groat and U. Bismayer
Elastic softening of metamict titanite CaTiSiO5: Radiation damage and annealing
American Mineralogist 96, 1254-1261, 2011
Beirau T., C. Paulmann, U. Bismayer
Recrystallisation of metamict allanite
Mineralogical Magazine 75, 2393-2399, 2011
Mihailova B., R.J. Angel, B.J. Maier, A.-M. Welsch, J. Zhao, M. Gospodinov, U. Bismayer
The structural state of lead-based relaxor ferroelectrics under pressure
Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 58, 1905-1913, 2011
Maier B.J., N. Waeselmann, B. Mihailova, R.J. Angel, C. Ederer, C. Paulmann, M. Gospodinov, A. Friedrich, U. Bismayer
The structural state of relaxor ferroelectrics PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 and PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3 at high pressures up to 30 GPa
Physical Review B 84,174104 (11pp), 2011
Salje, E.K.H., D.R. Taylor, D.J. Safarik, J.C. Lashley. L.A. Groat and U. Bismayer
Evidence for direct impact damage in metamict titanite CaTiSiO3
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 052202 (5pp), 2012
Angel, R., T. Beirau, B. Mihailova, C. Paulmann and U. Bismayer
The role of lone pairs in the ferroelastic phase transition in the palmierite-type lead phosphate-arsenate solid solution
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 227, 585-593, 2012
Waeselmann N., Maier B.J., B. Mihailova, R.J. Angel, J. Zhao, M. Gospodinov, C. Paulmann, N. Ross and U. Bismayer
Pressure-induced structural transformations in pure and Ru-doped 0.9PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3 - 0.1PbTiO3 near the morphotropic phase boundary
Physical Review B 85, 014106 (10pp), 2012
Rasmussen M., C. Näther, U. Bismayer and W. Bensch
Small non-polar complexes exhibiting significant piezoelectric properties: Solvothermal synthesis and crystal structure of [(V(tren)O)(MO4)].H2O (M=Mo and W; tren=tris(2-aminoethyl)amine)
J. Solid State Chemistry 195, 108-114, 2012
Beirau T., B. Mihailova, G. Matveeva, U. Kolb, T. Malcherek, L. Groat and U. Bismayer
Structural anisotropy and annealing-induced nanoscale atomic rearrangements in metamict titanite
American Mineralogist 97, 1354-1365, 2012
Maier B. J., T. Steilmann, M. Gospodinov, U. Bismayer, and B. Mihailova
Influence of electric field on local phase transformations in relaxor ferroelectrics PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 and Pb0.78Ba0.22Sc0.5Ta0.5O3
Journal of Applied Physics 112, 124111, 2012
doi: 10.1063/1.4770479
Beirau T., P. Guglielmi, C. Paulmann, G.A. Schneider, L.A. Groat, T. Malchereka, E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Interfaces in metamict titanite: the macroscopic mechanical properties after stepwise annealing
Phase Transitions 86, 23-32, 2013
Zhang M., E.K.H. Salje, S.A.T. Redfern, U. Bismayer and L.A. Groat
Intermediate structures in radiation damaged titanite (CaTiSiO5): a Raman spectroscopic study
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 115402 (12pp), 2013
Mihailova B., N. Waeselmann, B.J. Maier, R.J. Angel, T. Prüßmann, C. Paulmann, M. Gospodinov and U. Bismayer
Chemically induced renormalization phenomena in Pb-based relaxor ferroelectrics under high pressure
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 115403 (12pp), 2013
Bismayer U. and K. Bandel
Interface Phenomena
Solid State Phenomena 200, 69-72, 2013
Waeselmann N., B. Mihailova, M. Gospodinov, D. Petrova and U. Bismayer
In-situ high-temperature high-pressure Raman spectroscopy on single-crystal relaxor ferroelectrics PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 and Pb3Sc0.5Nb0.5O3
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 155902 (10pp), 2013
Tataryn T., L. Vasylechko, D. Savytskii, M. Berkowski, C. Paulmann, U. Bismayer and A. Tarnavsky
Thermal behaviour of crystal and domain structure of LSGMn-05 anode material for SOFC
Solid State Ionics 240, 29-33, 2013
Shijun Wu, M.J. Polinski, T. Malcherek, U. Bismayer, M. Klinkenberg, G. Modolo, D. Bosbach, W. Depmeier, T.E. Albrecht-Schmitt and E.V. Alekseev
Novel fundamental building blocks and site dependent isomorphism in the first actinide borophosphates
Inorganic Chemistry 52, 7881-7888, 2013
Mihailova B., N. Waeselmann, B.J. Maier, A.-M. Welsch, R.A. Angel and U. Bismayer
Pressure-induced structural transformations in advanced ferroelectrics with relaxor behaviour
High Pressure Research 33, 595-606, 2013
Viladkar S.G. and U. Bismayer
U-rich pyrochlore from Sevathur carbonatites, Tamil Nadu
J. Geological Society of India 83,147-154, 2014
Steilmann T., B. J. Maier, M. Gospodinov, U. Bismayer and B. Mihailova
Electric-field-induced local structural phenomena in relaxor ferroelectric PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3 near the intermediate temperature T* studied by Raman spectroscopy
J. Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 175401 (11pp), 2014
Beirau T., B. Mihailova, T. Malcherek, C. Paulmann, U. Bismayer and L.A. Groat
Temperature-induced P21/c to C2/c phase transition in partially amorphous (metamict) titanite revealed by Raman spectroscopy
Canadian Mineralogist 52, 91-100, 2014
Zietlow P., T. Beirau, L.A. Groat, C. Paulmann and U. Bismayer
29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy and synchrotron XRD study of metamict Cardiff titanite
Z. Kristallogr. 229, 551-554, 2014
de la Flor G., M. Wehber, A. Rohrbeck, M. I. Aroyo, U. Bismayer and B. Mihailova
Resonance Raman scattering of perovskite-type relaxor ferroelectrics under non-ambient conditions
Physical Review B90, 064107, 2014
Mihailova B., R.J. Angel, N. Waeselmann, B. Maier, C. Paulmann and U. Bismayer
Pressure-induced transformation processes in ferroelastic Pb3(P1-xAsxO4)2, x = 0 and 0.80
Z. Kristallogr. 230, 593-603, 2015
Feyerabend F., H.P. Wendel, B. Mihailova, S. Heidrich, N.A. Agha, U. Bismayer and R. Willumeit-Röme
Blood compatibility of magnesium and its alloys
Acta Biomaterialia, 25, 384-394, 2015
Nezha Ahmad A., F. Feyerabend, B. Mihailova, S. Heidrich, U. Bismayer and R. Willumeit-Römer
Magnesium degradation influenced by buffering salts in concentrations typical of in vitro and in vivo models
Materials Science and Engineering C, 58, 817-825, 2016
Beirau T., W.D.. Nix, R.C. Ewing, G.A. Schneider, L.A. Groat and U Bismayer
Am. Mineral. 101, 399-406, 2016
Suzhi Li, U. Bismayer, X. Ding and E. K.H. Salje
Beirau T., W.D. Nix, U. Bismayer, L.A. Boatner, S.G. Isaacson and R.C. Ewing
He Jianhan, Shanrong Zhao, Zhuliang Wei and Ulrich Bismayer
Rohrbeck, A., G. de la Flor, M. Aroyo, M. Gospodinov, U. Bismayer and B. Mihailova
The effect of chemical variations on the structural polarity of relaxor ferroelectrics studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy
J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 475902 (10pp), 2016
Viladkar S.G., U. Bismayer and P. Zietlow
Bismayer U.
Zietlow, P. , T. Beirau, B. Mihailova, L.A. Groat, T. Chudy, A. Shelyug, A. Navrotski, R.C. Ewing, J. Schlüter, R. Škoda, Radek and U. Bismayer
Bismayer U., B. Mihailova and R. Angel
Beirau T., Murawski D., Behrens H., Salje E.K.H., Groat L.A., Kaden R., Pöllmann H. and U. Bismayer
He J. and U. Bismayer
Voudouris P., C. Mavrogonatos, P.G. Spry, T. Baker, V. Melfos, R. Klemd, K. Haase, A. Repstock, A. Djiba, U. Bismayer, A. Tarantola, C. Scheffer, R. Moritz, K. Kouzmanov, D. Alfieris, K. Papavassiliou, A. Schaarschmidt, E. Galanopoulos, E. Galanos, J. Kołodziejczyk, C. Stergiou, M. Melfou
Paulmann C., P. Zietlow, C. McCammon, E.K.H. Salje and U. Bismayer
Reissner C.E., U. Bismayer, D. Kern, M. Reissner, S. Park, J. Zhang, R.C. Ewing, A. Shelyug, A. Navrotsky, C. Paulmann, R. Skoda, L.A. Groat, H. Pöllmann and T. Beirau
Bismayer U., S. Srilomsak, Y. Treekamol, W. Tanthanuch and K. Suriyatham
Reissner C.E., V. Roddatis, U. Bismayer, A. Schreiber, H. Pöllmann and T. Beirau
Beirau T., C.E. Reissner, H. Pöllmann and U. Bismayer
Tanthanuch W., S. Tancharakorn, C. Rojviriya and U. Bismayer
Malcherek, T., Fischer, M., Mihailova, B., Paulenz, B., Paulmann, C., Bismayer, U.
HASYLAB Annual Reports
J. Verhey, C. Menz, H. Rhan, U. Bismayer and H. Lundt
Untersuchungen oberflächenbearbeiteter Si-Wafer mittels Grazing Incidence Diffraction (GID)
HASYLAB Jahresber., 413, 1993
K. Eichhorn, S. Kek, C. Schmidt, U. Bismayer and A. Kirfel
Redetermination of the Crystal Structure of Sanidine using Synchrotron Radiation
HASYLAB Jahresber., 569, 1993
A. Kirfel, K. Eichhorn, S. Kek, C Schmidt and U. Bismayer
A Multipole Refinement of the Electron Density Distribution of Sanidine
HASYLAB Jahresber., 571, 1993
S. Kek, K. Eichhorn, U. Bismayer, C. Schmidt and D. Riedel
Verfeinerung der Raum- und Hochtemperaturphase von synthetischem Titanit (CaTiSiO5)
HASYLAB Jahresber., 581, 1993
C. Schmidt, U. Bismayer, D. Riedel, S. Kek and K. Eichhorn
Phase Transition and Diffuse Scattering in Synthetic Titanite, CaTiSiO5
HASYLAB Jahresber., 601, 1993
S. Kek, M. Aroyo, U. Bismayer, H. Meyer, C. Schmidt, K. Eichhorn and H.G. Krane
Synchrotron radiation study of the crystal structure of titanite (CaTiSiO5) at 100K, 295K and 530K: Model for a two-step structural transition
HASYLAB Jahresber., 453, 1994
S. Kek, H.G. Krane, H. Meyer, C. Schmidt, U. Bismayer, L.A. Groat, G. Adiwidjaja and K.-H. Klaska
Refinement of the crystal structure of malayaite (CaSnSiO5)
HASYLAB Jahresber., 455, 1994
K. Eichhorn, S. Kek, C. Schmidt, A. Kirfel and U. Bismayer
M-site disorder in the feldspar mineral sanidine
HASYLAB Jahresber., 471, 1994
J. Verhey, C. Menz, H. Rhan, U. Bismayer, H. Lundt
Grazing Incidence Diffraction (GID) an oberflächenbearbeiteten Si-Wafern
HASYLAB Jahresber., 1059, 1994
H.W. Meyer, S. Kek, W. Morgenroth, K.H. Klaska and U. Bismayer
Data collection on Malayaite (CaSnSiO5) near the Sn-absorption edge
HASYLAB Jahresber., 355, 1995
R.W. Röwer, H.W. Meyer, W. Morgenroth and U. Bismayer
Precursor cluster and diffuse scattering in the palmierite-type ferroelastic (Pb0.89Ba0.11)3(PO4)2
HASYLAB Jahresber., 455, 1995
H.W. Meyer, W. Morgenroth and U. Bismayer
Phase transformation and diffuse scattering in natural titanite
HASYLAB Jahresber., 457, 1995
L. Schwalowsky and U. Bismayer
Study of the 413 K phase transition in letovicite
HASYLAB Jahresber., 459, 1995
J. Modlich, T. Rentschler, A. Reller and U. Bismayer
Thermal behaviour and reactivity of PbMg1/4Mn1/4Nb1/2O3
HASYLAB Jahresber., 971, 1995
H.-W. Meyer, L. Schwalowsky, R.-W. Röwer, W. Morgenroth and U. Bismayer
Anisotropic diffuse scattering in natural titanite, CaTiSiO5
HASYLAB Jahresber., 546, 1996
J. Modlich, U. Bismayer, A. Reller, O. Jarchow, St. Doyle
Thermal stability/instability of PbMg1/4Mn1/4Nb1/2O3
HASYLAB Jahresber., 622, 1996
L. Schwalowsky, G. Adiwidjaja, K. Friese, H.-W. Meyer, R.-W. Röwer, W. Morgenroth and U. Bismayer
The rhombohedral high-temperature phase of letovicite, (NH4)3H(SO4)2
HASYLAB Jahresber., 679, 1996
R.-W. Röwer, H.-W. Meyer, L. Schwalowsky, C. Paulmann, W. Morgenroth, U. Bismayer
Phase transformation and diffuse scattering in ferroelastic Ba-doped lead arsenate
HASYLAB Jahresber., 704, 1996
A. Berghäuser, H.-W. Meyer, W. Morgenroth, L. Schwalowsky, U. Bismayer and E. Hovestreydt
Erweiterung des Kappa-Diffraktometers (Strahl F1) mit einem CCD-Detektor: Diffuse Streuung an Ba-dotiertem Bleiarsenat
HASYLAB Jahresber., 958, 1996
W. Morgenroth and U. Bismayer
Mangano-Lanbeinit bei RT und 190 K gemessen mit Synchrotronstahlung von 0.5 Å und CCD-Flächendetektor
HASYLAB Jahresber., 505, 1997
L. Schwalowsky, H.-W. Meyer, C. Paulmann, W. Morgenroth and U. Bismayer
Temperaturabhängige Untersuchung von Reflexprofilen in [(NH4)1-xRbx]3H(SO4)2
HASYLAB Jahresber., 527, 1997
C. Paulmann, W. Morgenroth, L. Schwalowsky and U. Bismayer
Study of reordering in (Pb,Nd)-doped Ge-mullite
HASYLAB Jahresber., 529, 1997
J. Modlich, A. Reller, M. Knapp, U. Bismayer, O. Jarchow
Crystal structure investigation of polycrystalline PbMg1/4Mn1/4Nb1/4O3 at low temperatures
HASYLAB Jahresber., 538, 1997
B. Palosz, S. Stel'makh, S. Gierlotka, M. Aloszyna, P. Zinn, U. Bismayer and D.G. Keil
Temperature Polytype Transformation of SiC Under High Pressure
HASYLAB Jahresber., 604, 1997
B. Palosz, S. Stel'makh, S. Gierlotka, M. Aloszyna, P. Zinn, U. Bismayer and D.G. Keil
Compressibitity amd Microstrain in Nanocrystals of SiC Under HP-HT Conditions
HASYLAB Jahresber., 606, 1997
H. Hünnefeld, U. Bismayer, T. Niemöller, J.R. Schneider, A.O. Matkovskii and D.I. Savytski
Indication for a structural phase transition in NdGaO3
HASYLAB Jahresber., 637, 1997
U. Bismayer, H.-W. Meyer, W. Morgenroth, L. Nistor, G. van Tendeloo, A. Berghäuser and E.R. Hovestreydt
Influence of impurities in natural titanite: diffuse scattering and HRTEM
HASYLAB Jahresber., 863, 1997
U. Bismayer, C. Paulmann, M. Aroyo, W. Morgenroth, L. Schwalowsky, D. Mathes, R.-W. Röwer and H.-W. Meyer
Precursor cluster and diffuse X-ray scattering in palmierite-type ferroelastics
HASYLAB Jahresber., 865, 1997
D. Mathes, C. Paulmann, L. Schwalowsky, W. Morgenroth and U. Bismayer
Study of twin walls in Sr doped lead phosphates with synchrotron radiation
HASYLAB Jahresber., 977, 1997
L. Vasylechko, L. Akselrud, W. Morgenroth, U. Bismayer, A. Matkovskii, D. Savitskii
The crystal structure of NdGaO3 at 100 K and 293 K (F1/HASYLAB)
HASYLAB Jahresber., 555-556, 1998
B. Palosz, E. Ekimov, S. Gierlotka, S. Stel'makh, R. Pielaszek, A. Witek, E. Grzanka, A. Presz, H. Boysen, U. Bismayer
Preparation of SiC-diamond nanocomposites
HASYLAB Jahresber., 587-588, 1998
B.V. Merinov, W. Morgenroth, U. Bismayer
Synchrotron radiation study of superionic conductor Rb3H(SeO4)2 at different temperatures
HASYLAB Jahresber., 615-616, 1998
C. Paulmann, W. Morgenroth, L. Schwalowsky, U. Bismayer
Ordering and diffuse scattering in mullites
HASYLAB Jahresber., 625-626, 1998
C. Paulmann, W. Morgenroth, U. Bismayer, L. Schwalowsky, L. Groat
The thermal recrystallization of metamict titanite
HASYLAB Jahresber., 625-626, 1998
D. Mathes, C. Paulmann, L. Schwalowsky, W. Morgenroth, U. Bismayer
Investigation of improper ferroelastics of the palmierite-type
HASYLAB Jahresber., 949-950, 1998
L.A. Groat, W. Morgenroth, H.-W. Meyer, U. Bismayer
A Synchrotron X-Radiation Study of the Crystal Structure of Graemite, a Tellurite Mineral with Extreme Disorder
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 483-484, 1999
T. Malcherek, C. Paulmann, U. Bismayer
Diffuse scattering in synthetic titanite, CaTiOSiO4
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 517-518, 1999
U. Bismayer , C. Paulmann , J. Novak , D. Mathes, H. Schmidt, M. Saldana , G. Schneider
Ferroelastic domains in lead phosphate-arsenate - X-ray diffraction and AFM
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 529-530, 1999
B. Palosz, S. Gierlotka, S. Stel’makh, E.Grzanka, J.Buryk, U. Bismayer, J.Janik
Generation of strain in GaN nanocrystals under extreme pressures
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 531-532, 1999
B. Palosz, S. Gierlotka, S. Stel’makh, R. Pielaszek, E.Grzanka, K.Akimov, U. Bismayer, S.Werner, D.Kurtenbach
Size dependent compressibility of nanocrystalline SiC measured under isostatic pressure conditions
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 603-604, 1999
B. Merinov, U. Bismayer, W. Morgenroth
Synchrotron Radiation Study of Superprotonic Conductor Rb3H(SeO4)2 at Temperatures 295 - 463 K
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 631-632, 1999
C. Paulmann, H. Schmidt, R. Kurtz, U. Bismayer
The annealing path of metamict allanite
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 637-638, 1999
L. Vasylechko, D. Savytskii, M. Knapp, A. Matkovskii, U.Bismayer, M. Berkowski The study of high temperature behaviour of La(R)GaO3 (R-Nd, Pr, Sm) solid solutions
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 649-650, 1999
C. Paulmann, U. Bismayer, K.D. Becker
Study of NiAl2O4 at 925 K
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 663-664, 1999
U. Bismayer, M. Zhang, H.-W. Meyer, L. Groat
X-ray and spectroscopic study of malayaite, CaSnSiO5
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 759-760, 1999
C. Paulmann, H.Schmidt, H.-G. Krane, U. Bismayer
Precursor-induced diffuse scattering in palmierite-type Pb3 (Px V1-x O4 ) 2 crystals
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 221-222, 2000
U. Bismayer, C. Paulmann, J. Novak, H. Schmidt, A. Bergh...user, H-H. Brecht
Diffraction signals of domains in ferroelastic lead phosphate-type crystals
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 355-356, 2000
G. Brunauer, H. Boysen, F. Frey, S. Ghose, H.-G. Krane, H. Schmidt, U. Bismayer, C. Paulmann
_-§ phase transition and domains in Cristobalite
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 443-444, 2000
E.Grzanka, B. Palosz, S. Gierlotka, R.Pielaszek, K.Akimow, U. Bismayer and J.F.Janik
Dislocation induced polytype transformation of GaN nanocrystals under extreme pressures
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 481-482, 2000
E.Grzanka, B. Palosz, S. Gierlotka, R.Pielaszek, K.Akimow, U. Bismayer and J.F.Janik
Distribution of strain in GaN and SiC nanocrystals under extreme pressures
HASYLAB Annual Report I,483-484, 2000
B.V. Merinov, S.M. Haile, C. Paulmann and U. Bismayer
High-Temperature Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Study of a Cs3 (HSO4 ) 2 [H2-x (P1-x ,Sx )O4 ] ( x = 0.175) Single Crystal - A New Superprotonic Conductor from the mixed CsHSO4 - CsH2 PO4 System
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 515-516, 2000
E.Grzanka, S. Gierlotka, B. Palosz, A.Grzegorczyk, P.Biczyk, R.Pielaszek and U. Bismayer
Melting Temperatures of Metals under High Pressure in MAX80 cubic anvil press
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 556, 2000
B.Palosz, E.Grzanka, S.Gierlotka, S.Stel'makh, R.Pielaszek, U.Bismayer, J.Neuefeind andJ.F.Janik
Surface relaxation in Nanocrystalline Powders of GaN as Measured by X-ray Diffraction
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 605-606, 2000
C. Paulmann, H. Schmidt, R. Kurtz, U. Bismayer
Thermal recrystallization of metamict allanite on progressive and isothermal annealing
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 625-626, 2000
R. Pramatarova, U. Bismayer, C. Paulmann, H.Schmidt and K. Bandel
Investigation of lamellar structures in shells of Patella Crenata
HASYLAB Annual Report I, 935-936, 2000
Vasylechko L., Savytskii D., Schmidt H., Bismayer U., Matkovskii A., Berkowski M.
The crystal structure of PrGaO3 single crystal
HASYLAB, Annual Report , 615-616, 2000
Vasylechko L., Savytskii D., Schmidt H., Bismayer U., Matkovskii A., Loutts G., Paulmann C.
Structure investigation of the Mn-doped YalO3, YbAlO3 and GdAlO3 single crystals
HASYLAB, Annual Report , 599-600, 2000
Vasylechko L., Knapp M., Savytskii D., Bismayer U., Berkowski M., Matkovskii A.
Room- and High Temperature Investigation of La0.88Sr0.12GaO3-x Structure Using Synchrotron Powder Diffraction Data
HASYLAB Annual Report,573 - 574, 2000
For further DESY Annual Reports
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