Prof. Dr. Stefan Jung
Foto: S. Jung
Professor GD
Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut
Prof. Jung´s research involves applications of geochemistry, geochronology, and petrology designed to understand and quantify the rates and timescales of geological processes affecting the evolution of the Earth's crust and mantle. Interests include high-temperature processes in varied geological environments, the rates and geochemical consequences of mass transport in the evolving crust, the timing and duration of mountain building and metamorphism in collisional environments, and the development of new methodologies to better apply and interpret geochronological data (using the U/Pb, Sm/Nd, Rb/Sr, Lu/Hf, or Re/Os isotopic systems) in studies of crustal and mantle evolution. Prof. Jungs research includes both field and laboratory based analysis. Areas include mainly the Proterozoic Damara and Kaoko orogens of Namibia, the Proterozoic Ribeira Belt in Brazil, the Tertiary volcanic fields in central Europe (Rhön, Vogelsberg, Hocheifel, Siebengebirge, Westerwald) and the Alpine Mountain chain. Additional work is done in Oman, Ethiopia and in southern and central Sweden.