Nagashima, M., Armbruster T., Nishio-Hamate, D., Mihailova, B. (2021):
The structural state of Finnish Cr-V clinozoisite: insights from Raman spectroscopy,
Phys. Chem. Minreals, 48, 4,
Schlüter, J., Malcherek, T., Mihailova, B., Rewitzer, C., Hochleitner, R., Müller, D., Günther, A. (2021):
Fehrite,MgCu4(SO4)2(OH)6 .6H2O, the magnesium analogue of ktenasite from Casualidad mine near Baños de Alhamilla, Almeria, Spain,
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, 197, 1-10, .
Aspiotis, S., Schlüter, J., Harter-Uibopuu, K., Mihailova, B. (2021):
Crack-enhanced weathering in engraved marble: a possible application in epigraphy,
Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 189-202,
Campomenosi, N., Scambelluri, M., Angel, R. J. Hermann, J., Mazzucchelli, M. L., Mihailova, B., Piccoli, F. and Alvaro, M. (2021):
Using the elastic properties of zircon‑garnet host‑inclusion pairs for thermobarometry of the ultrahigh‑pressure Dora‑Maira whiteschists: problems and perspectives,
Contr. Miner. Petrol., 176, 36,
Mihailova, B., Della Ventura, G., Waeselmann, N., Xu, W., Schlüter, J., Galdenzi, F., Marcelli, A., Redhammer, G. J., Boiocchi, M., Oberti, R. (2021):
Atomistic insight into lithospheric conductivity revealed by phonon-electron excitations in hydrous iron-bearing silicates,
Commun. Mater., 2, 57,; see also
Della Ventura, G., Hawthorne, F.C., Mihailova, B., Sodo, A. (2021):
Raman and FTIR spectroscopy of synthetic amphiboles: I. The OH librational bands and the determination of the OH-F content of richterites via Raman spectroscopy,
Canad. Mineral., 59, 31-41, .
Della Ventura, G., Mihailova, B., Hawthorne, F.C. (2021):
Raman and FTIR spectroscopy of synthetic amphiboles: II. Divalent (Mg,Co) substitution at the octahedrally coordinated sites,
Canad. Mineral., 59, 43-57, .
Mihailova, B., Schlüter, J., Harter-Uibopuu, K. (2021):
Inscribed gems: material profiling beyond the visible examination,
In series Studies in Manuscript Cultures. Volume 15 Exploring Written Artefacts: Objects, Methods, and Concepts (ed. Quenzer, Jörg B.), pp. 229-244, De Gruyter,
Datta K., Kumar, N., Mihailova, B., Ranjan, R. (2021):
Microscopic origin of giant piezoelectricity in ferroelectric xBi(Ni0.5Hf0.5)O3-(1-x)PbTiO3 beyond morphotropic phase boundary,
Phys. Rev. B, 104, L140104,
Brandt, J., Fischer, M., Malcherek, T., Mihailova, B., Schlüter, J., von Wuthenau, C. (2021):
Eine Gürtelschnalle aus Opal von dem völkerwanderungszeitlichen Urnenfriedhof von Regesbostel-Rahmstorf,
Nachrichten aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte, 90, 299-313.
Della Ventura, G., Radica, F., Galdenzi, F., Susta, U., Cinque, G., Mihailova, B., Marcelli, A. (2022):
Kinetics of hydrogen diffusion in riebeckite, Na2Fe3+2Fe2+3Si8O22(OH)2: an HT-FTIR study,
Am. Mineral., 107, 754-764,
Murri, M., Gonzalez, J.P., Mazzucchelli, M.L., Prencipe, M., Mihailova, B., Angel, R.J., Alvaro M. (2022):
The role of symmetry-breaking strains on quartz inclusions in anisotropic hosts: implications for Raman elastic geobarometry,
Lithos, 422-423, 106716, .
Mihailova, B., Della Ventura, G., Waeselmann, N., Bernardini, S., Xu Wei, Marcelli, A. (2022):
Polarons in rock-forming minerals: physical implications,
Condens. Matter, 7, 68.
Rösche, C., Waeselmann, N., Petrova, N., Malcherek, T., Schlüter, J., Mihailova, B. (2022):
Oxidation processes and thermal stability of actinolite,
Phys. Chem. Mineral., 49, 47,
Aspiotis, S., Schlüter, J., Redhammer, G.J., Mihailova, B. (2022):
Non-destructive determination of the biotite crystal chemistry using Raman spectroscopy: how far we can go?,
Eur. J. Miner., 34, 573-590,
Renforth, P., Baltruschat, S., Peterson, K., Mihailova, B., Hartmann, J. (2022):
Using ikaite and other hydrated carbonate minerals to increase ocean alkalinity for carbon carbon dioxide removal and environmental remediation,
Joule, 6, 2674-2679,
Campomenosi, N., Angel, R., Alvaro, M., Mihailova, B. (2023):
Resetting of zircon inclusions in garnet: implications for elastic thermobarometry,
Geology, 51, 23-27,
Bernardini, S., Della Ventura, G., Schlüter, J., Mihailova, B. (2023):
Thermally activated electron hopping in Fe-rich amphiboles: implications for the high-conductivity anomalies in subduction zones,
Geochemistry, 83, 125942,
Nagashima, M., Mihailova B. (2023):
Optimal Raman-scattering signal for estimating the Fe3+ content on the clinozoisite-epidote join,
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 267-283,
Tosheva, L., Garbev, K., Miller, G., Mihailova, B. (2023):
Towards the synthesis of new zeolite structures in the presence of cesium: Zeolite MMU-1,
Cryst. Growth Des., 23, 3834-3844,
Campomenosi, N., Angel, R., Alvaro, M., Mihailova, B. (2023):
Quartz-in-Garnet (QuiG) under pressure: insights from in situ Raman spectroscopy,
Contib. Miner. Petrol., 178, 44,
Morana, M., Angel, R., Alvaro, M., Mihailova, B. (2023):
High-temperature behavior of quartz-in-garnet systems revealed by in situ Raman spectroscopy,
Phys. Chem. Mineral., 50, 21,
Rösche, C., Boffa-Ballaran, T., Mihailova, B. (2023):
Pressure-induced structural transformations in (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3 at the morphotropic phase boundary,
Phys. Rev. B, 108, 094110,
Lu, Yang, Paulmann, C., Mihailova, B., Malcherek, T., Birgel, D., Lpez Correa, M., Lin, Zhiyong, Lu, Liuyi, Milker, Y., Peckmann, J. (2023):
Fibrous dolomite formation at a Miocene methane seep may reflect Neoproterozoic aragonite-dolomite sea conditions,
Commun. Earth. Environ., 4, 346,
Aspiotis, S., Schlüter, J., Mihailova, B. (2023):
Raman spectroscopy for crsytallochemcial analysis of Mg-rich layered silicates: serpentine and talc,
J. Raman Spectr., 54, 1502-1516, .
Malcherek, T., Mihailova, B., Schlüter, J., Roth, P., Meisser, N. (2024):
Heimite, PbCu2(AsO4)(OH)3.2H2O, a new mineral from the Grosses Chalttal deposit, Switzerland,
Eur. J. Miner., 36, 153-164, .
Della Ventura, G., Galdenzi, F., Marcelli, A., Cibin, G., Oberti, R., Hawthorne, F.C., Bernardini, S. Mihailova, B. (2024):
In situ simultaneous Fe K-edge XAS spectroscopy and resistivity measurements of riebeckite: Implications for anomalous electrical conductivity in subduction zones,
Geochemistry, 84, 126037,
Margaritescu, I., Liu, Z., Ye, Z.-G., Mihailova, B. (2024):
The role of local non-tetragonal polar displacements in the temperature- and pressure-induced phase transitions in PbTiO3-BiMeO3 ferroelectrics,
Sci. Rep., 14, 7106, .
Nagashima, M., Morifuku, Y. Mihailova, B. (2024):
Distribution of Sc3+ at the octahedral sites and its effect on the crystal structure of synthetic Sc-bearing clinozoisite on the Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)-Ca2Al2ScSi3O12(OH) join,
Phys. Chem. Minerals, 51, 17 , .
Lu, Yang, Mihailova, B., Malcherek, T., Paulmann, C., Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Lin, Zhiyong, Bohrmannm G., Peckmann, J. (2024):
Role of bottom water chemistry in the formation of fibrous magnesium calcite at methane seeps in the Black Sea,
Sedimentology, 71, 1193-1213,
Rösche, C., Boffa-Ballaran T. Malcherek, T., Paulman, C. Angel, R.J., Gorfman, S., Mihailova, B. (2024):
The high-pressure structure of (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3 at the morphotropic phase boundary,
Sci. Rep., 14, 18799,
Malcherek, T., Fischer, M., Mihailova, B., Paulenz, B., Paulmann, C., Bismayer, U. (2024):
Incommensurate to normal phase transition in malayaite,
Am. Miner., 109, 1419-1428,
Bernardini, S., Della Ventura, G., Schlüter, J., Hawthorne, F.C., Mihailova, B. (2024):
The effect of the A-site cations on the charge-carrier mobility in amphiboles,
Am. Mineral., 109, 1545-1553,
Campomenosi, N., Angel, R.J., Mihailova, B., and Alvaro, M. (2024):
Mineral host inclusion systems are a window into the solid-state rheology of the Earth,
Commun. Earth. Environ., 5, 660,
Baratelli, L., Murri, M., Alvaro, M., Prencipe, M., Mihailova, B., Cámara, F. (2024):
Raman scattering of omphacite at high pressure: towards its possible application to elastic geothermobarometry,
Am. Miner., 109, 2105-2115, .
Bernardini, S., Della Ventura, G., Mihailova, B., Sodo, A. (2024):
The stability of manganese oxides under laser irradiation during Raman analyses: I. Compact versus channel structures,
J. Raman Spectosc., published online,
Della Ventura, G., Bernardini, S., Redhammer, G., Galdenzi, F., Radica, F., Marcelli, A., Hawthorne, F.C., Oberti, R., Mihailova, B. (2024):
The oxidation of iron in amphiboles at high temperatures: a review and implications for large-scale Earth processes,
Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei, published online, .