Kick-off symposium: expert discussions about research designs
8 January 2024, by Admin
Photo: privat
On January 19, 2024, the junior research group Meat the bioeconomy will present and discuss its research ideas and designs for the six subprojects (two each of the modules internationalization, geographies of labor, and politics and culture) at a one-day kick-off symposium for a selected expert audience. As in a review process, the objective is to let colleagues and other specialists in the field comment and criticize the theoretical, methodological, and conceptual considerations of the teams's work in order to improve its different projects.
To this end, the members of the junior research group will present their subprojects, after which invited discussants will comment on the theses and plans. There will then be an opportunity for feedback and questions from the audience and a plenary discussion.
The junior research group is an interdisciplinary team of scientists working over five years (2023-2028) on the project Meat the Bioeconomy—the meat industry as part of the bioeconomy: internationalization, geographies of labor, and hegemonic strategies. It began its work on April 1, 2023, is headed by Prof. Dr. Christin Bernhold and is based at the Institute of Geography in the Department of Earth System Sciences at Universität Hamburg. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding it as part of the program Bioeconomy as social change for junior research groups.