In 2013 the Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut und Museum (GPI) and the Institut für Biogeochemie und Meereschemie (IfBM) were merged to the Institute for Geology (IfGeo). Different working groups involved are investigating in geological, biogeochemical, biological and paleobiological aspects of process and material cycles of the earth as a system. The Institute of Geology embedded in the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) of the MIN Faculty as an integrated part of the framework CliSAP and the KlimaCampus establishes connections between terrestrial and marine geosciences.
A central research theme of the Institute for Geology are element cycles between lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere under both natural and anthropogenically perturbed conditions. Further fields of research include the reconstruction of sedimentation environments and tectonic processes as well as the functioning and dynamics of ecosystems in the geological past. The scientists involved mainly use geological, biogeochemical, isotope geochemical, geophysical and micro-optical methods. In teaching, the Institute contributes significantly to the " Bachelor's and Master's Program Geosciences " with and committed to graduate education . In addition, the Institute is directly involved in the master and graduate program of the "School of Integrated Climate System Sciences (SICSS)".