Aquatic Geochemistry
The working group Geochemistry, led by Jens Hartmann, focuses on chemical weathering in the Earth System at various scales and changes and variation of land-ocean matter fluxes:
A specific focus is recently on Carbon Dioxide Removal methods with a focus on Enhanced Weathering and its combination with other methods like Biochar. In addition fluid composition and generation in volcanic systems are a research focus. The working group integrates laboratory work, field experiments and modelling.
Important spinoffs from our research are
the global river hydrochemistry database GloRiCh
the global lithological map GLiM
and the global unconsolidated sediment map database GUM.
Members of the section:
Dr. Thorben Amann (Research Associate)
Stefan Baltruschat (PhD-student / Future-H2O)
Peggy Bartsch (Technician)
Dr. Janine Börker (Postdoc / PALMOD )
Tom Jäppinen (Lab-Engineer )
Xuming Li (PhD-student / basalt weathering)
Dr. Gibran Romero Mujalli (Postdoc / CLICCS-A5)
Annika Nolte (PhD-student/ Future-H2O)
RP Poetra (PhD-student/ Project BAM)
Niels Suitner (PhD-student/ OCEAN-NET)
Mingyang Tian (PhD-student / Carbon-flux trends)
Panunporn Tutiyasarn ( PhD-student / BICest Januar 2021)
Lukas Rieder (PhD-student/ Project BAM)
Dr. Maria-Elena Vorrath (Postdoc / RETAKE & PyMiCCS & Carbon Drawdown Initiative)