Prof. Dr. Jens Hartmann

2013/05 - recent: Adjunct Professor at University of Waterloo, Canada
2009/02 - recent: Professorship "Chemistry of Natural Aqueous Solutiuons"
2004/05 - 2009/01: Research Associate, Division of Physical Geology and Global Cycles, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany.
2003/11 - 2004/05: „JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship“, Division of Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Kyoto University, Japan.
2003/03 - 2003/11: COE-Researcher at the 21st Century Center of Excellence, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan.
2001/09 - 2002/12: Project Coordinator, Urban Science International GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany.
1998/10 - 2001/08: Fellowship of the German Science Foundation at the Postgraduate School "Natural Disasters", Karlsruhe University, Germany.
Academic Education
2008/2009: Habilitation, Darmstadt University of Technology: Analysis of CO2-consumption and dissolved silica fluxes by chemical weathering: A step towards modeling dissolved matter fluxes on regional and global scales
1998-2001: Ph.D.-Thesis, Karlsruhe University: Statistical analysis of earthquake related hydrogeological and geochemical signals; examples from Vrancea region, Romania, Kamchatka, Russia, and Japan.
1997-1998: Diploma, Thesis: Biogeochemistry of Patagonian Rivers, Argentina.
1995: Diploma, Mapping-Part: Mapping the Keauhou-Flow, Hawai´i, and the genesis of their tubes.
1992-1998: Student at the Institute for Geology & Paleontology, Darmstadt University of Technology.
The Carbon Cycle
Chemical Equations of the Carbon Cycle
Open Lecture
Planetary Geology and Geochemical Cycles (lecture)
BSc Geoscience
1. Semester: Introduction Rocks and Minerals (practise)
4. Semester: Geochemistry (lecture + practise)
4. Semester: Geochmical Laboratory Work (field and lab-work)
MSc Geoscience
1. Semester: Chemistry of Natural Waters /Hydrochemistry (lecture)
1. Semester: Hydrochemical Modelling and Environmental Databases (practise)
2. Semester: Earth-Surface Processes: Lateral Fluxes (lecture + practise + field work)
MSc Integrated Climate System Sciences
1. Semester: Global Biogeochemical Cycles and the Climate System (lecture + practise)
1. Semester: Chemistry of Natural Waters (lecture)
3. Semester: Hydrochemical Modelling and Environmental Databases (practise)