GLOWACHEM Global Water Chemistry Database
GLOWACHEM is the effort to build a large globally representative water chemistry database, following the previous database GLORICH. The database includes major compounds, trace elements, nutrients, isotopes and information from the catchment properties or the groundwater well vicinity, including lithology, climate, soil, land cover, a.o..
Project partners covering data collection from China, India and South East Asia:
AL.Ramanathan (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Dehli, India)
Takahiro Hosono (Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan)
Yanxin Wang & Yamin Deng (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China)
Lishan Ran (Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong)
Florentina Moatar (IRSTEA, Lyon, France)
Fig Overview of river data acquistion for GLOWACHEM. Last update: 16.08.2020
Overview of groundwater data acquisition for GLOWACHEM. Last update: 16.08.2020
Scheme of the database structure. Each box represent a table containing informations about e.g. land surface and climatic features, the water type, the monitoring site or chemical/physical observations. All tables are related via key-variables (ID's).