Prof. Dr. Jana Kleibert
Photo: Jana Kleibert
Professor for Economic Geography
Office hours
- n.V.
Key aspects of activity
- Economic Geography
- Urban Geography
- Globalisation and Global Production Networks
- Geographies of Transnational Education
Kleibert, J. M., Schulze, M., Rottleb, T., & Bobée, A. (2023). (Trans)Regional Embeddedness and the Resilience of Offshore Campuses. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 10(1), 23-32.
Kleibert, J. M. (2022). Transnational Spaces of Education as Infrastructures of Im/mobility. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47(1), 92-107.
Kleibert, J. M. (2022). Brexit Geographies of Transnational Education: Uncertainty, 'Global Britain' and European (Re-)Integration. Territory, Politics, Governance.
Bobée, A., & Kleibert, J. M. (2022). Choose France! Containment, Circulation and Postcolonial (Dis)Continuities in Transnational Education. Globalisation, Societies and Education.
Kleibert, J. M. (2022). Optimistic Postpandemic Outlooks for International Branch Campuses. International Higher Education, (109), 9-10.
Rottleb, T., Kleibert, J. M., & Schulze, M. (2022, Mar). Developing Successful Transnational Education Hubs: Key Challenges for Policy Makers. Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS).
Rottleb, T., & Kleibert, J. M. (2022). Circulation and Containment in the Knowledge-based Economy: Transnational Education Zones in Dubai and Qatar. Environment and Planning A, 54(5), 930-948. [online first].
Kleibert, J. M. (2022). Review of „Lives on the Line: How the Philippines became the World's Call Centre Capital“ by Jeffrey J. Sallaz, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, 244 pp. The Journal of Development Studies, 58(2), 413-415.
Kleibert, J. M., & Schulze, M. (2021). EduCity in Iskandar Malaysia: Eine transnationale Bildungszone als Megaprojekt. Geographische Rundschau, 73(4), 34-39.
Müller, F. C., Kleibert, J. M., & Ibert, O. (2021). Hiding in the Spotlight: Commodifying Nature and the Geographies of Dissociation in the Fur Fashion Complex. Economic Geography, 97(1), 89-112.
Kleibert, J. M., Rottleb, T., Schulze, M., & Bobée, A. (2021, Jun 10). Strategy First: Ten Questions to Answer before Starting an International Campus. Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS).
Kleibert, J. M. (2021). Unbundling Value Chains in Finance: Offshore Labor and the Geographies of Finance. In J. Knox-Hayes, & D. Wójcik (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Financial Geography (pp. 421-439). (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Marketing). Routledge.
Schulze, M., & Kleibert, J. M. (2021). Transnational Education for Regional Economic Development? Understanding Malaysia's and Singapore's Strategic Coupling in Global Higher Education. International Journal of Training and Development, 25(4), 363-382.
Kleibert, J. M. (2021). Geographies of Marketization in Higher Education: Branch Campuses as Territorial and Symbolic Fixes. Economic Geography, 97(4), 315-337.
Kleibert, J. M., Bobée, A., Rottleb, T., & Schulze, M. (2021). Transnational Education Zones: Towards an Urban Political Economy of ‘Education Cities’. Urban Studies, 58(14), 2845-2862.
Kleibert, J. M., Bobée, A., Rottleb, T., & Schulze, M. (2020). Global Geographies of Offshore Campuses. Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung.
Kleibert, J. M., & Mann, L. (2020). Capturing Value amidst Constant Global Restructuring? Information Technology Enabled Services in India, the Philippines and Kenya. European Journal of Development Research , 32, 1057-1079.
Kleibert, J. M. (2020). Offshore Spaces: Multiscalar Bordering Processes and the Segmented Moblities of Capital and Labour in Asia. In P. S. Aulakh, & P. F. Kelly (Eds.), Mobilities of Labour and Capital in Asia (pp. 31-47). Cambridge University Press.
Kleibert, J. M., Hess, M., & Müller, F. C. (2020). Sites of Contestation in Global Fur Networks. Geoforum, (108), 39-48.
Ibert, O., Hess, M., Kleibert, J. M., Müller, F. C., & Power, D. (2019). Positioning and ‘Doing’ Geographies of Dissociation. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(1), 88-93.
Ibert, O., Hess, M., Kleibert, J. M., Müller, F. C., & Power, D. (2019). Geographies of Dissociation: Value Creation, ‚Dark‘ Places and ‚Missing‘ Links. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(1), 43-63.
Kleibert, J. M., & Horner, R. (2018). Geographies of Global Production Networks. In R. C. Kloosterman, V. Mamadouh, & P. Terhorst (Eds.), Handbook on the Geographies of Globalization (pp. 222-234). Edward Elgar.
Lambregts, B., Kleibert, J. M., & Beerepoot, N. (2018). The Making of Mumbai as a Global City: Investigating the Role of the Offshore Services Sector. In M. Hoyler, C. Parnreiter, & A. Watson (Eds.), Global City Makers: Economic Actors and Practices in the World City Network (pp. 124-150). Edward Elgar.
Kleibert, J. M. (2018). Exclusive Development(s): Special Economic Zones and Enclave Urbanism in the Philippines. Critical Sociology, 44(3), 471–485.
Beerepoot, N., Lambregts, B., & Kleibert, J. M. (Eds.) (2017). Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South. (The Dynamics of Economic Space). Routledge.
Kleibert, J. M. (2017). On the Global City Map, but Not in Command? Probing Manila's Position in the World City Network. Environment and Planning A, 49(12), 2897-2915.
Kleibert, J. M., & Müller, F. C. (2017). Femininity and the Rise of ‘Ethical Fur’: How Fashion Designers Create Alternative Understandings of Value and Construct Gendered Identities. Journal of Consumer Ethics, 1(2), 55-62.
Kleibert, J. M. (2016). Global Production Networks, Offshore Services and the Branch-Plant Syndrome. Regional Studies, 50(12), 1995-2009.
Kleibert, J. M., & Kippers, L. (2016). Living the Good Life? The Rise of Urban Mixed-Use Enclaves in Metro Manila. Urban Geography, 37(3), 373-395.
Kleibert, J. M. (2016). Pervasive but Neglected: Conceptualizing Services and Global Production Networks. Geography Compass, 10(8), 333-345.
Kleibert, J. M. (2015). Industry-Academe Linkages in the Philippines: Embedding Foreign Investors, Capturing Institutions? Geoforum, 59(2), 109–118.
Kleibert, J. M. (2015). Islands of Globalisation: Offshore Services and the Changing Spatial Division of Labour. Environment and Planning A, 47(4), 884-902.
Kleibert, J. M. (2015). Services-Led Economic Development: Comparing the Emergence of the Offshore Service Sector in India and the Philippines. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The Local Impact of Globalization in South and Southeast Asia: Offshore Business Process Outsourcing in Services Industries (pp. 29-45). (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy; No. 149). Routledge.
Kleibert, J. M. (2014). Strategic Coupling in ‘Next Wave Cities’: Local Institutional Actors and the Offshore Service Sector in the Philippines. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 35(2), 245-260.