Active professors
- Thu. 3 pm - 4 pm
- Regional climate and environmental modelling
- Climate impact research
- Geoinformatics and remote sensing
- SAGA-GIS development
Photo: Eray Cayli
- Wednesdays 14:00-16:00 (WiSe 2024/25)
- Ecology and resilence
- Political violence, its legacies, and activist/grassroots responses to it
- Qualitative methods (especially ethnography)
- Turkey, Kurdistan, and their environs and diasporas
- Material/visual culture (art, architecture, landscape)
Photo: Olena Dubovyk
- Terrestrial Remote Sensing
- Geospatial analysis and modelling
- Land surface dynamics, changes and drivers
- Natural hazards
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Photo: Jana Kleibert
- n.V.
- Economic Geography
- Urban Geography
- Globalisation and Global Production Networks
- Geographies of Transnational Education
Photo: Martina Neuburger
- by arrangement
- Social and political geography
- Inequality research
- Peasant und Vulnerability Studies
- Rural Studies
- Latin America
Photo: Christof Parnreiter
Tue 12-13:30
- Globalization and geographies of the world economy
- Global Cities and urban research
- Development studies
- Migration studies
- Latin America
- by arrangement
- Human/nature interaction
- Coastal and resource management
- Climate change adaptation in coastal areas and on islands
- Cultural geography, economic geography
- Spatial and regional planning, development studies
- Caribbean, Latin America, Canada, European coastal areas
- Wed 12 - 1 p.m.
- Biogeography
- Vegetation and landscape ecology
- Human/nature interactions
- mountain environments, forest and steppe ecosystems
- Arctic, Central and South Asia, North America, Middle Europe
Junior professors
Photo: Christin Bernhold
- Development research & unequal development
- Class relations & relations of exploitation
- Agrarian Change (Argentina)
- Meat Industry
Photo: Benno Fladvad
- Environmental Security/Climate Security
- Democracy in the Anthropocene
- Political Ecology
- Environmental Justice
- Energy Geographies
§17 professors
- Thu 10:30 - 12:00 (by prior arrangement)
- Urban and Social Geography
- Conflict research and political geography
- Sustainable Mobility
- Africa, with a focus on South Africa and Botswana
Retired professors / with emeritus status
- Please contact the secretariat - 4909
Photo: Jürgen Oßenbrügge
- Mon 2 - 4 p.m. (please register through the secretariat)
- Economic geography and urban / regional research
- Political geography and conflict research
- Processes of Globalization and regionalization
- Disparity research
- Europe, Central America, South Africa
- Thu 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. (please register through the secretariat)
- Human-society-nature interactions
- climate change, climate security and resource conflicts
- renewable energies and sustainable land use
- modelling of complex systems
- technology assessment, arms control and international security
Research associates
- Animal ecology
- Vegetation ecology
- Biogeography
- Habitat modeling
- Physical geography
- GIS, geoinformatics and geomorphometry
- Modeling and simulation of spatial processes especially geo-ecologically relevant processes such as the landscape water budget and the coupled systems climate, topography, soils, vegetation
Photo: Janina Dannenberg
- Nuclear Justice
- Gender
- Societal Relations to Nature
- Reflexivity in Qualitative Research
- Feminist Foreign Policy
- Sea of Islands
Photo: Martin Döring
- Human/nature interactions
- Climate perception
- Coastal research
- Social studies of science
- Project: CLICCS
- Project: Klimafit
Photo: Michael Fink
- Society's response to climate change and natural hazards
- Blue carbon and carbon dioxide removal
- Cultural and social geography, political ecology
- Participatory research methods
- Project: sea4soCiety
Photo: Elke Fischer
- on appointment
- Physical geography and landscape ecology
- Microplastics in limnic and marine ecosystems
- Terrestrial ecosystem research
- Tropics and subtropics, West and North Africa
Photo: Corinna de Guttry
by arrangement
- Societal climate change
- Adaptation & resilience
- Cultural perception of climate change
- Project: CUORE
Photo: Clara Hertz
- Economic geography
- Critical Urban Studies
- Geographies of private purpose built student accommodation (PBSA)
- Feminist Geographies
- Geoinformatics
- Remote sensing
- High Mountain Asia
Photo: Nadine Kaul
- Urban ecology
- Remote Sensing
Photo: Anton Knor
- Human-nature interaction in the coastal context
- Climate impact adaptation and resilience
- Marine biodiversity conservation
- Project: METAscales
Photo: Klara Kolhoff
- Economic geography
- Uneven development
- Theories of the state
- Latin America
Photo: Lingos, Alexandros
- Sustainable development and planning
- Environmental communication and education
- Island ecosystem development
- Environmental management
- Ecotherapy and human-nature connection
- Project support: UNESCO Chair
- Wed and Thu 2 - 4 p.m. (and by appointment)
- Impacts of climate change on societal stability
- Marine fisheries
- Local impacts of land use changes in Northern Germany
- Dynamic optimization modeling, GIS
Photo: Jana Lüdemann
- Political ecology & social-ecological transformation
- Climate change in high mountain areas
- Future geographies
- Geographies of food & water
Photo: John Lütten
- Sociology of labor and industrial relations
- Precarization and precarity
- Class relations and class theories
- Geographies of precarious work and migration
- Consciousness of wage laborers
Photo: Linda Meier
- Urban Water Geographies
- Geographies of Food
- (Critical) Geographies of Global Inequalities
Photo: Sigrid Meiners
- Physical geography and geomorphology
- Pleistocene and holocene glaciation history
- High mountains of Asia
- European "Mittelgebirge" (mountains)
Photo: Adnan Mirhanoğlu
- Political Ecology
- Water governance
- Critical Institutionalism
- Science and Technology Studies
- Qualitative Research Methods
Photo: Paul Müller
- Conflict between humans and the living environment in coastal systems
- Sustainable use of marine bio-ressources
- Sustainable climate change adaptation scenarios for the german fisheries policy
- Project: CLICCS
Photo: Thuy Nguyen
- CARMaRSEC Project
- Sustainable Urban Environment Governance
- Sustainable Urban Housing Policies and Development
- Community-based Urban Public Space and Innovations
Photo: Emilia Ormaechea
- Development research
- Unequal development
- Latin America
- Meat industry
Photo: Thomas Pohl
by appointment via e-mail
- Urban development
- Social inequality in cities
- Processes of sub- and reurbanisation
- Mobility styles and travel behaviour
- Quantitative methods, GIS
Photo: Tobias Schmitt
- Political Ecology and society-natur relationships
- Post-structuralist Geographies
- Geographies of power
- Postdevelopment and Postcolonial Theory
Photo: Louisa Schneider
- Security research
- Risk and crisis communication
- Risk perception, vulnerability and resilience
- Project: CUORE
Photo: Kerstin Schneider
- Role of citizens as multipliers for climate knowledge and action
- Social science-based research on climate change action
- Project: klimafit
Photo: NIels Schwab
- vegetation and landscape ecology
- dendroecology
- Nepal
- e-learning
Photo: Katrin Singer
Due to corona currently only by telephone:
Thu, 2 - 4 pm
- Political ecology & socio-ecological transformation
- indigenous, post-colonial and feminist theories
- creative and artistic methods (C/Artography)
- Children's Geographies/Geographies of Childhood
Photo: privat
- n.V.
- Critical Social Theory
- History of Capitalism
- Society-Nature-Relations
- Human-Animal Relations
Photo: Carlos Tello
- Political ecology and governance
- Land use change and management
- Risk and vulnerability mangement and assessment
Photo: Tamatoa Tepuhiarii
- Nuclear impacts research
- Indigenous methodologies
- Dynamical Downscaling in Complex Terrain
- Modeling Hydrological Processes
- Remote Sensing of Cryosphere
- Monsoon Dynamics at Extreme Margins
- Climate Change, Impacts and Society
Photo: William Vargas
- Political economy of climate change
- Subaltern livelihoods and spatial relationships
- Ethnographic methods
- Project: sea4soCiety
Photo: privat
- n.V.
- economic geography
- relations of power
- hegemony theory
- geographies of traditional medicine
Photo: Michael Waibel
- Project leader: Build4People (BMBF)
- Sub-project leader: CAMaRSEC (BMBF)
- Urbanism with focus on housing
- Governance
- Sustainability research
- High mountain areas, Himalayas
- GIS & remote sensing
- Statistical modelling
- Project: TREELINE
- Wednesday 11-12 am
- Project staff BSC-DAT
- Water and landscape ecology
- Ecosystem risks
- Environmental analysis
- Erosion and runoff modeling
Photo: Melanie Werner
- Biogeography
- GIS and Remote Sensing
- Ecological Niche Modelling
Photo: Anke Wessels
- social science based research on climate change adaptation
- transformative governance in coastal areas
- integrated assessment of risk management options
- stakeholder involvement
- Project: WAKOS
Photo: Marwaa Zazai
- Economic geography
- Labor and social affairs
- Inequality research
- Qualitative social research methods
Privatdozenten and contract university teachers
Photo: Laurens Bouwer
- Modeling of georisks
- Climate adaptation
- Climate services
- Urban and social geography
- Critical geography
- Relational human geography
- Social inequalities, ordinariness and conflicts in cities
- Global North-South-Geographies and post-colonial theory
Photo: K. Peterknecht
- Geo- and ecosystem research karst and caves
- Karst area of Central Europe
- Cave morphology
- Clastic and chemical karst sediments
- Karst hydrology and hydrochemistry
- Cave climate
- Climate-sensitive small speleological forms
Technical, administrative and library staff
- Monday until Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 2 p.m. by telephone, Email or in the office
- Finance management for the institute of geography
- Third- party funding management and acquisition for AG Ratter
- Organization and coordination of international conferences, symposia, meetings, workshops and public events for AG Ratter
Photo: Tobias Hoff
- International Exchange Programs
- Diversity in Education and Training
Photo: Iris Mendorff
Photo: Andreas Schiller
Photo: Anna Wagner
Photo: Tehmina Aziz
- IS & Fluvial remote sensing
- Hydrological modeling approaches
- Indus River Basin
Photo: Drautz, Stefanie
- Climate and Resilience Research with a focus on Coastal Areas/Islands
- Climate Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment
- Transdisciplinary & Transformative Research
- Project: METAscales
Photo: Malin Klein
- Physical geography
- Atmospheric microplastics
- Microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems
- The production and governance of space
- Development and Postcolonial Studies
- Blackness, memory and space
- The politics of difference
Photo: Laszlo Steinwärder
- Economic geography
- Global relations of inequality and dependency
- Foreign direct investments and profit transfer
- Peace and conflict research
- Political economy of violent conflicts
- Human/nature interactions
- Conservation conflicts
- Community-based participatory research
- Critical development studies/human well-being
- Project A: Participatory forest management in Ethiopia
- Project B: Effectivity analyses of the protected areas of Mount Elgon (Uganda/Kenya)
Photo: Güllistan Yarkin
- Racism, Racialized Systems and Everyday Racism
- Anti-racism and Everyday Anti-racism
- Turkey and Kurdistan
- Historical Sociology
- Political Economy