Integrative Geography
Linking the areas of physical and human geography as well as re-integrating both areas into research and teaching practice, as has often been discussed in the past, are the goals of this section. We focus on the interactions between humans and nature and the interdependency between the environment and society.
As a hub between disciplines, we deal with several different topics. Some of these are resource conflicts and resource management, sustainable development of regions, livelihood and vulnerability concepts, security risks and conflict potential of climate change and energy systems, natural hazards and the conservation of nature, risk perception and management, power and dominance relationships in the context of nature occupation processes, as well as discourses on the perceptions, problem constellations, and solutions of ecological crises. Among other topics, our research focuses on empirical field studies, especially in coastal areas and on islands, along rivers and in mountain regions, in rural peripheral regions and the southern hemisphere.
On one hand, the theoretical background is drawn from general system theory, specifically from complexity theory. At its core is the pursuit of the analysis and modeling of non-linear dynamic systems, such as integrated land, water, and energy use, or the causes, effects, and strategies regarding climate change. On the other hand, political and socio-ecological approaches are an important part of the topics mentioned above. Post-colonial and post-structuralist perspectives complete this field of work.
Our homepage supplies information on current research projects and gives you access to an overview of recent publications and student research papers, written either in our section or as part of national and international collaborative research.
University of Hamburg
Institute of Geography
Department of Integrative Geography
Bundesstrasse 55
20146 Hamburg