Johannes Weidinger, M.Sc.

research associate
Key aspects of activity
- High mountain areas, Himalayas
- GIS & remote sensing
- Statistical modelling
- Project: TREELINE
Jentsch H & Weidinger J, (2022): Spatio-temporal Analysis of Valley Wind Systems in a Complex Mountain Topography of the Rolwaling Himal, Nepal. Atmosphere, 13(7), 1138.
Schwab N, Bürzle B, Bobrowski M, Böhner J, Chaudhary R P, Scholten T, Weidinger J & Schickhoff U (2022). Predictors of the Success of Natural Regeneration in a Himalayan Treeline Ecotone. Forests, 13(3), 454.
Bobrowski M, Weidinger J, Schwab N & Schickhoff U (2021): Searching for ecology in species distribution models in the Himalayas. Ecological Modelling 12(5), 458.
Weidinger J, Gerlitz L, Bobrowski M, Böhner J, Chaudhary RP, Schickhoff U, … Scholten T (2021): TREELINE - Longterm atmospheric and pedo-climatic observations along an upper treeline ecotone in the Himalayas, Nepal [Data set].
Bobrowski M, Weidinger J & Schickhoff U (2021): Is New Always Better? Frontiers in Global Climate Datasets for Modeling Treeline Species in the Himalayas. Atmosphere 12(5), 543.
Weidinger J, Gerlitz L, Bechtel B & Böhner J (2018) Statistical modelling of snow cover dynamics in the Central Himalaya Region, Nepal. Climate Research.
Bobrowski M, Bechtel B, Oldeland J, Weidinger J & Schickhoff U (2018) Application of Thermal and Phenological Land Surface Parameters for Improving Ecological Niche Models of Betula utilis in the Himalayan Region. Remote Sensing 10(6), 81.
Gerlitz L, Bechtel B, Böhner J, Bobrowski M, Bürzle B, Müller M, ... & Weidinger J (2016) Analytic comparison of temperature lapse rates and precipitation gradients in a Himalayan treeline environment: Implications for statistical downscaling. In Climate Change, Glacier Response, and Vegetation Dynamics in the Himalaya (pp. 49-64). Springer International Publishing.
Science Communication
Schwab N, Fischer E, Blender R, Bobrowski M, Oldeland J, Otto S A, Weidinger J, Böhner J (2019): RLab 2.0 – Transfer innovativer Statistik-Lehre mit R in Meteorologie und Biologie. Erfahrungsbericht zum Lehrlabor-Projekt. Universitätskolleg, Universität Hamburg [pdf]
Schwab N, Bobrowski M, Weidinger J, Böhner, J. (2018): RLab – Skriptbasierte Analysen mit R für Studierende mit und ohne Vorkenntnisse. Erfahrungsbericht zum Lehrlabor-Projekt. Universitätskolleg, Universität Hamburg [pdf]
e-Learning Material
Schwab N, Conrad J, Gottschalk R, Kaul N, Werner M, Bobrowski M, Weidinger J, Blender R, Fischer E, Oldeland J, Otto S A, Böhner J (2019): RLab - Skriptbasierte modulare Umweltstatistik. Interaktive Webseiten (Digitale Skripte) und Selbstlern-Kurse. Lehrlabor / Universitätskolleg 2.0, Universität Hamburg.