Dr. Katrin Singer

Photo: Katrin Singer
research associate
Arbeitsgruppe Kritische Geographien globaler Ungleichheiten
University of Hamburg
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg
Room: 734
Office hours
Due to corona currently only by telephone:
Thu, 2 - 4 pm
Tel: +49 40 42838-5202
Key aspects of activity
- Political ecology & socio-ecological transformation
- indigenous, post-colonial and feminist theories
- creative and artistic methods (C/Artography)
- Children's Geographies/Geographies of Childhood
Current/ More information about PostDoc Katrin Singer can be found on the homepage of the Working Group.
- Exhibition: Post/colonial Geo-graphics
Since 2020
- Research fellow (PostDoc Position) at the Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg. Working Group „Critical geographies of global inequalities“
- Research fellow & PhD scholarship, title: Confluencing Worlds. Sketches on the coloniality of childhood, nature and research in Callejón de Huaylas, Peru.
- Research fellow (DFG/FWF project) “Vulnerability to Water Scarcity and Glacier Fed Water Availability in the Tropical Callejón de Huaylas, Peru”, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Research fellow in the project “FremdTRauma – The Latin-American-Other in the European context”, Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Master in „Geography: Global change and sustainability“, Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Master thesis: Looking (in)between spaces: post/colonial negotiations of indigeneity in the Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara/Mexico
- Study abroad at the der University of Córdoba, Argentina
- Studies of Geography (diploma) (MS: Political Science & Geology), Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen, Germany
- Rachuj, Lorena; Wegener, Karoline; Eigenbrodt, Finni; Fleischmann, Jenny; Gerbig, Ann Kathrin; Peters, Charlotte; Grodt, Kristina; Elices, Carlotta Haufe; Heuer, Helene; Soltau, Melina; Jordan, Max; Wulf, Jessica; Vöhler, Katharina; Stanetzek, Nils; Bohne, Marlin; Ziehm, Jakob; Windhaus, Lea; Erdmann, Una; Niemann, Malina; Schweizer, Paul & Singer, Katrin (2021):
Atlas 2020. Hamburg: Institut für Geographie, Universität Hamburg. (PDF)
- Working group critical geographies of global inequalities (AG KGGU) (ed.) (2019): Dekoloniale Geographien.
In: Feministische Geo-RundMail, 80.
- Working group critical geographies of global inequalities (AG KGGU) (2019): Die Ausstellung „geografisch post/kolonial: wie aus Karten und Bildern Welt entsteht“ als Hausaufgabe.
In: Feministische Geo-RundMail, 80, p. 98-101.
- Singer, K. (2019): Un/Doing my white self during empirical research. In: Feministische Geo-RundMail, 80, p. 85-86.
- Schmidt, K; Humuza, C.; Keding, M.; Monama, E.; Schmidt, L.; Schmitt, T. & Singer, K. (2019): Teaching (de)colonial geographies
– trial and error N°1. In: Dekoloniale Geographien. Feministische Geo-RundMail, 80, p. 77-82.
- Singer, K. (2019): Confluencing Worlds. Skizzen zur Kolonialität von Kindheit, Natur und Forschung im Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. PhD thesis.
Insitute of Geography, University of Hamburg.
- Working group critical geographies of global inequalities (forthcoming): C/Artographies of Positionality. Or how we try to situate ourselves as a Working Group in Academia. In: Kritische Karten Kollektiv (ed.): This is not an Atlas.
- Local Authorities from the villages of Ichoca, Coyllur, LLupa (Ancash/Peru), Singer,K. & Neuburger, M. (2018): Waktsa Markallaa: My Poor Land. In: guerrilla cartography (ed.): Water: An Atlas, p. 135.
- Singer, K. & Schmidt, K. (2017): Aneignung von Räumen durch Visualisierung. In: Dickel, M; , Jahnke, H & A. Schlottmann (ed.) Räume visualisieren. Geographiedidaktische Forschungen, Münster, p. 145-159.
- Singer K. & Villari, C. (2016): ¡Globos de pensamiento únanse! Búsqueda de diálogo interdisciplinario entre una lingüista y una geógrafa sobre el trabajo con niños en una región de quechuahablantes. INDIANA, 33 (1), p.69-90.
- Singer, K. (2016): "Tenemos mucho que decir, simplemente nadie escucha"- luchando por el (re)conocimento de lxs niñxs - mediante un mapeo participativo. In: Red Muqui & UNMSM (ed.): Las luchas sociales por la tierra. Lima, p. 99-105.
- Neuburger, M. & Singer, K. (2016): Bevölkerung und Sozialstruktur. Statistische Zahlen als eine machtvolle Erzählung. In: Paap, I. & Schmidt-Welle, F. (ed.): Peru heute. Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur. Frankfurt a. M., p.39-62.
- Gurgiser, W.; Juen, I.; K. Singer, Neuburger, M.; Schauwecker, S.; Hofer, M. & Kaser, G., (2016): Comparing peasants' perceptions of precipitation change with precipitation records in the tropical Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. In: Earth System Dynamics, 7, p. 499 – 515.
- Goschenhofer, C. & Singer, K. (2015): Mexican Indigenities in Motion, Mexican Identites in Negotiation. In: Neuburger, M. & Dörrenbächer, P. (ed.) (2014): Nationalisms and Identities among Indigenous Peoples. Case Studies from North America. London, p. 197-216.
- Singer, K. & Greth, S. (2015): "They can’t handle their freedom" - Kritische Perspektiven auf Adultismus. Ein kleiner Exkurs. In: Feministische Geo-RundMail, 62.
- Singer, K. (2012): „Mythen einer Nation“ Zu post-/kolonialen Verhandlungen von Indigenitäten in der Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara/Mexiko. In: Geographica Helvetica 67 (3), p. 155-161.
- Singer, K. (2011): Looking (in)between spaces: post/colonial negotiations of indigeneity in the Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara/Mexiko. Unpublished master thesis at the Institute of Geography/University of Innsbruck.
- „Questioning own mapping practices: academic feminist communities, postionality and historical legacies”. Input together with Martina Neuburger & Katharina Schmidt at the event "Atlas in a day. Community" of the group Guerilla Cartography.
- „Looking back to be able to view ahead: thoughts on a postcolonial present within current geographies.“ Presentation together with Katharina Schmidt & Tobias Schmitt at the Frankfurt Geographic Society: „Wissen. Macht. Raum. Geschichten der Geographie“.
- "The city as an integration machine under pressure? Current conditions of daily live in the city." Presentation with Anne Vogelpohl at the event "Local Quality: day care in the international urban society", Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.
- "P / Arts of knowledge systems on nature Reflections on creative methodologyon the example of field research in the Cordillera Blanca / Peru.” Presentation at the Working Group Meeting: Landscape Research, University of Hamburg.
- “P/Arts of knowledge systems on nature - a feminist inquiry” Presentation at the AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Research Projects
PI: Prof. Dr. Martina Neuburger
Teaching-Lab: Designing Geography Classes in respond to anti-racist approaches
PI: Prof. Dr. Martina Neuburger
Lead: Prof. Dr. Martina Neuburger with Prof. Dr. Georg Kaser (University of Hamburg and Innsbruck)
Finanzing: DFG, FWF
- „FremdTRaumA – The Latin-American-Other in an European context”
Promotion of young researchers at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria.