Prof. Dr. Christian Betzler

Key aspects of activity
- Sedimentologie der Karbonate
- Sequenzstratigraphie
- Beckenanalyse
Schwerpunkte: Sedimentologie der Karbonate, Sequenzstratigraphie, Beckenanalyse
Laufende Projekte:
CURRDROW: The role of currents for carbonate platform drowning (DFG)
NEOCARPS: Neogene carbonate-platform slopes
CICARB: Current impact on the facies and stratigraphy of the Bahamas carbonate platform
MALSTROM: Malediven Karbonatstratigraphie, IODP Pre-Site Survey
INDOCARB: Indian Ocean Carbonate Platform Evolution: Currents, Monsoon, and Sea Level
IODP 359: Sea Level, Currents, and Monsoon Evolution in the Indian Ocean
curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
Birthdate: September 20, 1958
Current Position: Darwin Professor in Basin Analysis, Hamburg University
Professional Experience:
Since March 2017: Scientific head of German Research Fleet Coordination Center
2013-2015: Speaker of the Department of Geosciences, Hamburg University
since 2006: Associate Editor, journal Sedimentology
since 2006: Darwin Professor in Basin Analysis, Hamburg University
2003-2006: Vice-Dean of the Earth Science faculty at Hamburg University
2002-2013: Acting director of the Geological and Palaeontological Institute Hamburg
2000-2005: Darwin Professor in Basin Analysis, Hamburg and Cambridge Universities
2000: Acting Chair, Department of Geology, Erlangen University
1997-2000: Heisenberg Fellow at Frankfurt University
1990-1997: Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University of Frankfurt
1989-1990: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geology, University of Tübingen
1986-1989: Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Geology, University of Tübingen
Research cruises (since 2010)
2015: Co chief scientist, IODP Exp. 359, Maldives
2014: Chief Scientist, Sonne Cruise 236, Maldives
2013: Chief Scientist, Meteor Cruise M95, Bahamas
2011: Chief Scientist cruise Currdrow, Maldives carbonate platform
Academic Awards:
Heisenberg Fellowship of the DFG,
Award for the best Habilitation Thesis of the Science departments, Frankfurt University,
DAAD Fellowship.
Research Interest:
Carbonate sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, basin analysis, marine geology
Languages (fluent):
German, French, English, Spanish
1996: Habilitation, Universität Frankfurt. Thesis: Der Einfluß von Klima- und Meeresspiegel auf die Bildung tertiärer Karbonate. Eine Fallstudie zum Queensland Plateaus (Nordostaustralien) mit ergänzenden Beispielen aus Südaustralien und Südspanien. ("Climate and sea-level control on formation of tertiary carbonates with examples from the Queensland Plateau, South Australia and Spain").
1989: Ph.D., Universität Tübingen. Thesis: The Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene between the Rio Segre and the Rio Llobregat (Eastern South Pyrenees): Facies, stratigraphy and structural Evolution.
Community activities and service
Associate editor SEDIMENTOLOGY;
Reviews for numerous other journals and funding agencies: DFG, ICDP, IODP, NSF, NERC, SNF, Zeiss Stiftung, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, ACS Petroleum Research Fund, EUROFLEETS.