Prof. Dr. Kay-Christian Emeis

Research Interests:
Marine geochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, use and development of geochemical proxies for paleoceanography
curriculum vitae
Educational and academic career
1977-1982: Student of Geology and Paleontology University Hamburg. Diplom.
1982-1985: Doctoral student, University of Hamburg.
1985: Dissertation on "Black shales and organic-rich sediments of the Atlantic Ocean: Reconstruction of depositional environments at DSDP Sites 530, 532 and 603"
1985-1989: Staff Scientist at the Ocean Drilling Program and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Oceanography of Texas A&M Universität, College Station, Texas (U.S.A)
1988-1989: Guest Investigator at the Chemistry Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
1989-1994: Assistant Professor, Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut University of Kiel
1993: Habilitation in Geology at the University of Kiel.
1994-2003: Deputy head of Marine Geology Department at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemuende, and Professor of Marine Geology and Geochemistry at the Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Greifswald.
Since 2003: Professor for Biogeochemistry, Institute for Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry, University of Hamburg
Since 2004: Adjunct scientist, GKSS Research Center, Geesthacht
2006-2008: Head of Dept. GEO/University of Hamburg
2007 – Present: Principal Investigator, CLISAP Center of Excellence, University of Hamburg
in press
Rixen, T., Gaye, B., Emeis, K.C., Ramaswamy, V., in press. The Ballast Effect of Lithogenic Matter and its Influences on the Carbon Fluxes in the Indian Ocean. Biogeosciences.
Tim, N., Zorita, E., Schwarzkopf, F.U., Rühs, S., Emeis, K.-C., Biastoch, A., in press. The impact of Agulhas leakage on the central water masses in the Benguela upwelling system from a high-resolution ocean simulation. JGR-Oceans.
Gaye, B., Böll, A., Segschneider, J., Burdanowitz, N., Emeis, K.C., Ramaswamy, V., Lahajnar, N., Lückge, A., Rixen, T., 2018. Glacial–interglacial changes and Holocene variations in Arabian Sea denitrification. Biogeosciences 15, 507-527.
Emeis, K.-C., Eggert, A., Flohr, A., Lahajnar, N., Nausch, G., Neumann, A., Rixen, T., Schmidt, M., Van der Plas, A., Wasmund, N., 2018. Biogeochemical processes and turnover rates in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System. Journal of Marine Systems 188, 63-80.
Vorrath, M.-E., Lahajnar, N., Fischer, G., Libuku, V.M., Schmidt, M., Emeis, K.-C., 2018. Spatiotemporal variation of vertical particle fluxes and modelled chlorophyll a standing stocks in the Benguela Upwelling System. Journal of Marine Systems 180, 59-75.
Bockelmann, F., Puls, W., Kleeberg, U., Müller, D., Emeis, K.-C., 2017. Mapping mud content and median grain-size of North Sea sediments – a geostatistical approach. Marine Geology 397, 60-71.
Emeis, K.-C., 2017. Black Shales and Sapropels, in: White, W.M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry: A Comprehensive Reference Source on the Chemistry of the Earth. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 1-2.
Emeis, K., Eggert, A., Flohr, A., Lahajnar, N., Nausch, G., Neumann, A., Rixen, T., Schmidt, M., Van der Plas, A., Wasmund, N., 2017. Biogeochemical processes and turnover rates in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System. Journal of Marine Systems 188, 63-80.
Gaye, B., Böll, A., Segschneider, J., Burdanowitz, N., Emeis, K.C., Ramaswamy, V., Lahajnar, N., Lückge, A., Rixen, T., 2017. Glacial-Interglacial changes and Holocene variations in Arabian Sea denitrification. Biogeosciences Discuss. 2017, 1-41.
Li, J., Xie, Z., Mi, W., Lai, S., Tian, C., Emeis, K.-C., Ebinghaus, R., 2017. Organophosphate Esters in Air, Snow and Seawater in the North Atlantic and the Arctic. Environmental Science & Technology.
Neumann, A., van Beusekom, J.E.E., Holtappels, M., Emeis, K.-C., 2017. Nitrate consumption in sediments of the German Bight (North Sea). Journal of Sea Research.
Neumann, H., Diekmann, R., Emeis, K.-C., Kleeberg, U., Moll, A., Kröncke, I., 2017. Full-coverage spatial distribution of epibenthic communities in the south-eastern North Sea in relation to habitat characteristics and fishing effort. Marine Environmental Research 130, 1-11.
Schmiedl, G., Adloff, F., Emeis, K.-C., Grimm, R., Kucera, M., Maier-Reimer, E., Mikolajewicz, U., Möbius, J., Müller-Navarra, K., 2015. Holocene Climate Dynamics, Biogeochemical Cycles and Ecosystem Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, in: Schulz, M., Paul, A. (Eds.), Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC). Springer International Publishing, pp. 115-120.
Nagel, B., Gaye, B., Lahajnar, N., Struck, U., Emeis, K.-C., 2016. Effects of current regimes and oxygenation on particulate matter preservation on the Namibian shelf: Insights from amino acid biogeochemistry. Marine Chemistry 186, 121-132.
Neumann, A., Lahajnar, N., Emeis, K.-C., 2016. Benthic remineralisation rates in shelf and slope sediments of the northern Benguela upwelling margin. Continental Shelf Research 113, 47-61.
Tim, N., Zorita, E., Hünicke, B., Yi, X., Emeis, K.-C., 2016. The importance of external climate forcing for the variability and trends of coastal upwelling in past and future climate. Ocean Sciences, 12, 807-823.
Böll, A., Schulz, H., Munz, P., Rixen, T., Gaye, B., Emeis, K.-C., 2015. Contrasting sea surface temperature of summer and winter monsoon variability in the northern Arabian Sea over the last 25 ka. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 426, 10-21.
Emeis, K.-C., van Beusekom, J., Callies, U., Ebinghaus, R., Kannen, A., Kraus, G., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Lorkowski, I., Matthias, V., Möllmann, C., Pätsch, J., Scharfe, M., Thomas, H., Weisse, R., Zorita, E., 2015. The North Sea — A shelf sea in the Anthropocene. Journal of Marine Systems 141, 18-33.
Glavovic, B.C., Limburg, K., Liu, K.K., Emeis, K.C., Thomas, H., Kremer, H., Avril, B., Zhang, J., Mulholland, M.R., Glaser, M., Swaney, D.P., 2015. Living on the Margin in the Anthropocene: engagement arenas for sustainability research and action at the ocean–land interface. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14, 232-238.
Grimm, R., Maier-Reimer, E., Mikolajewicz, U., Schmiedl, G., Müller-Navarra, K., Adloff, F., Grant, K.M., Ziegler, M., Lourens, L.J., Emeis, K.-C., 2015. Late glacial initiation of Holocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel formation. Nature Communications 6, 7099.
Levin, L.A., Liu, K.-K., Emeis, K.-C., Breitburg, D.L., Cloern, J., Deutsch, C., Giani, M., Goffart, A., Hofmann, E.E., Lachkar, Z., Limburg, K., Liu, S.-M., Montes, E., Naqvi, W., Ragueneau, O., Rabouille, C., Sarkar, S.K., Swaney, D.P., Wassman, P., Wishner, K.F., 2015. Comparative biogeochemistry–ecosystem–human interactions on dynamic continental margins. Journal of Marine Systems 141, 3-17.
Liu, D., Li, X., Emeis, K.-C., Wang, Y., Richard, P., 2015. Distribution and sources of organic matter in surface sediments of Bohai Sea near the Yellow River Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 165, 128-136.
von Storch, H., Emeis, K., Meinke, I., Kannen, A., Matthias, V., Ratter, B.M.W., Stanev, E., Weisse, R., Wirtz, K., 2015. Making coastal research useful – cases from practice. Oceanologia 57, 3-16
Böll, A., A. Lückge, P. Munz, S. Forke, H. Schulz, V. Ramaswamy, T. Rixen, B. Gaye and K.-C. Emeis (2014). "Late Holocene primary productivity and sea surface temperature variations in the northeastern Arabian Sea: Implications for winter monsoon variability." Paleoceanography 29(8): 778-794.
Emeis, K.-C., J. van Beusekom, U. Callies, R. Ebinghaus, A. Kannen, G. Kraus, I. Kröncke, H. Lenhart, I. Lorkowski, V. Matthias, C. Möllmann, J. Pätsch, M. Scharfe, H. Thomas, R. Weisse and E. Zorita (2014). "The North Sea — A shelf sea in the Anthropocene." Journal of Marine Systems.
Flohr, A., A. K. van der Plas, K.-C. Emeis, V. Mohrholz and T. Rixen (2014). "Spatio-temporal patterns of C : N : P ratios in the northern Benguela upwelling regime." Biogeosciences 11: 885 - 897.
Levin, L. A., K.-K. Liu, K.-C. Emeis, D. L. Breitburg, J. Cloern, C. Deutsch, M. Giani, A. Goffart, E. E. Hofmann, Z. Lachkar, K. Limburg, S.-M. Liu, E. Montes, W. Naqvi, O. Ragueneau, C. Rabouille, S. K. Sarkar, D. P. Swaney, P. Wassman and K. F. Wishner (2014). "Comparative biogeochemistry–ecosystem–human interactions on dynamic continental margins." Journal of Marine Systems.
Powley, H. R., M. D. Krom, K. C. Emeis and P. Van Cappellen (2014). "A biogeochemical model for phosphorus and nitrogen cycling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Part 2. Response of nutrient cycles and primary production to anthropogenic forcing: 1950-2000." Journal of Marine Systems 139: 420-432.
Serna, A., N. Lahajnar, J. Paetsch and K. Emeis (2014). "Organic matter sources and degradation in the German Bight/SE North Sea: Implications from stable nitrogen isotopes and amino acids." Marine Chemistry 166: 103-113.
Triantaphyllou, M. V., A. Gogou, I. Bouloubassi, M. Dimiza, K. Kouli, G. Rousakis, U. Kotthoff, K.-C. Emeis, M. Papanikolaou and M. Athanasiou (2014). " Evidence for a warm and humid Mid-Holocene episode in the Aegean and northern Levantine Seas (Greece, NE Mediterranean)." Regional Environmental Change 14(5): 1697-1712.
Van Cappellen, P., H. R. Powley, K. C. Emeis and M. D. Krom (2014). "A biogeochemical model for phosphorus and nitrogen cycling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Part 1. Model development, initialization and sensitivity." Journal of Marine Systems 139: 460-471.
Deek, A., K. Daehnke, J. van Beusekom, S. Meyer, M. Voss and K. Emeis (2013). "N2 fluxes in sediments of the Elbe Estuary and adjacent coastal zones." Marine Ecology Progress Series 493: 9-21.
Diester-Haass, L., K. Billups, I. Jacquemin, K. C. Emeis, V. Lefebvre and L. Francois (2013). "Paleoproductivity during the middle Miocene carbon isotope events: A data-model approach." Paleoceanography 28(2): 334-346.
Flohr, A., A. K. van der Plas, K.-C. Emeis, V. Mohrholz and T. Rixen (2013). "Spatio-temporal patterns of C:N:P ratios in the northern Benguela upwelling regime." Biogeosciences Disc. 10: 10459-10489.
Gaye, B., B. Nagel, K. Daehnke, T. Rixen and K.-C. Emeis (2013). "Evidence of parallel nitrate reduction and nitrite oxidation in the ODZ of the Arabian Sea from paired stable isotopes of nitrate and nitrite." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27: 1-13.
Gaye, B., B. Nagel, K. Daehnke, T. Rixen, N. Lahajnar and K.-C. Emeis (2013). "Amino acid composition and δ15N of suspended matter in the Arabian Sea." Biogeosciences 10: 13317–13352.
Nagel, B., K. Emeis, A. Flohr, T. Rixen, T. Schlarbaum, V. Mohrholz and A. van der Plas (2013). "N-cycling and balancing of the N-deficit generated in the oxygen minimum zone over the Namibian shelf—An isotope-based approach." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118(1): 361-371.
Deek, A., K. Emeis and J. Van Beusekom (2012). "Nitrogen removal in coastal sediments of the German Wadden Sea." Biogeochemistry 108: 467-483.
Diester-Haass, L., K. Billups and K. Emeis (2011). "Enhanced paleoproductivity across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary as evidenced by benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates." Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 302(3-4): 464-473.
Swaney, D. P., C. Humborg, K. Emeis, A. Kannen, W. Silvert, P. Tett, R. Pastres, C. Solidoro, M. Yamamuro, Y. Henocque and R. Nicholls (2012). "Five critical questions of scale for the coastal zone." Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 96: 9-21.
Schulz, H., A. Lückge and K.-C. Emeis (2011). "Variability of Holocene to Late Pleistocene Zambezi riverine sedimentation at the upper continental margin off Mozambique, 15°-21°S." Marine Geology 286(1-4): 21-34.