PD Dr. Sebastian Lindhorst

Photo: Lindhorst, Sebastian
Key aspects of activity
- Sedimentologie
- Küsten- und marine Geologie
- Sedimente als Klimaarchiv
- Geo-biosphere interactions
Objects of my research are the wind- and wave-borne sediments from the wide range of terrestrial to shallow marine environments. Study regions are Europe, the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean as well as the polar regions of the Antarctic Peninsula and Svalbard. The common denominator of all my studies is to gain a better understanding of the sedimentary processes and their framework conditions, and how these processes leave their traces in the deposits (proxy forming). My work is based on an interdisciplinary approach, combining sedimentological, geophysical (ground-penetrating radar, hydroacoustics) and geomorphological working techniques with absolute age dating and geostatistical analyses.
Highlights of my research include a) high-resolution (sub-annual) records of wind intensity from transgressive dunes (Lindhorst & Betzler, 2016; Ludwig et al., 2017); b) a model on polar beach-ridge genesis based on their internal architecture (Lindhorst & Schutter, 2014; Heredia Barión et al., 2019); c) records of long-range aeolian dust transport from carbonate drifts (Lindhorst et al., 2019a,b).
curriculum vitae
Current position: Senior Researcher, University of Hamburg
Professional Experience:
since 2020 Regional Correspondent for International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS)
since 2008 Head of sedimentological and paleontological laboratory
since 2007 Research Associate, University of Hamburg
2006 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Hamburg
Research cruises and longer expeditions:
2023 Spitsbergen (Field work, ASPIRE)
2022 Spitsbergen (Field work, ASPIRE)
2022 Head of Hydroacoustics (RV SONNE SO292, ICECARB), Australia
2019 Chiefscientist (RV SONNE SO270, MASCARA), Indian Ocean
2015 Spitsbergen (Field work, POLARBEACH)
2014 Chiefscientist (RV Ludwig Prandtl, CLISCODE), North Sea
2014 Head of Hydroacoustics (RV SONNE SO236, MALSTROM), Indian Ocean
2013 Head of Hydroacoustics (RV METEOR M95, CICARB), Carribean Sea
2013 Chiefscientist (RV Ludwig Prandtl, CLISCODE), Baltic Sea, Poland
2011 Hopecruiser (CURDROW), Indian Ocean
2010 Expedition Leader, Antarctica, King George Island (POLARBEACH)
2009 RV HEINCKE (HE310), North Sea
2007 Head of Hydroacoustics (RV METEOR M74/4, NEOMA), Indian Ocean
2006 RV METEOR (M69/1, CARBMED), Mediterranean Sea
Reviewer for:
Geology, Quaternary Science Reviews, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, International Journal of Earth Science, Marine Geology, Boreas, Journal of Coastal Research, Geomorphology, Quaternary International, Sedimentology, Sedimentary Geology, Journal of Paleolimnology, Polish Polar Research, ZDGG, DFG, NSF, BMBF
2023 Lehrbefugnis (venia legendi)
2022 Habilitation, University of Hamburg, Thesis: „The sedimentary record of wind: Terrestrial, coastal, and marine archives“.
2008 Promotion (PhD), University of Hamburg, Thesis: "Stratigraphy and development of a Holocene barrier spit (Sylt, southern North Sea)". (PhD grant of the University of Hamburg)
2004 Diplom (MSc. equivalent) in Geology and Paleontology
Since 2008, I teach geology and sedimentology on the graduate and undergraduate level. This includes supervision of PhD, MSc., as well as BSc. projects.
The focus of my teaching comprises an interdisciplinary portfolio of sedimentological and geophysical courses. Topics are the basics of sedimentology, including practical laboratory and field methods, the application of near-surface geophysics (terrestrial and marine) to sedimentological questions, as well as quaternary geology with a focus on geomorphology and landscape development, climate- and sea-level history, and dating techniques. Classes include:
Graduate courses (MSc.):
Quartärgeologie (Quaternary Geology)
Terrestrisches Geländepraktikum (Terrestrial field methods)
Einführung Georadar (Introduction to ground-penetrating radar)
Sedimentäre Faziesmodelle (Sedimentary facies models, as stand-in)
Stratigraphisches Geländepraktikum (Stratigraphical field methods)
International course marine geosciences (with University of Copenhagen)
Undergraduate courses (BSc.):
Einführung in die Sedimentgeologie (Introduction to sedimentology)
Praktische Sedimentologie, Labormethoden (Practical sedimentology, lab methods)
Geologisches Geländepraktikum (Geological field methods)
Aktuopaläontologisches & Sedimentologisches Praktikum (Actuopalaeontology & sedimentology)
Kartierkurs (Geological mapping)
Präsentationstechnik (Presentation methods)
See also scholar.google.de
46. Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Hincke, C., Eisermann, J.O., Bialik, O., Petrovic, A., Reolid, J., Beaman, R.J., Webster, J., Lüdmann, T., Hübscher, C., 2024. Dismantling of an isolated tropical carbonate platform through flank collapse and canyon erosion, Coral Sea, northeast Australia. Marine Geology, 475. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107361 (open access)
45. Bialik, O., Betzler, C., Braga, J.C., Reijer, J., Reolid, J., Lindhorst, S., 2024. Changes in mesophotic carbonate-platform export across the end of the last glacial cycle (Saya de Malha Bank, western Indian Ocean). Depositional Record, 10: 374-397. doi:10.1002/dep2.299 (open access)
44. Reolid, J., Bialik, O.M., Lindhorst, S., Eisermann, J.O., Petrovic, A., Hincke, C., Beaman, R.J., Webster, J.M., Betzler; C., 2024. A new type of Halimeda bioherm on the Queensland Plateau, NE Australia. Coral reefs, 43: 801-821. doi:10.1007/s00338-024-02500-0 (open access)
43. Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Hincke, C., Beaman, R.J., Webster, J.M., 2024. Seismic stratigraphic and sedimentary record of a partial carbonate platform drowning, Queensland Plateau, north-east Australia. Marine Geology, 470: 107255. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107255. (open access)
42. Reolid, M., Reolid, J., Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., 2023. Chemical fractionation in benthic fauna from Saya de Malha Bank (Mascarene Plateau, western Indian Ocean): Vital and habitat effects. Continental Shelf Research, 266: 105078. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2023.105078
41. Spiegel, T., Dale, A.W., Lenz, N., Schmidt, M., Sommer, S., Kalapurakkal, H.T., Przibilla, A., Lindhorst, S., Wallmann, K., 2023. Biogenic Silica cycling in the Skagerrak. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10: 1141448. doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1141448 (open access)
40. Yao, Z., Shi, X., Guo, Z., Li, X., Nath, B.N., Betzler, C., Zhang, H., Lindhorst, S., Miriyala, P., 2023. Weakening of the South Asian summer monsoon linked to interhemispheric ice-sheet growth since 12 Ma. Nature Communications, 14: 829. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-36537-6. (open access)
39. Lenz, N., Lindhorst, S., Arz, H., 2022. Determination and quantification of sedimentary processes in salt marshes using end-member modelling of grain-size data. The Depositional Record. doi: 10.1002/dep2.213.
38. Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Reijmer, J.J.G., Braga, J.-C., Lüdmann, T., Bialik, O.M., Reolid, J., Geßner, A.-L., Hainbucher, D., Bissessur, D., 2022. Carbonate platform drowning caught in the act: The sedimentology of Saya de Malha Bank (Indian Ocean). Sedimentology. doi:10.1111/sed.13032 (open access)
37. Lüdmann, T., Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., 2022. The Maldives, a key location of carbonate drifts. Marine Geology, 450: 106838. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106838
36. Lüdmann, T., Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Lahajnar, N., Hübscher, C., 2022. Submarine landsliding in carbonate ooze along low-angle slopes (Inner Sea, Maldives). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 136: 105403. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105403
35. Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., Nadiri, C., Alonso-García, M., Kunkelova, T., Rodrigues, T., Huang, H.-H. M., Kroon, D., Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C., Yasuhara, M., 2022. Ostracod response to monsoon intensification and deep water circulation in the Maldives, equatorial Indian Ocean over the past 1.2 Myr. Marine Micropaleontology, 174: 102105. doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2022.102105
34. Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Reijmer, J.J.G., Braga, J.-C., Bialik, O.M., Reolid, J., Schutter, I., Eisermann, J.O., Emeis, K., Rixen, T., Bissessur, D., 2021. Current and sea-level control the demise of shallow carbonate production on a tropical bank (Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean). Geology, 49: 1431-1435. doi:10.1130/G49090.1 (open access)
33. Lindhorst, S., Reimann, T., 2021. Residual dune ridges: Sedimentary architecture, genesis, and implications for palaeo-climate reconstructions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46: 2177-2194. doi:10.1002/esp.5167 (open access)
32. Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C., Kroon, D., 2019. Wind variability over the northern Indian Ocean during the past 4 million years – insights from coarse aeolian dust (IODP Exp. 359, site U1467, Maldives). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 536: 109371. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109371
31. Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C., Wunsch, M., Lüdmann, T., Kuhn, G., 2019. Carbonate drifts as marine archives of aeolian dust (Santaren Channel, Bahamas). Sedimentology, 66: 1386-1409. doi:10.1111/sed.12576
30. Heredia Barión, P., Lindhorst, S., Schutter, I., Falk, U., Kuhn, G., 2018. Reaction of a polar gravel-spit system to atmospheric warming and glacier retreat as reflected by morphology and internal sediment geometries (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44: 1148-1162. doi:10.1002/esp.4565
29. Müller-Navarra, K., Milker, Y., Bunzel, D., Lindhorst, S., Friedrich, J., Arz, H., Schmiedl, G., 2019. Evolution of a salt marsh in the southeastern North Sea region – anthropogenic and natural forcing. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 218: 268-277. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.12.022
28. Kunkelova, T.; Jung, S., de Leau, E., Odling, N., Thomas, A., Betzler, C., Eberli, G., Alvarez-Zarikian, C., Alonso-García, M., Bialik, O., Blättler, C., Guo, J., Haffen, S., Horozal, S., Ling Hui Mee, A.; Inoue, M., Jovane, L., Lanci, L., Laya, J., Lüdmann, T., Nath, N., Nakakuni, M., Niino, K., Petruny, L., Pratiwi, S., Rijmer, J., Reolid, J., Slagle, A., Sloss, C., Su, X., Swart, P., Wright, J., Yao, Z., Young, J., Lindhorst, S., Hayman-Stainbank, S., Rüggeberg, A., Spezzaferri, S., Carrasqueira, I., Yu, S., Kroon, D., 2018. A two million year record of low latitude aridity linked to continental weathering from the Maldives. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 5: 86. doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0238-x
27. Schnyder, J.S.D., Eberli, G.P., Betzler, C., Wunsch, M., Lindhorst, S., Schiebel, L., Mulder, T., Ducassou, E., 2017. Morphometric analysis of plunge pools and sediment wave fields along western Great Bahama Bank. Marine Geology, 397: 15-28. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2017.11.020
26. Wunsch, M., Betzler, C., Eberli, G.P., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Reijmer, J.J.G., 2018. Sedimentary dynamics and high-frequency sequence stratigraphy of the southwestern slope of Great Bahama Bank. Sedimentary Geology, 363: 96-117. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2017.10.013
25. Bunzel, D., Schmiedl, G., Lindhorst, S., Mackensen, A., Reolid, J., Romahn, S., Betzler, C., 2017. A multi-proxy analysis of late Quaternary Indian monsoon dynamics for the Maldives, Inner Sea. Climate of the Past, 13: 1791-1813. doi:10.5194/cp-2017-54.
24. Ludwig, J., Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C., Bierstedt, S.E., Borówka, R.K., 2017. Sedimentary rhythms in coastal dunes as a record of intra-annual changes in wind climate (Łeba, Poland). Aeolian Research, 27: 67-77. doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2017.06.003
23. Nooitgedacht, C., Kleipool, L., Andeweg, B., Reolid, J., Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Reijmer, J., 2017. New insights in the development of syn-depositional fractures in rimmed flat-topped carbonate platforms, Neogene carbonate complexes, Sorbas Basin, SE Spain. Basin Research, 30: 596-612. doi:10.1111/bre.12239
22. Reolid, J., Reolid, M., Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Wiesner, M.G., Lahajnar, N., 2017, Upper Pleistocene cold-water corals from the Inner Sea of the Maldives: taphonomy and environment. Facies, 63: 8. doi:10.1007/s10347-016-0491-7
21. Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Reijmer, J.J.G., Braga, J.-C., 2016, Lowstand wedges in carbonate platform slopes (Quaternary, Maldives, Indian Ocean). The Depositional Record, 2: 196-207. doi:10.1002/dep2.21
20. Lindhorst, S. & Betzler, C., 2016. The climate archive dune - sedimentary record of annual wind intensity. Geology, 44: 711-714. doi:10.1130/G38093.1
19. Wunsch, M., Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Eberli, G.P., 2016. Sedimentary dynamics along carbonate Slopes (Bahamas archipelago). Sedimentology, 64: 631-657. doi:10.1111/sed.12317
18. Lüdmann, T., Paulat, M., Betzler, C., Möbius, J., Lindhorst, S., Wunsch, M., Eberli, G.P., 2016. Carbonate mounds in the Santaren Channel, Bahamas: A current-dominated periplatform depositional regime. Marine Geology, 376: 69-85. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2016.03.013
17. Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Weiss, B., Wunsch, M. and Braga, J.C., 2015. The leaking bucket of a Maldives atoll: Implications for the understanding of carbonate platform drowning. Marine Geology, 366, 16-33. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.04.009
16. Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Eberli, G.P., Lüdmann, T., Möbius, J., Ludwig, J., Schutter, I., Wunsch, M., Reijmer, J.J.G. and Hübscher, C., 2014. Periplatform drift: The combined result of contour current and off-bank transport along carbonate platforms. Geology, 42: 871-874. doi:10.1130/G35900.1
15. Lindhorst, S. & Schutter, I., 2014. Polar gravel beach-ridge systems: Sedimentary architecture, genesis, and implications for climate reconstructions (South Shetland Islands / Western Antarctic Peninsula). Geomorphology, 221: 187-203. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.06.013
14. Wölfl, A.-C., Lim, C.H., Hass, H.C., Lindhorst, S., Tosonotto, G., Lettmann, K.A., Kuhn, G., Wolff, J.-O., Abele, D., 2014. Distribution and characteristics of marine habitats in a subpolar bay based on hydroacoustics and bed shear stress estimates (Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica). Geo-Marine Letters, 34: 435-446. doi:10.1007/s00367-014-0375-1
13. Reolid, J., Betzler, C., Braga, J.C., Martín, J.M., Lindhorst, S., Reijmer, J.J.G., 2014. Reef slope geometries and facies distributions: controlling factors (Messinian, SE Spain). Facies, 60: 737-753. doi:10.1007/s10347-014-0406-4
12. Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C., Hass, H.C., 2013. Large scale architecture of a stacked Holocene spit – the stratigraphy of northern Sylt (southern North Sea). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (German J. Geosci.), 164: 63-79. doi:10.1127/1860-1804/2013/0001
11. Reimann, T., Lindhorst, S., Thomsen, K.J., Murray, A.S., Frechen, M., 2012. OSL dating of mixed coastal sediment (Sylt, German Bight, North Sea). Quaternary Geochronology, 11: 52-67. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.04.006
10. Costas, I., Reimann, T., Tsukamoto, S., Ludwig, J., Lindhorst, S., Frechen, M., Hass, H.C., Betzler, C., 2012. Comparison of OSL ages from young dune sediments with a high-resolution independent age model. Quaternary Geochronology, 10: 16-23. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.03.007
09. Betzler, C., Fürstenau, J., Lüdmann, T., Hübscher, C., Lindhorst, S., Paul, A., Reijmer, J., Droxler, A., 2012. Sea-level and ocean-current control on carbonate-platform growth, Maldives, Indian Ocean. Basin Research, 24: 1-25. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2012.00554.x
08. Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Hübscher, C., Lüdmann, T., Fürstenau, J., Reijmer, J.J.G., 2011. Giant pockmarks in a carbonate platform (Maldives, Indian Ocean). Marine Geology, 289: 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2011.09.004
07. Betzler, C., Braga, J.C., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Römer, M., Hübscher, C., Schmiedl, G., Lindhorst, S., 2010. Late Pleistocene and Holocene cool-water carbonates of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Sedimentology, 58: 643-669. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2010.01177.x
06. Boldreel, L.O., Kuijpers, A., Madsen, E.B., Hass, C., Lindhorst, S., Rasmussen, R., Nielsen, M.G, Bartholdy, J. & Pedersen, J.B.T., 2010. Postglacial sedimentary regime around northern Sylt, South-eastern North Sea, based on shallow seismic profiles. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 58: 15-27. https://2dgf.dk/publikationer/bulletin/bulletin-volume-58-2010
05. Lindhorst, S., Fürstenau, J., Hass, H.C., Betzler, C., 2010. Anatomy and sedimentary model of a hooked spit (Sylt, southern North Sea). Sedimentology, 57: 935-955. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2009.01126.x
04. Fürstenau, J., Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C. & Hübscher, C., 2009. Submerged reef terraces of the Maldives (Indian Ocean). Geo-Marine Letters, 30: 511-515. doi:10.1007/s00367-009-0174-2
03. Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., Lindhorst, S., Reijmer, J.J.G., Römer, M., Droxler, A.W., Fürstenau, J., Lüdmann, T., 2009. Monsoonal-induced partial carbonate platform drowning (Maldives, Indian Ocean). Geology, 37: 867-870. doi:10.1130/G25702A.1
02. Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C., Hass, H.C., 2008. The sedimentary architecture of a Holocene barrier spit (Sylt, German Bight): Swash-bar accretion and storm erosion. Sedimentary Geology, 206: 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2008.02.008
01. Betzler, C., Braga, J.-C., Martín, J.M., Sanchez-Almazo, I. & Lindhorst, S., 2006. Closure of a seaway: stratigraphic record and facies (Guadix Basin, Southern Spain). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 95: 903-910. doi:10.1007/s00531-006-0073-y