Dr. Yvonne Milker
- Unraveling the signals of sea level and storminess of the past millennium (southern North Sea; SEASTORM)
- Neotectonic evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Ecology, diversity and stability of marine and terrestrial ecosystems
- Quaternary paleoclimatic history of the Mediterranean Sea
- Quantifying earthquake-induced vertical motions in coastal regions
curriculum vitae
Current position: Research associate, University of Hamburg
Educational and academic career
Since 2017 Research associate, University of Hamburg
2015-2017: Research associate, University of Leipzig
2012-2014: Research associate, University of Hamburg
2011-2012: Research associate, University of Tübingen and MARUM Bremen
2010: Ph.D., University of Hamburg, Thesis: “Western Mediterranean shelf foraminifera: Recent distribution, Holocene sea-level reconstructions, and paleoceanographic implications.”
2006-2011: Research associate, University of Hamburg,
2006: Diplom in Geology, University of Leipzig
2001-2006: Study of Geology/Palaeontology, University of Leipzig
Paläontologische Gesellschaft
Research cruises and field experience
2014 Forschungsschiff Alkor, Nordsee (AL 438)
2014 Sedimentbeprobung in Marschgebieten an der Deutschen Nordseeküste
2013 Sedimentbeprobung in Marschgebieten an der Deutschen Nordseeküste
2012 Sedimentbeprobung und Bohrkernentnahmen in Marschgebieten an der US-Pazifischen Küste
2011 Forschungsschiff Poseidon, Mittelmeer (P 411)
2007 Forschungsschiff Heincke, Nordsee (HE 267)
Publications (peer reviewed)
Bunzel, D., Milker, Y., Müller-Navarra, K., Arz, H.W., Friedrich, J., Lahajnar, N., Schmiedl, G., 2020. Integrated stratigraphy of active foreland salt-marsh sediments of the south-eastern North Sea region. Newsletters in Stratigraphy, doi:10.1127/nos/2020/0540
Milker, Y., Jorissen, F. J., Riller, U., Reicherter, K., Titschack, J., Weinkauf, M. F. G., Schmiedl, G., 2019. Paleo-ecologic and neotectonic evolution of a marine depositional environment in SE Rhodes (Greece) during the early Pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 213, 120-132.
Müller-Navarra, K., Milker, Y., Bunzel, D., Lindhorst, S., Friedrich, J., Arz, H., Schmiedl, G., 2019. Evolution of a salt marsh in the southeastern North Sea region - Anthropogenic and natural forcing. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 218, 268-277.
Weinkauf, M.F.G., Milker, Y., 2018. The effect of size fraction in analyses of benthic foraminiferal assemblages: A case study comparing assemblages from the >125 and >150 μm size fractions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6(37). doi:10.3389/feart.2018.00037
Milker, Y., Weinkauf, M.F.G., Titschack, J., Freiwald, A., Krüger, S., Jorissen, F.J., Schmiedl, G., 2017. Testing the applicability of a benthic foraminiferal-based transfer function for the reconstruction of paleowater depth changes in Rhodes (Greece) during the early Pleistocene. PLoS ONE 12(11), e0188447, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0188447.
Beuscher, S., Krüger, S., Ehrmann, W., Schmiedl, G., Milker, Y., Arz, H., Schulz, H., 2017. End-member modelling as a tool for climate reconstruction-An Eastern Mediterranean case study. PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0185136. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0185136
Menke, V., Ehrmann, W., Milker, Y., Brzelinski, S., Möbius, J., Mikolajewicz, U., Zolitschka, B., Zonneveld, K., Emeis, K.C., Schmiedl, G., 2017. Combined North Atlantic and anthropogenic forcing of changes in the marine environments in the Gulf of Taranto (Italy) during the last millennium. Climate of the Past Discussions. doi:10.5194/cp-2017-139
Müller-Navarra, K., Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., 2017. Applicability of transfer functions for relative sea-level reconstructions in the southern North Sea coastal region based on salt-marsh foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology, 135, 15-31.
Horton, B.P., Milker, Y., Dura, T., Wang, K., Bridgeland, W.T., Brophy, L., Ewald, M., Khan, N.S., Engelhart, S.E., Nelson, A.R., Witter, R. C., 2017. Microfossil measures of rapid sea-level rise: Timing of response of two microfossil groups to a sudden tidal-flooding experiment in Cascadia. Geology, 45(6), 535-538.
Milker, Y., Nelson, A.R., Horton, B.P., Engelhart, S.E., Bradley, L.-E., Witter, R.C., 2016. Differences in coastal subsidence in southern Oregon (USA) during at least six megathrust earthquakes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 146, 143-163.
Avnaim-Katav, S., Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., Sivan, D., Hyams-Kaphzan, O., Sandler, A., Almogi-Labin, A., 2016. Impact of eustatic and tectonic processes on the southeastern Mediterranean shelf: Quantitative reconstructions using a foraminiferal transfer function. Marine Geology, 376, 26-38.
Müller-Navarra, K., Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., 2016. Natural and anthropogenic influence on the distribution of salt marsh foraminifera in the Bay of Tümlau, German North Sea. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 46, 61-74.
Milker, Y., Horton, B.P., Vane, C.H., Engelhart, S.E., Nelson, A.R., Witter, R.C., Khan, N.S., Bridgeland, W.T., 2015. Seasonal distribution of intertidal foraminifera and stable carbon isotope geochemistry, Bandon Marsh, Oregon, USA. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 45, 146-155.
Milker, Y., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A.R., Engelhart, S.E., Witter, R.C., 2015. Variability of intertidal foraminiferal assemblages: a case study from an Oregon salt marsh (USA). Marine Micropaleontology, 118, 1-16.
Milker, Y., Rachmayani, R., Weinkauf, M.G., Prange, M., Raitzsch, M., Schulz, M., Kučera, M., 2015. Global Synthesis of Sea-Surface Temperature Trends During Marine Isotope Stage 11. In: M. Schulz and A. Paul (Editors), Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC). SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences. Springer International Publishing, pp. 13-18.
Avnaim-Katav, S., Hyams-Kaphzan, O., Milker, Y. and Almogi-Labin, A., 2015. Bathymetric zonation of modern shelf benthic foraminifera in the Levantine Basin, eastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 99, 97-106.
Kuhnt, T, Schiebel, R., Schmiedl, G., Milker, Y., Mackensen, A., Friedrich, O., 2014, Automated and manual analyses of the pore density-to-oxygen relationship in Globobulimina turgida (Bailey), Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 44, 5-16.
Milker, Y., Wilken, M., Schumann, J., Sakuna, D., Feldens, P., Schwarzer, K., Schmiedl, G., 2013. Sediment transport on the inner shelf off Khao Lak (Andaman Sea, Thailand) during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and former storm events: evidence from foraminiferal transfer functions. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13, 3113-3128.
Milker, Y., Rachmayani, R., Weinkauf, M., Prange, M., Raitzsch, M., Schulz, M., Kucera, M., 2013. Global and regional sea surface temperature trends during Marine Isotope Stage 11. Climate of the Past, 9, 2231-2252.
Kuhnt, T., Friedrich, O., Schmiedl, G., Milker, Y., Mackensen, A., Lückge, A., 2013. Relationship between pore density in benthic foraminifera and bottom-water oxygen content. Deep Sea Research I, 76, 85-95.
Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., Betzler, C., Andersen, N., Theodor, M., 2012. Early Holocene eutrophication and shelf ecosystem response in the western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 90-91, 1-12.
Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., 2012. A taxonomic guide to modern benthic shelf foraminifera of the western Mediterranean Sea. Palaeontologia Electronica, 15, 134 pages.
Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., Betzler, C., 2011. Paleobathymetric history of the Western Mediterranean Sea shelf during the latest glacial period and the Holocene: Quantitative reconstructions based on foraminiferal transfer functions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 307, 324-338.
Elsanawany, R., Ibrahim, M.I., Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., Badr, N., Kohleif, S.E.A., 2011. Anthropogenic impact in Abu-Qir Bay, Alexandria, Egypt: Evidence from benthic foraminifera, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 41, 326-348.
Glock, N., Eisenhauer, A., Milker, Y., Liebetrau, V., Schönfeld, J., Mallon, J., Sommer, S., Hensen, C., 2010. Environmental influences on the pore-density in tests of Bolivina spissa. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 41, 22-32.
Milker, Y., Schmiedl, G., Betzler, C., Römer, M., Jaramillo-Vogel, D., Siccha, M., 2009. Distribution of Recent benthic foraminifera in neritic carbonate environments of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Micropalaeontology, 73, 207-225.
Other publications without peer review
Milker, Y., 2019. A brief introduction to standard methods for benthic foraminiferal investigations, Newsletter of Micropalaeontology, 99, 51-58.
Schwarzer, K., Feldens, P., Sakuna-Schwarz, D., Pongpiachan, S., Milker, Y., Tipmanee, D., 2015. The Indian Ocean tsunami 2004: Identification of tsunami deposits offshore in the Andaman Sea by different proxies. In: Wang, P., Rosati, J.D., Cheng, J. (Editors), Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, San Diego, 14 pp.
Schönfeld, J., Golikova, E., Jurkat, L., Lange, M., Mey, R., Milker, Y., Müller-Navarra, K., Schmid, S., Schmiedl, G., Wein, T., Weissenbach, J., 2014. Cruise Report ALKOR 438 - Foraminiferal biomonitoring in the North Sea. Geomar, Kiel, 54 pp.
Milker, Y., 2010. Western Mediterranean shelf foraminifera: Recent distribution, Holocene sea-level reconstructions, and paleoceanographic implications. PhD-thesis, Department of Geosciences, University of Hamburg, 169 pages.
Milker, Y., 2006. Spätquartäre Sedimentationsgeschichte im östlichen Mittelmeer. Diploma thesis, Institute for Geology and Geophysics, Leipzig University, 75 pages.