Dr. Timo Spiegel

Photo: Timo Spiegel
Academic Career
Academic Career:
Aug. 2024: Postdoctoral researcher within the research project PrimePrevention at University of Hamburg and GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel.
Apr. 2021 – Mai. 2024: Doctoral studies in geosciences at GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, registered at Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel. Part of project APOC: “Anthropogenic impacts on particulate organic carbon cycling in the North Sea".
Okt. 2013 – Jan. 2020: Bachelore & Master of Science in Geosciences at Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel.
Bachelor’s thesis: Phosphorus concentrations in sediments of the eastern Gotland basin.
Master’s thesis: Geochemical processes in Amazon shelf sediments – Implications for cation and phosphorus budgets.
2024: Spiegel, T., Diesing, M., Dale, A.W., Lenz, N., Schmidt, M., Sommer, S., Böttner, C., Fuhr, M., Kalapurakkal, H.T., Schulze, C.-S., Wallmann, K., 2024. Modelling mass accumulation rates and 210Pb rain rates in the Skagerrak: lateral sediment transport dominates the sediment input. Front. Mar. Sci. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1331102
Lenz, N., Spiegel, T., Hathorne, E., Wallmann, K., Eisenhauer, A., Frank, M., 2024. Provenance of clay-sized detrital sediments in the North Sea and the Skagerrak region based on radiogenic Nd-Sr-Hf isotopes and clay mineral compositions: assessing the impact of coastal and seabed erosion. Front. Mar. Sci. 11, 1416519. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2024.1416519
2023: Spiegel, T., Dale, A., Lenz, N., Schmidt, M., Sommer, S., Kalapurakkal, H., Przibilla, A., Lindhorst, S., Wallmann, K. (2023). Biogenic silica cycling in the Skagerrak. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1141448.
Von Jackowski, A., Walter M., Spiegel T., Buttigieg P. L., Molari M. (2023). Drivers of pelagic and benthic microbial communities on Central Arctic seamounts. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1216442.
2022: Vosteen, P., Spiegel, T., Gledhill, M., Frank, M., Zabel, M., Scholz, F. (2022). The Fate of Sedimentary Reactive Iron at the Land‐Ocean Interface: A Case Study from the Amazon Shelf. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 23. 10.1029/2022GC010543.
2021: Spiegel, T., Vosteen, P., Wallmann, K., Paul, S., Gledhill, M., Scholz, F. (2021). Updated estimates of sedimentary potassium sequestration and phosphorus release on the Amazon shelf. Chemical Geology. 560. 120017. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.120017.