Abstract submission
Online abstract submission ends on June 30, 2019. The authors are fully responsible for the scientific content of their abstracts. Abstracts will be published in TERRA NOSTRA. Abstract submissions are only considered for presentations and publication in TERRA NOSTRA if at least one of the authors registered for the conference.
In the abstract submission form, indicate your preference regarding oral or poster presentation. Note, however, that an oral presentation cannot be guaranteed. The abstract title is limited to 160 caracters (without spaces) and the abstract text is limited to 2500 caracters (without spaces). You may upload one figure per abstract. When designing a figure, please be aware that figures will be reduced in size in printed media.
When uploading the abstract, you will be asked to assign your contribution to one of the following research themes:
- Evolution of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico
- Crustal evolution of Western Gondwana
- Ancient crustal terranes
- Continental plateau formation
- Tectonics (incl. active tectonics and tectonic geodesy)
- Volcano-tectonics
- Ocean and sediment dynamics
- Natural resources
- Sedimentary basins
- Rates of surface and endogenic processes
- Paleo-environmental and climate studies
- Paleontology
- Engineering geology
- Impact processes
- Geophysics
- Petrology
- New methods and technical advances
- Other research themes
To upload an abstract, please follow this link: Abstract submission