Climate archive dune
Project funded by the "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction (CliSAP)" to Christian Betzler (GPI, University of Hamburg), Sebastian Lindhorst (GPI, University of Hamburg), Hans von Storch (GKSS), and Christian H. Hass (AWI)
Contact: Dr. Sebastian Lindhorst
The project aims to unravel the archive of wind-field variations recorded in the sedimentary succession of coastal dunes along the North German coast. Proxies for wind speed and wind direction will be determined by the geometrical and sedimentological analysis of dune architectural elements and by age assignment using optical-stimulated luminescence dating (OSL). The proxy based time series of the wind-field variations will be contrasted with time series based on instrumental observations. An approach should be developed, which will allow for the reconstruction of wind-field variations in time periods without continuous instrumental records and in regions where no instrumental data exist.