Associated Members
Louisa Bäckermann
M. Sc. Geography
Email: louisa.baeckermann"AT"
Research interests:
- Critical cartography
- Critical geopolitics
- Migration and border regime research
Andreas Döpke
Email: Andreas.doepke"AT"
Leona Faulstich
Email: leona.faulstich"AT"
Mariam Shafqat
Mariam Shafqat
PhD Student
Raum: 718
Telefon: +49 40 42838-9245
Key areas of interest:
Rural resilience, Floods mitigation, Vulnerability, Climate change adaptation, Pakistan, Developing countries
PhD topic:
Assessing emerging trends in rural resilience with rising extreme hydro-meteorological events - a Case study of Sialkot
2015 - 2017
Environmental, Health and Cultural News Reporter with the Express Tribune
2011 - 2014
International Master of Environmental Science from University of Cologne
Masters Thesis: Assessment of Urban Environmental management in Rawalpindi City
Internship / Researcher with Federal Environmental Protection Agency
Conducted field survey and research on assessing trends of composting on household/ domestic level in Islamabad (Pakistan)
2007 - 2011
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from International Islamic University Islamabad
Bachelors Thesis: SWOT analysis of participatory environmental management in rural areas of Sialkot ( Punjab/Pakistan)
Silke Greth
M.Sc. Geography
Email: silke.greth"AT"
- Lecturer at the Department of Geography of the University of Hamburg, AG critical geography of global inequalities.
- Researcher in the working group "Critical Geographies of Global Inequalities" with Ph.D. project with Prof. Martina Neuburger. Provisional working title: Under construction. An atlas about knowledge. - shut down.
2008 - 2011
- Master Program Global Change - Regional Sustainability at the Institute of Geography of the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Austria.
- Master thesis: Lucky in the Andes? Transnational mining and social resistance.
- Bachelor of Science in Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the Institute of Geography of the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Austria.
- Study year at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina as part of the study of Geography at the University of Tübingen (academic exchange).
2003 - 2008
- Diploma program "Geography of Developing Countries" at the Department of Geography of the Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen.
- actually: Co-editing (as a collective orangotango) of the book project: This is not an Atlas. Transcript Verlag. []
- Singer, K. & Greth, S. (2015): Critical Adulthood. In: Themenheft Kinder- und Jugendgeographien. Feministisches Geo-Rundmail, Nr. 62
Greth, S.; Halder, S., Jung, M. & Singelnstein, F. für das kollektiv orangotango (2013): Traue keiner Karte, die du nicht selbst gemacht hast – Von kollektivem kritischen Kartieren. In: Entgrenzt. Studentische Zeitschrift für Geographisches (5). A Map is a map, is a map, is a map!?. S. 29-34. [] - Greth, S.; Halder, S. & Singelnstein, F. (2012): Die Kunst des kritischen Kartierens. In: blz: Die Mitgliederzeitschrift der GEW BERLIN (12).
- Greth, S. & Riveros, E. (2010): Internationale Minikooperation gegen transnationales Megaprojekt? Bergbau und sozialer Widerstand in den Anden. In: Kollektiv Orangotango (Hg.): Solidarische Räume & kooperative Perspektiven. Praxis und Theorie in Lateinamerika und Europa. Neu-Ulm, S. 195-200.
- Borsdorf, A. et al. (2009): Anstoß zur Nachhaltigkeit? Eine Studie zur Bewertung der langfristigen ökologischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Effekte der EURO 2008 in Innsbruck/Tirol. Innsbruck.
summer term 15
- Exercise: Critical Studies of Youth (together with Katrin Singer)
- Exercise: Introduction to Critical Geography (together with Mathias Jung)
- Research Practicum (Follow-up Exercise): Who Is Making City? (together with Martina Neuburger)
autumn term 14/15
- Study project (exercise, field practical course, methodical accompanying course): Who makes city? (together with Martina Neuburger)
summer term 14
- Exercise with off-road days: (world) pictures - knowledge - power. The role of maps in qualitative research (together with Martina Neuburger)
autumn term 13/14
- Exercise: 'Crossing the City' - art and mapping in urban space
summer term 13
- Exercise: Qualitative Methods / Survey Methods
autumn term 12/13
- Exercise for the great excursion: Patagonia (together with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Böhner & Prof. Dr. Martina Neuburger)
autumn term 11/12
- Exercise: Empirical regional research (together with Katharina Schmidt)
- Exercise: Social movements and resistance in Latin America and on the doorstep (together with Katharina Schmidt)
Maike Pott
Michel Keding
Email: michel.keding"AT"
winter semester 19/20: Geographies of hegemonic masculinity
Marcel Langer
Research assistant at the Sorbian Institute
Email: marcel.langer"AT"
Caren Miesenberger
Email: caren.miesenberger"AT"
2013 - 2016
- Student assistant in the working group on critical geography of global inequalities
after completion in early 2018
- Freelance journalist and social media editor
Rafaela Rau
M.Sc. Geography
Tel: +49 40 42838-9245
Email: rafaela.rau"AT"
Key aspects of activity:
- Critical geographies of rural areas
- Latin America (esp. Argentina)
- Feminist geographies
- Postcolonial theories
- Rau, R. (forthcoming): Kleinbäuerliche Alltagspraxen im Kontext neoliberaler Entwicklungen im Valle del Conlara, Argentinien. In: Michael Mießner & Matthias Naumann (Hrsg.): Kritische Geographien landlicher Entwicklung. Globale Trans- formationen und lokale Herausforderungen. Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster