Ruhr Region
19. - 28. March 2012
The Ruhr region nowadays is still mentally pictured as a symbol for an old industrialized, ecologically contaminated and structurally weak area. Especially outside the region this image of low qualities in living and economy remains persisting. Nevertheless, now more than five million inhabitants reside in the "Metropolis Ruhr". This metropolis shows contrasting tendencies between ecological upvaluation, socio-economic shrinking, polarization and fragmentation, post-industrialized lighthouse projects, communal financial crisis and a festivalized industrial culture.
The lerning objectives included the conceptionally and contentually scientific preparation for the partly unknown region. In the field, the focus was on the joint observation, active experience and discussion of regional structures, processes and problems.
Between Duisburg and Dortmund selected locations were analyzed in respect of regional development. Here the emphasis was on a historical geographical analysis from the demise of the montane industry in the 1970 and 1980 to todays problems.
(Pictures: A. Holdschlag)