Current research projects
klimafit - wissen - wollen - wandeln
sea4soCiety - Increasing the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Coastal Vegetative Ecosystems
WAKOS - Wasser an den Küsten Ostfrieslands
CLICCS - Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climate Change and Society"
Regional risk cultures in the context of extreme weather events
Completed research projects
KLIMAFIT - From climate change to climate action
DICES - Dealing with change in SIDS
COHERENT - Coastal Hazard Risk Reduction and Management (2017-2021)
Adaptability of social-ecological systems
CliSAP - Cluster of Excellence "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction"
REKLIM - The Understanding of Climate Information across Different Coastal Societies
ENHANCE - Enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic natural hazards in Europe
The Ecological Footprint of Islands
Scientific Cooperation with LOICZ Hot Topic on Islands
STARG - Storm Surges as Regional Geohazards
E-geography: Lecture on your own
Multimedia study program for the mediation of planning procedures