Cultures of Response
Prof. Dr. B.M.W. Ratter, Dr. Corinna de Guttry, Dr. Martin Döring, Dr. Michael Fink (until 30.09.2024), Ya-Qing Zhan M.A. (until 31.01.2024) , Louisa Schneider M.Sc.
Duration: 01.05.2020 - 30.09.2024
The project "CUORE - Cultures of response" analyzes the cultural and dynamic character of resilience using the example of two case studies on storm resilience: the Penghu Archipelago (Taiwan) and the East Frisian Islands (Germany). CUORE's intercultural approach leads to a deeper understanding of the cultural embedding of resilience, on the basis of which a set of indicators and response scenarios will be developed, which can then be used by local and national decision-makers to develop effective measures to improve social preparedness for and resilience to natural disasters.
Overall, CUORE makes a threefold contribution to the current discussion on resilience: a) from a theoretical perspective, the introduction of response diversity to empirically study resilience; b) from a methodological perspective, triangulation and fruitful combination of culturally sensitive qualitative and quantitative data; c) from an operational perspective, the transfer of the results of the project to the political context.
- DAAD interview of Taiwanese students doing their PhD in Germany in Chinese
- Newspaper article: BaltrumTied 2025 The invisible on the trail - The first wind experience walk in Germany is developed for the island of Baltrum (pdf) in German
- Podcast: Ya-Qing Zhan and the Penghu archipelago
"Der Wind im Leben der Insulaner" (PDF, 50 KB) (only german version available) Artikel in Norderneyer Badezeitung, 19.03.2022
- Wie kann sich Baltrum für den nächsten Sturm wappnen? (only german version available), NDR "Hallo Niedersachsen" (video. 3 minutes), 12.03.2022
- Forschungsprojekt auf Baltrum: Wie geht man mit Stürmen und Orkanen um? (only german version available), SAT 1 regional, Beitrag (video 3:20 minutes) 08.03.2022
- "Wind als Teil des Alltags" (PDF, 571 KB) (only german version available) Artikel Norderneyer Badezeitung, 01.03.2022
- Baltrum und Norderney: Forscher untersuchen Umgang mit Sturm (only german version available), NDR,, 28.02.2022
- Forschungsprojekt auf Baltrum: Wie leben die Inselbewohner an der Nordsee mit dem Sturm? (only german version available), RTL NEWS,, 28.02.2022
- Start von Forschungsprojekt zu Sturmeinflüssen auf Baltrum (only German version available), ZEITonline,, 28.02.2022