Project: LEM
LEM: A process-based Landscape Evolution Model to predict periglacial layers
Research cooperation: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Hanover) and Hamburg University
In cooperation with the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) a model is developed for predicting the distribution and properties of periglacial layers. Periglacial layers (or "Deckschichten") are results of the typical weathering and translocation processes of hard rock (and allochthonous material) in unglaciated areas during the cold periods of the Pleistocene resulting in unconsolidated material cover. The thickness of this cover varies from a few centimeters to several meters and the layers cover the bedrock almost everywhere in mountainous areas of Central Europe. They represent the parent material for the development of our recent soils and through their material properties they influence many circles in the landscape, such as the water or the nutrient balance.
This known facts contrast with the very sketchy data situation about the distribution of these substrates: as in small-scale geological maps usually the top two meters below ground surface are not described and on the other hand soil maps are genetically based, no systematic recording of these substrates in form of maps is present. To close this gap between data about bedrock and Holocene soils, the LEM200 will make a significant contribution so that in the future e.g. the modeling of water and material balances into the aquifer can be done more plausible than previously.
Many aspects of Late Pleistocene-Holocene landscape development, as others weathering, climate, vegetation must be considered in the model development. Therefore, we also speak of a landscape evolution model (LEM). Besides the concept of the model the implementation of the model algorithms and integration into the Open Source GIS SAGA is an important part of the work.
Project Members
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Böhner
Dipl.-Geogr. Michael Bock
Dr. Olaf Conrad
Shunka Gilberg
Asmussen, P. (2012): Parametrisierung und Regionalisierung der Lithologie des Unteren Muschelkalks im Bereich des Göttinger Waldes, Hamburg [Bachelorarbeit].
Gilberg, S. (2013): Analyse von Stratigraphie und Sedimentgefüge von Verwitterungsdecken am Fallbeispiel Ebergötzen, Hamburg [Bachelorarbeit].
Jansen, P. (2012): Parametrisierung und Regionalisierung der Lithologie des Oberen und Mittleren Buntsandsteins im Bereich des Göttinger Waldes, Hamburg [Bachelorarbeit].