BIOTA Southern Africa, Project S02: Edaphical Diversity and Biodiversity in Mutual Dependence
Project description
The BIOTA Southern Africa project was part of the overall BIOTA-Africa (BIOdiversity Monitoring Transect Analyses in Africa) project funded by the BMBF, which investigated biodiversity in relation to landscape and climate change in three major regions of the African continent. BIOTA Southern Africa was limited to southern Africa (Republic of South Africa and Namibia), where along an 1800 km north-south running transect the extent, dynamics and change of biodiversity was investigated in an interdisciplinary way.
In the pedological subproject (BIOTA S02), interactions between soil and biodiversity were analyzed. The hypothesis was pursued that a higher variability of abiotic site characteristics, in particular pedodiversity, within an area leads to an increase in biodiversity. In addition, from the comparison and interpretation of different land use patterns and intensities, changes in soil properties due to land use and their effects on the diversity of plant and animal communities should be quantified.
For the study, the methodological approach chosen was the analysis of test plots of 1 km2 size (so-called observatories), for which pedodiversity was determined according to a stratified random procedure from 25 analyzed soil profiles each. Three methods were used in different modifications based on both taxonomy and soil characteristics relevant to vegetation (see Petersen's dissertation). In addition, the small-scale variability of soil properties and its importance for biodiversity was investigated (see Herpel's dissertation), upscaling procedures including remote sensing data were carried out, and the soil water balance in the thornbush savanna of Namibia was analyzed.
The project results of BIOTA Southern Africa can be read in the three-volume final report.
Final Report BIOTA Southern Africa
Jürgens, N.; Schmiedel, U.; Hoffman, M.T. (Overall Editors) (2010) Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. ISBN (Germany, all volumes): 978-3-933117-44-1. 3 volumes:
- Jürgens, N.; Haarmeyer, D.H.; Luther-Mosebach, J.; Dengler, J.; Finckh, M.; Schmiedel, U. (Eds.) (2010) Biodiversity in Southern Africa 1: Patterns at Local Scale - The BIOTA Observatories. XX + 801 p.
- Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (Eds) (2010) Biodiversity in Southern Africa 2: Patterns and Processes at Regional Scale. XII + 348 p.
- + CD-ROM: Hoffman, M.T.; Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (Eds.) (2010) Biodiversity in Southern Africa 3: Implications for Landuse and Management. XII + 226 p.
Dissertations (Ph.D. Theses) Soil Science (chronologically)
- Petersen, A. (2008) Pedodiversity of southern African Drylands. XIV + 374 p. and annex. Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten 61
- Herpel, N. (2008) The Scale-Dependent Variability of Topsoil Properties Reflecting Ecosystem Patchiness in Drylands of Southern Africa. XX + 299 p. Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten 62
Diploma theses (M.Sc. Theses) Soil Science (chronologically, all in German)
- Winterstein, C. (2003) Röntgendiffraktometrische Tonmineralbestimmung an Böden Namibias. Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit im Studienfach Mineralogie, FB Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg
- Hoyer, P. (2004) Bodenvariabilität und ihre Bedeutung für die Erosion auf einer Fläche in der Sukkulenten Karoo (Soebatsfontein, Südafrika). Diplomarbeit im Studienfach Geographie, FB Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg (Ra 119)
- Willer, J. (2004) Einfluss von unterschiedlichen lithologischen Einheiten auf die Bodenbildung und Bodenvariabilität im Richtersveld, SA. Diplomarbeit im Studienfach Geoglogie, FB Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg (Ra 121)
- Classen, N. (2005) Überprüfung von Verfahren zum Up-Scaling von Bodeneigenschaften in der Dornbuschsavanne Namibias. Diplomarbeit im Studienfach Geographie, FB Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg (Ra 150)
- Grotehusmann, L. (2006) Analyse der Böden und ihrer Eigenschaften in Bezug auf Fernerkundungsdaten im südlichen Namibia (Raum Keetmanshoop). Diplomarbeit im Studienfach Geographie, Dpt. Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg (Ra 178)
- Wisch, U. (2008) Soil fertility of dryland farming systems in the Kavango region, Namibia. Diploma thesis at the University of Hamburg: 102 p. (Ra 190)
- Landschreiber, L. (2010) Modellierung des Bodenwasserhaushalts zweier Standort in der Dornbuschsavanna Namibias. Diplomarbeit an der Univ. Hamburg. 120 p. (Ra 213)
Publications from or with Participation of the Institute of Soil Science
- Classen, N.; Gröngröft, A.; Petersen, A. (2009) Identifikation von Bodenmustern mit LANDSAT Daten in der zentralen Savanne Namibias. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I 2007: pp. 199-215 (in German)
- Classen, N.; Gröngröft, A.; Eschenbach, A. (2010) Soil water balance at savanna sites. In: Jürgens, N. et al.: BIOTA - Books. Hamburg: Hess Verlag. 3 p.
- Gröngröft, A.; Mager, D.; Medinski, T.; Mills, A.; Petersen, A.; Eschenbach, A. (2010) Evaluation of the soil degradation state along fence-line contrasts. In: Jürgens, N. et al.: BIOTA - Books. Hamburg: Hess Verlag. 6 p.
- Gröngröft, A.; Mager, D.; Medinski, T.; Mills, A.; Petersen, A.; Eschenbach, A. (2010) Evaluation of the soil degradation state along fence-line contrasts. In: Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (eds.) Biodiversity in southern Africa 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale. Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. pp. 207-213
- Gröngröft, A.; Classen, N.; Petersen, A. (2005) Identification of soil patterns with LANDSAT data in the central Namibian savannah region. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 107: pp. 323-324
- Gröngröft, A.; Herpel, N.; Petersen, A.; Mills, A. (2006) Indication of soil degradation processes in selected drylands of southern Africa. Proceedings of the international conference "Soil and Desertification - Integrated Research for the Sustainable Management of Soils in Drylands", 5th and 6th May 2006. Hamburg: internet presentation, 13 p.
- Gröngröft, A.; Petersen, A.; Miehlich, G. (2007) Pedodiversity of southern African drylands. Results from the BIOTA transect (Part II). Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 110: pp. 461-462
- Haarmeyer, D. H.; Luther-Mosebach, J.; Dengler, J.; Schmiedel, U.; Finckh, M.; Berger, K.; Deckert, J.; Domptail, S. E.; Dreber, N.; Gibreel, T.; Grohmann, C.; Gröngröft, A.; Haensler, A.; Hanke, W.; Hoffmann, A.; Husted, L. B.; Kangombe, F. N.; Keil, M.; Krug, C. B.; Labitzky, T.; Linke, T.; Mager, D.; Mey, W.; Muche, G.; Naumann, C.; Pellowski, M.; Powrie, L. W.; Pröpper, M.; Rutherford, M. C.; Schneiderat, U.; Strohbach, B. J.; Vohland, K.; Weber, B.; Wesuls, D.; Wisch, U.; Zedda, L.; Büdel, B.; Darienko, T.; Deutschewitz, K.; Dojani, S.; Erb, E.; Falk, T.; Friedl, T.; Kanzler, S.-E.; Limpricht, C.; Linsenmair, K. E.; Mohr, K.; Oliver, T.; Petersen, A.; Rambold, G.; Zeller, U.; Austermühle, R.; Bausch, J.; Bösing, B. M.; Classen, N.; Dorendorf, J.; Dorigo, W.; Esler, K. J.; Etzold, S.; Graiff, A.; Grotehusmann, L.; Hecht, J.; Hoyer, P.; Kongor, R. Y.; Lang, H.; Lieckfeld, L. A. B.; Oldeland, J.; Peters, J.; Röwer, I. U.; September, Z. M.; Sop, T. K.; van Rooyen, M. W.; Weber, J.; Willer, J.; Jürgens, N. (2010) The BIOTA Observatories. In: Jürgens, N.; Harmeyer, D. H.; Luther-Mosebach, J.; Dengler, J.; Finckh, M.; Schmiedel, U. (Eds.): Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 1: Patterns at local scale - the BIOTA Observatories. Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. pp. 6-801
- Hanke, W.; Gröngröft, A.; Jürgens, N.; Schmiedel, U. (2011) Rehabilitation of arid rangelands: Intensifying water pulses from low-intensity winter rainfall. J. Arid Environm. 75: pp. 185-193
- Herpel, N.; Gröngröft, A.; Strohbach, M.; Mills, A. (2006) The formation, characteristics and revegetation of bare patches in the namibian thornbush-savanna with special regards to soil properties. Proceedings of the international conference "Soil and Desertification - Integrated Research for the Sustainable Management of Soils in Drylands", 5th and 6th May 2006. Hamburg: internet presentation. 6 p.
- Hörsch, B.; Schultz, C; Vogel, M.; Hanatschek, R.; Peretsen, A.; Gröngröft, A.; Görke, Uhlmann, E.; Büdel, B.; Weber, B.; Loris, Akhtar-Schuster, M.; Wolkenhauer, C.; Vohland, Hoffmann, A.; Falk, T.; Kirk, M.; Schneiderat, U.; Bock, B.; Kellar, N.; Hewitson, B.; Hagemann, S.; Jacob, D. (2004) Remote sensing and GIS based monitoring for modelling of biodiversity change. in: E. Beck et al. (eds.): Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity - a challenge for society. Proceedings of the international Symposium Berlin, 1 - 4 December 2003. Bonn: PT-DLT Environmental Research and Technology. pp. 135-137
- Jeltsch, F.; Blaum, N.; Classen, N.; Eschenbach, A.; Grohmann, C.; Gröngröft, A.; Joubert, D. F.; Horn, A.; Lohmann, D.; Linsenmair, K. E.; Lück-Vogel, M.; Medinski, T. V.; Meyfarth, S.; Mills, A.; Petersen, A.; Popp, A.; Poschlod, P.; Reisch, C.; Rossmanith, E.; Rubilar, H.; Schütze, S.; Seymour, C.; Simmons, R.; Smit, G. N.; Strohbach, M.; Tews, J.; Tietjen, B.; Wesuls, D.; Wichmann, M.; Wieczorek, M.; Zimmermann, I. (2010) Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. In: Hoffman, M. T.; Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (Eds.): Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management.Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. pp. 33-74
- Mills, A.; Fey, M.; Gröngröft, A.; Petersen, A.; Medinski, T. V. (2006) Unravelling the effects of soil properties on water infiltration: segmented quantile regression on a large dataset from arid south-west Africa. Australian J. Soil Res. 44: pp. 784-797
- Mills, A. J.; Milewski, A.; Fey, M. V.; Gröngröft, A.; Petersen, A. (2009) Fungus culturing, nutrient mining and geophagy: a geochemical investigation of Macrotermes and Trinervitermes mounds in southern Africa. Journal of Zoology 2009: pp. 24-35
- Petersen, A.; Gröngröft, A.; Miehlich, G. (2003) Einfluss der Termiten auf die Pedodiversität südafrikanischer Trockengebiete. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 102: pp. 313-314
- Petersen, A.; Gröngröft, A.; Miehlich, G. (2010) Methods to quantify the pedodiversity of 1 km2 areas - results from southern African drylands. Geoderma 155: pp. 140-146
- Petersen, A.; Gröngröft, A.; Miehlich, G. (2007) Pedodiversity of southern African drylands. Results from the BIOTA transect (Part I). Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 110: pp. 521-522
- Petersen, A.; Gröngröft, A.; Mills, A.; Miehlich, G. (2010) Soils along the BIOTA transect. in: Jürgens, N. et al.: BIOTA - Books. Hamburg: Hess Verlag. 9 p.
- Pröpper, M.; Gröngröft, A.; Falk, T.; Eschenbach, A.; Fox, T.; Gessner, U.; Hecht, J.; Hinz, M. O.; Huettich, C.; Hurek, T.; Kangombe, F. N.; Keil, M.; Kirk, M.; Mapaure, C.; Mills, A.; Mukuya, R.; Namwoonde, N. E.; Overmann, J.; Petersen, A.; Reinhold-Hurek, B.; Schneiderat, U.; Strohbach, B. J.; Lück-Vogel, M.; Wisch, U. (2010) Causes and perspectives of land-cover change through expanding cultivation in Kavango. In: Hoffman, M. T.; Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (Eds.): Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management. Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. pp. 1-31
- Schmiedel, U.; Linke, T.; Christiaan, R. A.; Falk, T.; Gröngröft, A.; Haarmeyer, D. H.; Hanke, W.; Henstock, R.; Hoffman, M. T.; Kunz, N.; Labitzky, T.; Luther-Mosebach, J.; Lutsch, N.; Meyer, S.; Petersen, A.; Röwer, I. U.; van der Merwe, H.; van Rooyen, M. W.; Vollan, B.; Weber, B. (2010) Environmental and socio-economic patterns and processes in the Succulent Karoo - frame conditions for the management of this biodiversity hotspot. In: Hoffman, M. T.; Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (Eds.): Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management. Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. pp. 109-150
- Schmiedel, U.; Dengler, J.; Luther-Mosebach, J.; Gröngröft, A.; Muche, G.; Petersen, A.; Strohbach, B. J.; Jürgens, N. (2010) Patterns and dynamics of vascular plant diversity along the BIOTA transects in southern Afric. In: Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (eds.): Biodiversity in southern Africa 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale. Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. pp. 118-135
- Strohbach, B. J.; Petersen, A. (2007) Vegetation of the central Kavango woodlands in Namibia: An example from the Mile 46 Livestock Development Centre. South African Journal of Botany 73: pp. 391-401
- Tietjen, B.; Jeltsch, F.; Zehe, E.; Classen, N.; Gröngröft, A.; Schiffers, K.; Oldeland, J. (2009) Effects of climate Change on the coupled dynamics of water and vegetation in drylands. Ecohydrology pp. 1-12
- Uhlmann, E.; Görke, C.; Petersen, A.; Oberwinkler, F. (2006) Arbuscular mycorrhizae from arid parts of Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 64: pp. 221-237
- Uhlmann, E.; Görke, C.; Petersen, A.; Oberwinkler, F. (2004) Arbuscular mycorrhizae from semiarid regions of Namibia. Can. J. Bot. 82: pp. 645-653
- Wisch, U.; Petersen, A.; Gröngröft, A.; Eschenbach, A. (2009) Dryland Farming in the Kavango Region: Effect of Land Use on Soil Properties. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I 2008: pp. 189-211
- Zedda, L.; Gröngröft, A.; Schultz, M.; Petersen, A.; Mills, A.; Rambold, G. (2010) Distribution patterns of soil lichens across different biomes of southern Africa. J. Arid Environm. 75: pp. 215-220
- Zedda, L.; Gröngröft, A.; Schultz, M.; Petersen, A.; Mills, A.; Rambold, G. (2010) Patterns of soil lichen diversity along the BIOTA transects in relation to climate and soil features. In: Schmiedel, U.; Jürgens, N. (eds.): Biodiversity in southern Africa 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale. Göttingen & Windhoek: Klaus Hess Publishers. pp. 100-106
- Duration: 10.2000 - 04.2010
- Project lead: Prof. i.R. Dr. Günter Miehlich, Dr. Alexander Gröngröft (retired)
- Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)