Society for the Promotion of Soil Science Hamburg
The "Verein zur Förderung der Bodenkunde Hamburg" (Society for the Promotion of Soil Science Hamburg) was founded in 1976 as a long-term union of the staff of the Institute of Soil Science.
The aims of the association are
- the promotion of pedological research and teaching by supporting the discussion process in lectures, workshops and conferences,
- the promotion of young researchers,
- improving public understanding of and interest in soil science and
- the publication of the Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten (HBA; Hamburg Soil Science Studies).
The unregistered and voluntary association currently (December 2023) has more than 100 members and is managed by the board of directors, consisting of Prof. Dr. Christian Beer (chairman), Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach (vice chairman) and Dr. Klaus Berger (treasurer and editorship HBA). Due to its exclusive and direct promotion of charitable purposes (science and research), the association is exempt from corporation tax. There is no membership fee. The association operates on a donation basis. Donations for the implementation of events and public relations activities as well as for co-financing of the Hamburger Bodenkundlichen Arbeiten (Hamburg Soil Science Studies) are always welcome.
Since 1985, the association has published more than 100 volumes of the Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten. In this series especially dissertation and habilitation theses resulting from the work at the Institute and proceedings of conferences and workshops conducted at the Institute are published.