Prof. Dr. Christian Beer
Photo: Christian Beer
Heisenberg-Professor for Dynamics of Soil Processes
University of Hamburg
Allende-Platz 2
20146 Hamburg
Room: 301
Office hours
Thursdays 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the office or via zoom. Please register by email by 16:00 on Wednesdays at"AT"
Tel: +49 40 42838-2699
Curriculum Vitae
since 09/2019 | Heisenberg-Professor for Dynamics of Soil Processes, Institute of Soil Science, Universität Hamburg |
2015 | Docent in Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Stockholm University, Sweden |
2013-2019 | Associate Professor for Climate-related Biogeochemical Modeling, Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University, Sweden |
2012-2013 | Research group leader, Department of Biogeochemical Integration, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany |
2006-2012 | Research Scientist, Biogeochemical Model-Data Integration Group, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany |
2005-2006 | Post-Doc, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de L'Environnement (LSCE), Gif-sur-Yvette, France |
2005 | Dr. rer. nat., Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany |
2002-2005 | Research associate, Department of Earth Observation, Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. Topic: Simulation of the Central Siberian carbon balance using a permafrost-advanced and satellite data-constrained DGVM |
2002 | First state exam (Chemistry, Mathematics, Pedagogics), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany |
Research and Working Focuses
- Carbon and energy fluxes in permafrost-affected ecosystems
- Soil property spatial heterogeneity effects on land-atmosphere interactions
- Feedback processes within terrestrial ecosystems
- Boundless carbon cycle
- Böden: Aufbau, Funktionen und Prozesse (2 SWS, B.Sc. Geowissenschaften GeoW-B-2.1, together with Eva-Maria Pfeiffer)
- Permafrost soils and landscapes in the climate system (2 SWS, M.Sc. Geowissenschaften GeoW-M-B1.1 und M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-3.3.10, together with Lars Kutzbach)
- Basic Research Skills (lecture with homework assignments, 2 SWS, M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-1.1.1, together with Sebastian Zubrzycki and SICSS lecturers)
- Concepts of modelling terrestrial ecosystem processes (lecture with practice, 2 SWS, M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-1.4.7)
- Modelling terrestrial ecosystem processes (lecture with practice, 2 SWS, M.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-M-B2.2 and M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-2.3.6)
- Aktuelle Themen der Erdsystemforschung (2 SWS, M.Sc. Geowissenschaften GeoW-M-B1.1, together with Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Annette Eschenbach and Lars Kutzbach)
- Climate System Science Seminar (1 SWS, M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-3.1.1)
Work Experiences, Practice, Field Trips
- Bodenkundliche Geländeübungen: Böden der Hahnheide (field trip, 2 SWS, B.Sc. Geowissenschaften GeoW-B-1.2, together with Lars Kutzbach, Christian Knoblauch and Claudia Fiencke)
- Bodenkartierung und GIS-Anwendung (field trip with practice, 5 SWS, M.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-M-B3.1, together with Eva-Maria Pfeiffer)
- Geowissenschaftliches Studienprojekt (internship and seminar, 6 SWS, B.Sc. Geowissenschaften GeoW-B-5.2, together with Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Annette Eschenbach, Lars Kutzbach and other lecturers)
- Supervision of Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral theses
Research Project "Soil microbiological studies on permanent soil monitoring sites"
CLICCS Project A1 (Carbon Dynamics in the Arctic): Contribution of the Institute of Soil Science
Research Project "Process-oriented cryoturbation modelling"
Research Project PERICLES: Partnership for Research on Biota-Climate-Feedbacks
Further Duties and Activities
- Head of the study programme M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences (ICSS) of Universität Hamburg
- Chair of the audit committee of the M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences (ICSS) of Universität Hamburg
- Former Head of the study programme M.Sc. Polar and Marine Sciences (POMOR) of Universität Hamburg
- Chair of Ph.D. advisory panels of the School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences (SICSS)
- Member in Ph.D. defense committees in Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Sweden and France
- Associate editor: The Cryosphere
- Spokesman of the project MOMENT (Permafrost Research Towards Integrated Observation and Modelling of the Methane Budget of Ecosystems)