Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach
Photo: Lars Kutzbach
Professor for Soils in the Climate System
Universität Hamburg
Allende-Platz 2
20146 Hamburg
Room: 304a
Office hours
- Thursday 9 - 10 am
Tel: +49 40 42838-2021
Curriculum Vitae
since 2015 | Professor of "Soils in the climate system" at the Institute for Soil Science at Hamburg University |
2011 | Successful Interim Evaluation of the Juniorprofessorship |
2009 | Juniorprofessorship at Hamburg University, Institute of Soil Science Head of the CliSAP Research Group "Regional Hydrology in Terrestrial Systems", Cluster of Excellence "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction" |
2006 | PhD at Hamburg University, Department of Earth Sciences Topic: The Exchange of Energy, Water and Carbon Dioxide between Wet Arctic Tundra and the Atmosphere at the Lena River Delta, Northern Siberia |
2005 - 2008 | Scientific assistant at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology |
2000 - 2005 | PhD-Project at Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research and Oceanography, Potsdam |
2000 | Degree Biologist, Hamburg University Topic: Die Bedeutung der Vegetation und bodeneigener Parameter für die Methanflüsse in Permafrostböden |
Research Focus
- The pedosphere in the climate system
- Element cycling at boundary layers of the earth system (collaboration with CEN)
- Regional hydrology in terrestrial systems (CliSAP-project)
- Landscape-atmospheres and lateral material flows in permafrost (EU-project PAGE21, BMBF-projects CarboPerm, KoPf & MOMENT)
- Landscape development and nutrient cycle of permafrost in climate change (DFG-project POLYGON)
- Hydrology, carbon and nutrient cycle of marshland at boreal, temperate and Mediterranean climatic zones (CliSAP flexible pool project, DAAD projectbased person exchange with Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas, Almeriá, Spain)
- New statistic proceedings for amplitude optimized paleo climate reconstructions of chronological high-resolution, noisy proxy data (DFG-project)
- Global biogeochemical cycling and the climate system (Lecture with practice; 4 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-1.2.; together with Jens Hartmann)
- Soil, water and vegetation processes and their coupling to the atmosphere (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-2.3., M.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-M-BK2.2; together with Christian Knoblauch)
- Permafrost soils and landscapes in the climate system (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-3.3, M.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-M-BK1.1; together with Eva-Maria Pfeiffer)
- Using the eddy covariance approach for analysing land-atmosphere fluxes of energy and matter (Lecture with program practice; 2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-3.3, M.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-M-BK1.1; together with Norman Rößger)
- Aktuelle Themen der Erdsystemforschung (2 SWS; M.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-M-BK1.1; together with Annette Eschenbach, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer)
- Interdisziplinäres Seminar (2 SWS; M.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-M-BK3.2; Coordinator)
- Scales in the climate system (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-2.1; together with Johanna Baehr, Jörn Behrens, Michael Brüggemann, Thomas Frisius, Inga Hense, Lars Kaleschke, Simone Rödder, Maike Scheffold and Jürgen Scheffran)
Work Experiences, Practice, Field Trips
- Bodenkundliche Geländeübungen: Böden der Hahnheide (2 SWS; B.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-B-1.2; together with Christian Knoblauch, Claudia Fiencke)
- Bodenkundliche Geländeübungen: Böden vor der Haustür (2 SWS; B.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-B-3.4; together with Claudia Fiencke, David Holl und Eva-Maria Pfeiffer)
- Bodenkundliche Geländeübungen: Böden der Küstenniederungen (2 SWS; B.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-B-3.1; together with Andreas Hadenfeldt)
- Praktikum und Seminar: Geowissenschaftliches Studienprojekt (B.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-B-5.2; together with Annette Eschenbach, Eva-Maria Pfeiffer and other lecturers)
- Geowissenschaftliche Abschluss-Exkursion Erzgebirge / Ötztal (4 SWS, B.Sc. Geoscience GeoW-B-6.1; together with Eva-Maria Pfeiffer)
- Field Course on Soil-Atmosphere Coupling (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-2.3; together with Olga Vybornova)
- Geländeübungen und Seminar: Soils and Land Use of Wetlands (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences ICSS-M-2.3; together with Andreas Hadenfeldt)
Further Duties and Activities
University activities
- Managing Director of the Institute of Soil Science
- Member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climatic Change, and Society" (CLICCS)
- Co-Leadership of CLICCS Research Topic A: Climate Sensitivity and Variability in the Climate System
- Co-Leadership of CLICCS Research Topic A1: Carbon Dynamics in the Arctic
- Co-coordinator of the research focus "Material Cycles at Interfaces in the Earth System" of the Centre for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN)
- Leader of the subproject 3: “Effects of permafrost thawing and formation on the methane fluxes in heterogeneous tundra landscapes” of the BMBF-project “MOMENT”
- Head of the Quality Circle for the study programmes Earth Sciences (B.Sc./M.Sc./B.A. NF) and Integrated Climate System Sciences (M.Sc.)
- Spokesperson of the teaching area "Biogeochemistry of the Climate System" of the international study programme M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences
- Chair for Ph.D. Advisory Panels in various graduate schools (over 20 so far)
Additional activities
- Chair of the working group 'Soil Gases' of the German Soil Science Society