Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheffran

Professor für Integrative Geographie
Arbeitsgruppe Integrative Geographie
Universität Hamburg
Grindelberg 7
20144 Hamburg
Raum: 2015
- Nach Vereinbarung
Tel.: +49 40 42838-7722
Fax: +49 40 42838-7471
- Wechselwirkung Mensch-Gesellschaft-Umwelt
- Klimawandel, Sicherheit und Ressourcenkonflikte
- Erneuerbare Energien und nachhaltige Landnutzung
- Modellierung komplexer Systeme
- Technikfolgenabschätzung, Rüstungskontrolle
Akademische Tätigkeiten
- Seit August 2009 Professur für Klimawandel und Sicherheit, Fachbereich Geographie, KlimaCampus Exzellenz-Initiative, Universität Hamburg
- 2007-2009 Assistant Director for Education, Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
- 2006-2009 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, UIUC.
- 2006-2009 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, UIUC.
- 2006-2009 Research Associate, Information Trust Institute, and Center for Complex Systems Research, UIUC.
- 2004-2009 Einwerbung, Koordination und Durchführung verschiedener Projekte an der University of Illinois
- 2004-2009 Senior Research Scientist and Faculty Member, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security (Mac Arthur grant), UIUC.
- 2003 Visiting Professor, University of Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne
- 2001-2004 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Departments: Global Change and Social Systems; Integrated Systems Analysis.
- 2001-2004 Lehrveranstaltungen in der wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Universität Potsdam.
- 2000 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Hamburg (BMBF-Projekt)
- 1994-2003 Lehraufträge, Vorträge und Seminare, Politikwissenschaft, Zentrum für Konfliktforschung, Philipps-Universität Marburg.
- 1993-1999 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (C1), Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Sicherheit (IANUS), und Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Darmstadt.
- 1988-1993 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, IANUS, Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt.
- 1984-1988 Forschungsstipendien der Volkswagen Stiftung zur Rüstungskontrolle
- 1986 - 1989 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. an der Universität Marburg; Doktorarbeit im Bereich agentenbasierte Konfliktmodellierung und internationale Sicherheit
- 1976 - 1983 Studium der Physik an der Universität Marburg; Diplomarbeit zum Thema “Komplexität und Stabilität von Makrosystemen mit Anwendungen”
Weitere Aktivitäten und Initiativen
- 2017–pres: Geschäftsführender Direktor, Institut für Geographie
- 2016 Visiting Scientist, Guangzhou University, China
- 2016–pres.:Vorstand der Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW)
- 2013–2016: Vorstand, Center for Earth System Research & Sustainability
- 2014–2018: Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschusses, Institut für Geographie
- 2012–2014: Mitglied, CliSAP Scientific Steering Committee
- 2016–2017: Vorsitz, Berufungskomitee, Junior Professur an der WiSo Facultät
- 2016–2017: Berufungskomitee, Professur in Politikwissenschaft, Direktor IFSH 2010: Berufungskomitee, Professur in Global Change & Resource Management
- 2004–2014: Gutachter European Commission, BMBF, DAAD, DBU
- 2010–2013: Reviewer, IPCC 5th Assessment Report; Report on Renewable Energy
- Seit 2009: Steering Committee, Environmental Change Institute, UIUC
- Seit 2009: Steering Committee, Middle Powers Initiative
- Seit 2007: Middle East Missile Study Group
- 2007-2009: Faculty Advisor, Student Sustainability Committee, UIUC
- 2006-2009: Mitglied, Biofuels Working Group, Illinois State Lt.Governor Quinn
- 2006-2008: Koordinator, Renewable Energy Initiative at UIUC
- Seit 2004: Beirat der Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW)
- 2004: MicroEnergy Projekt, Technische Universität Berlin
- Seit 2003: Mitglied im Council des International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES); seit 2009 Mitherausgeber INES Newsletter
- 2002: Mitglied der deutschen Delegation, Klimaverhandlungen in New Delhi (COP8)
- 2001: Gastwissenschaftler, University of Valladolid, Business and Economics School.
- 2000: Göttinger Friedenspreis (gemeinsam mit IANUS).
- Seit 1998: Technical Committee, Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability (SWIIS), International Federation of Automatic Control
- 1996-1997: Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Forschungsverbund Naturwissenschaft, Abrüstung und internationale Sicherheit (FONAS)
- 1995-1997 und 2006-2007: Arbeitsgruppe Model Nuclear Weapons Convention
- Seit 1993: Mitbegründer International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation (INESAP); Herausgabe des INESAP Information Bulletin
- Seit 1992: Teilnehmer, Pugwash Conferences in Science and World Affairs
- Seit 1991: Redaktion “Wissenschaft und Frieden“
- Seit 1986: Beirat, Naturwissenschaftler-Initiative Verantwortung für Frieden und Zukunftsfähigkeit; zeitweise Vorstand
Mitwirkung in ausgewählten Forschungsprojekten (mit Förderquelle)
- 2019-2023: CliCCS Cluster of Excellence (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- 2009-2018: Research Group Climate Change and Security, CliSAP Cluster of Excellence (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- 2018-2019: Assessing and managing risk-based resilience to climate-change-related flood risk in Hong Kong (DAAD)
- 2018: Sustainable Rural Development for Water-Scarce Regions (Kompetenzzentrum Nachhaltige Universität)
- 2017-2018: Co-Resilience of Natural & Social Systems in a Global Biodiversity Hotspot (BMBF)
- 2016-2017: On Risk and Resources: Exploring the Nexus of Oil, Conflict, and Climate Change in North-west Kenya (National Geographic Society)
- 2015-2017: Cities in Change (URBMOD) (Landesexzellenz-Initative Stadt Hamburg)
- 2015-2019: Sustainable Urban Energy Transition, Strategic Partnership between Universities of Hamburg, Sydney, Shanghai (DAAD)
- 2011-2015: Climate Change and Migration (COST Action)
- 2012-2014: European Transdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering (Europ. Commission)
- 2009: Security Policy Formation: Bringing Scientific Expertise and Dialogue to Policymakers (MacArthur Foundation)
- 2007-2009: ConflictSpace: Spatial Analysis of International Conflict (Critical Initiatives for Research & Scholarship at the University of Illinois)
- 2007-2009: Economic and Environmental Impacts of Biofuels (Energy Biosciences Institute)
- 2007-2009: Meeting the Demand for Biofuels (US Department of Energy)
- 2006-2007: Renewable Energy and Land Use in Illinois (Environmental Council)
- 2004-2008: Strengthening Scientific and Technical Advice on International Peace and Security (ACDIS project funded by MacArthur Foundation)
- 2003-2004: Abfall, Energie und Klima (Vattenfall Europe, ITAD, UBA, PIK)
- 2003-2004: Agents, Coalitions, Complex Networks (IANUS, PIK, European Commission)
- 2001-2004: Moving Beyond Missile Defense (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Berghof-Stiftung)
- 2000: Power Distribution, Coalition Formation and Multipolar Stability in International Systems (BMBF)
- 1993-1999: Modellierung von Konflikt und Kooperation in der Umwelt- und Sicherheitspolitik (Land Hessen)
- 1994-1995: Globale Sicherheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung als Kriterien für Technikbewertung am Beispiel von Energiesystemen (IANUS-Projekt gefördert durch Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst)
- Seit 1993: International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation (MacArthur Foundation, Alton Jones Foundation, Ford Foundation, Berghof-Stiftung, Land Hessen)
- 1990-1992: Steuerung der Rüstungsdynamik (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- 1988-1993: Komplexität und Stabilität von Rüstungstechnologien, Kontrolle von Trägersystemen, Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Sicherheit (Volkswagen-Stiftung)
- 1984-1989: Rüstungskontrolle im Weltraum (Volkswagen-Stiftung)
- 2012: Regulierung, Bewertung und öffentlicher Diskurs von Climate-Engineering-Eingriffen, Mitwirkung in Studie für das Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
- 2011/2012: North South Transitions to Green Economies - Making Export Support, Technology Transfer, and Foreign Direct Investments Work for Climate Protection, Mitwirkung an Gutachten für die Heinrich-Böll Stiftung.
- 2003-2004: Artikel 2 der Klimarahmenkonvention, Mitwirkung in Studie für das Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
- 2002 Rüstungskontrolle im Weltraum, Studie für das Büro für Technikfolgenabschätzung des Deutschen Bundestages (TAB).
- 1993-1994: Rüstungsrelevante Forschung und Technik, Mitwirkung in Vor-Gutachten für das Büro für Technikfolgenabschätzung des Deutschen Bundestages (TAB).
- 1991: Conversion of military resources for environmental protection, Consultant for the UN Department of Disarmament Affairs
Mitveranstaltung von Tagungen und Workshops
- 12. Dezember 2018, Hamburg: Symposium „Viable World: Gangbare Wege in eine lebensfähige und lebenswerte Welt“.
- 15.-16. November 2018, Berlin: DFG-Roundtable “Climate Resilience”.
- 12.-13. Oktober 2017, Hamburg: Workshop “Climate Change, Decarbonization and the Urban Energy Transition”
- 10.-11. März 2017, Hamburg: “1st Hamburg Workshop on Agent-based Modeling of Environmental Challenges and Climate Policy”
- 24.-26. 2016, Hamburg: CliSAP Workshop “Arctic and Permafrost”
- 10. Februar 2016, Hamburg: CEN Workshop „Energielandschaften Norddeutschland - Energiewende im Raum?“
- 2. Dezember 2015: Paris: COP21 Side event on "The Importance of Social Science Research for Understanding Climate Change Induced Migration"
- 7.-9. November 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, International Workshop “Water and Air Challenges in the HKH under Climate and Environmental Change”.
- 22.-24. September 2014, Lübeck: International Workshop”Climate, Land Use and Conflict in Northern Africa”.
- 9.-11. September 2013, Hamburg: International Workshop Climate Change and Environmental Pressure: Adaptation and Resilience of Local Communities in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya (HKH).
- 16.-18. Juli 2013, Hamburg: International Conference “The Hamburg Conference: Actions for Climate-Induced Migration”.
- 15.-16. Juli 2013, Hamburg: COST-Workshop on “Knowledge-Creation and Capacity-Building for Actions in Climate-Induced Migration”.
- 20.-21. Juni 2013, Kristiansand, Norway: “Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads: Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?”
- 21. November 2011, Berlin: Climate Security Dialogue “Climate Change in South Asia: Conflict or Cooperation over the Himalaya?”
- 18. November 2011, Hamburg: Strategie-Workshop „Klimawandel und Migration: Entwicklung einer Deutschen Position.“
- 10.-11. November 2011, Hamburg: “Geoengineering the Climate: an Issue for Peace & Security Studies?”
- 30. September 2011, Berlin: Climate Security Dialogue “Climate Change in Latin America: Addressing Risks for Food and Water Security”.
- 22.-24. September 2011, Hamburg: International Symposium “Limits to the Anthropocene”.
- 11.-12. August 2011, Hamburg: International Conference “Severe Atmospheric Aerosol Events”.
- 10. August 2011: Hamburg: International Workshop, Nuclear weapons and their disarmament.
- 20. Juni 2011 Berlin: Climate Security Dialogue.”Climate Change in Central Asia: Interlinkages between Water and Energy Security Trends”.
- 30. Mai 2017: Climate Security Dialogue: “Climate Change in the Southern Mediterranean: The Water-Food-Energy-Migration Complex”.
- 23-24 2011: Desert Power, Berlin: International Conference Power for the People - Sustainable Development by Desertec?”
- 19.-20.11.2009, Hamburg: International Conference “Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict”
- 16.-17.4.2009, UIUC: Hewlett-Workshop “Sustainable Biofuels and Human Security: A Comparison of Brazil and Southern Africa”
- 6.-7.11.2008, UIUC: Sloan –Workshop “Social Dimensions of Sustainable Biofuels: Global Issues and the Asian Context”
- 25.-27.9.2008, UIUC: Workshop “The Spatial Analysis of Conflict”
- 12.-13.5.2008, UIUC: Workshop “Sustainable Biofuels and Human Security: Critical Issues of Gender, Health, Environment and Food” (support by Energy Biosciences Institute)
- 23.-24.4.2008, UIUC: Environmental Horizons Summit (Steering Committee)
- 21.-23.4.2008, UIUC: ConflictSpace Project Workshop
- 23.7.2007, UIUC: Workshop “Bioenergy Curriculum Development” (with CABER)
- 26.-27.4.2007, UIUC: International Symposium “Fueling Change with Renewable Energy” (program and presentations at
- 15.5.2006, UIUC: Panel on “Security and Complexity”, 6th Symposium “Understanding Complex Systems”, Center for Complex Systems Research, Department of Physics.
- Spring 2006, UIUC: ACDIS Seminar Series “Towards Energy Security and Sustainability”
- 9.-11.10.2004, Hiroshima: INESAP Conference “The Challenge of Hiroshima”
- 11.-12.12.2003, Potsdam: Potsdamer Abfalltag "Abfall, Energie und Klima ”
- 4.-6.12.2003, Wien: Workshop "Agent-Based Computational Modelling in Demography, Economics and Environment".
- 30.11.-2.12.2003, Shanghai: INESAP Conference “Moving Beyond Missile Defense”, Fudan University.
- 17.-21.3.2003, Paris: Workshop “Connectionist and structural complexity of dynamical networks”, Institut Henri-Poincaré.
- 24.-26.1.2003, Berlin: INESAP Conference “Arms Control, Transparency and Verification in a European-Russian Framework of Cooperative Security”
- 9.-10.10.2000, Moskau: Workshop “Power Distribution, Coalition Formation and Multipolar Stability in International Systems”
- 24.4.-19.5.2000, United Nations, New York: Panel on “Legal, Political, and Technical Strategies for Nuclear Disarmament”, NPT Review Conference
- 13.-14.3.2000, Darmstadt: OR Workshop “Optimization in Environmental Management''
- 3.-5.3.1999, Darmstadt: International Conference “Space Use and Ethics”
- 25.-27.3.1998, Universität Regensburg: Arbeitskreis Abrüstung, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft.
- Feb. 1998/1999/2000, Darmstadt: Drei Workshops zu “Konfliktfeld Biodiversität”
- 7.4.1997, United Nations, New York: Panel on the Model Nuclear Weapons Convention
- 29.11.-1.12.1996, Mülheim: Workshop “Frieden durch nachhaltige Entwicklung – nachhaltige Entwicklung durch Frieden?”
- 30.5.-2.6.1996, Götheborg: INESAP Conference “From Non-Proliferation Towards a Nuclear-Weapons-Free-World”
- 25.-26.4.1995, United Nations, New York: Forum “Beyond the NPT – A Nuclear-Weapon-Free World”,
- 27.-31.8.1993, Mülheim, INESAP Founding Conference “Against Proliferation-Towards General Disarmament”
- 27.-29.11.1992, München: Konferenz “Die Janusköpfigkeit von Forschung und Technik”
Journal Articles (since 2008)
- Williams DS, Costa MM, Sutherland C, Celliers L, Scheffran J (2019) Vulnerability of informal settlements in the context of rapid urbanization and climate change. Environment and Urbanization (January): 1-20.
- Shaaban M., Scheffran J, Böhner J, Elsobki MS (2019) A dynamic sustainability analysis of energy landscapes in Egypt: A spatial agent-based model combined with multi-criteria decision analysis. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 22(1):4.
- Shaaban M, Scheffran J, Böhner J, Elsobki M, (2019) ELTAP-Egy model (Energy Landscape Transition Analysis and Planning in Egypt) (Version 1.0.0). CoMSES Computational Model Library.
- Abid M, Scheffran J, Schneider UA, Elahi E (2019) Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change, Observed Trends and Adaptation of Agriculture in Pakistan. Environmental Management 63(1): 110–123.
- Lawrence MG, Schäfer S, Muri H, Scott V, Oschlies A, Vaughan NE, Boucher O, Schmidt H, Haywood; Jürgen Scheffran (2018) Evaluating climate geoengineering proposals in the context of the Paris Agreement temperature goals. Nature Communications, 9:3734 (1-19).
- Schilling J, Locham R, Scheffran J (2018) A local to global perspective on oil and wind exploitation, resource governance and conflict in Northern Kenya. Conflict, Security and Development. 18(6): 571-600. DOI:10.1080/14678802.2018.1532642.
- Scheffran J (2018) Klima der Extreme: Die Risiken des Geo-Engineering. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 12: 69-77.
- Dehghani Pour M, Barati AA, Azadi H, Scheffran J (2018) Revealing the Role of Livelihood Assets in Livelihood Strategies: Towards Enhancing Conservation and Livelihood Development in the Hara Biosphere Reserve, Iran. Ecological Indicators, 79 (1), 336-347.
- Scheffran J (2018) Verification and security of transformation to a nuclear-weapon-free world: the framework of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Global Change, Peace & Security 30(2):1-20. DOI:10.1080/14781158.2018.1472565.
- Jamshidi, O., Asadi, A., Kalantari, K., Azadi, H., Scheffran, J. (2018) Vulnerability to climate change of smallholder farmers in the Hamadan province, Iran. Climate Risk Management (online first). DOI:10.1016/j.crm.2018.06.002
- Scheffran J (2018) Militarisierung oder Zivilisierung? - Ambivalenz der Wissenschaft in der Krise. Wissenschaft & Frieden 2/18: 15-20.
- Shaaban M, Scheffran J, Böhner J, Elsobki M (2018) Sustainability Assessment of Electricity Generation Technologies in Egypt Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Energies 11(5).
- Link PM, Böhner J, Held H, Scheffran J (2018) Energy Landscapes: Modeling of Renewable Energy Resources with an Emphasis on Northern Germany. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 99 (April): ES71-ES73, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0295.1.
- Yang L, Hoffmann P, Scheffran J, Rühe S, Fischereit J, Gasser I (2018) An Agent-Based Modeling Framework for Simulating Human Exposure to Environmental Stresses in Urban Areas. Urban Science 2(2):1-21.
- Bukari KN, Sow P, Scheffran J (2018) Cooperation and co-existence between farmers and herders in the midst of violent farmer-herder conflicts in Ghana. African Studies Review 1-25
- Heider K, Rodriguez Lopez JM, Scheffran J (2018) The potential of volunteered geographic information to investigate peri-urbanization in the conservation zone of Mexico City. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190(4): 219-235.
- Yang L, Scheffran J, Süsser D, Dawson R, Chen YD (2018) Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-Based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 23(4): 369–388.
- Evadzi PIK, Scheffran J, Zorita E, Hünicke B (2018) Awareness of sea-level response under climate change on the coast of Ghana. J. of Coastal Conservation 22(1):183–197.
- Solomon N, Birhane E, Gordon C, Haile M, Taheri F, Azadi H, Scheffran J (2018) Environmental impacts and causes of conflict in the Horn of Africa: A review. Earth-Science Reviews 177: 284–290.
- Yang LE, Chan FKS, Scheffran J (2018) Climate change, water management and stakeholder analysis in the Dongjiang River basin in South China. International Journal of Water Resources Development 34(2):166–191. DOI:10.1080/07900627.2016.1264294.
- Scheffran J, Link PM, Shaaban M, Süsser D, Yang J (2017) Technikfolgenabschätzung in Energielandschaften. TATuP 26(3). 26(3): 44-50.
- Scheffran J (2017) Trump gegen Kim: Raketenpoker im Nordkoreakonflikt. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 09/2017: 21-24.
- Link PM, Scheffran J (2017) Impacts of the German Energy Transition on Coastal Communities in Schleswig-Holstein. Germany. Regions Magazine, 307:1, 9-12.
- Shaaban M, Scheffran J (2017) Selection of sustainable development indicators for the assessment of electricity production in Egypt. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 22: 65–73.
- Scheffran (2017) Atomwaffenverbot: Chance für die nukleare Abrüstung. Wissenschaft & Frieden 3/17: 47-50.
- Yang L, Hoffmann P, Scheffran J (2017) Health impacts of smog pollution: the human dimensions of exposure. The Lancet Planetary Health, 1, e132-e133.
- von Szombathely M, Albrecht M, Antanaskovic D, Augustin J, Augustin M, Bechtel B, Bürk T, Fischereit J, Grawe D, Hoffmann P, Kaveckis G, Krefis A, Oßenbrügge J, Scheffran J, Schlünzen HK (2017) A Conceptual Modeling Approach to Health-Related Urban Well-Being. Urban Science 1(17): 1-18.
- Scheffran J, Fröhlich C (2017) Klima-Gewalt-Flucht: Das Beispiel Syrien. Wissenschaft & Frieden 2/17: 7-10.
- Shu K, Scheffran J, Schneider UA, Yang LE, Elflein J (2017) Reconciling Food and Bioenergy Feedstock Supply in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China. International Journal of Green Energy 14(6):509–521.
- Schilling J, Nash SL, Ide T, Scheffran J, Froese R, von Prondzinski P (2017) Resilience and environmental security: towards joint application in peacebuilding. Global Change, Peace & Security 29(2): 1-21.
- Abid M, Ngaruiya G, Scheffran J, Zulfiqar F (2017) The role of social networks in agricultural adaptation to climate change: Implications for sustainable agriculture in Pakistan. Climate 5(4): 85.
- Shu K, Schneider UA, Scheffran J (2017) Optimizing the bioenergy industry infrastructure: Transportation networks and bioenergy plant locations. Applied Energy 192: 247-261.
- Rodriguez Lopez JM, Heider K, Scheffran J (2017) Frontiers of urbanization. Identifying and explaining urbanization hot spots in the south of Mexico City using human & remote sensing. Applied Geography 79: 1-10.
- Rodriguez Lopez JM, Heider K, Scheffran J (2017) Human and remote sensing data to investigate the frontiers of urbanization in the south of Mexico City. Data in Brief 11: 5-11.
- Abid M, Schneider UA, Scheffran J (2016) Adaptation to Climate Change and Its Impacts on Food Productivity and Crop Income: Perspectives of Farmers in Rural Pakistan. Journal of Rural Studies, 47, Part A: 254-266.
- Song X, Chang KT, Yang L, Scheffran J (2016) Change in Environmental Benefits of Urban Land Use and Its Drivers in Chinese Cities, 2000–2010. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 13(6), 1-21.
- Scheffran J, Nash SL (2016) Auf der Flucht vor dem Klimawandel. 04/2016: 28-32.
- Ngaruiya GW, Scheffran J (2016) Actors and Networks in Resource Conflict Resolution under Climate Change in Rural Kenya. Earth System Dynamics 7(2): 441-452.
- Link PM, Scheffran J, Ide T (2016) Conflict and cooperation in the water-security nexus: a global comparative analysis of river basins under climate change, WIREs Water 3(4): 495–515.
- Scheffran J (2016) Stadt - Land – Krieg: Unsicherheit in urbanen Gewalträumen, Wissenschaft und Frieden 2/16: 6-10.
- Balbo AL, Gómez-Baggethun E, Salpeteur M, Puy A, Biagetti S, Scheffran J (2016) Resilience of Small-Scale Societies. A View from Drylands, Ecology & Society 21(2): 1–23.
- Scheffran J (2016) Kettenreaktion außer Kontrolle: Vernetzte Technik und das Klima der Komplexität, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 03/2016: 101-110.
- Gioli G, Hugo G, Máñez Costa, M, Scheffran M (2016) Human mobility, climate adaptation, and development. Introduction to special issue, Migration & Development 5(2): 165–170.
- Sow P, Marmer E, Scheffran J (2016) Between the Heat and the Hardships. Climate Change and Mixed Migration Flows in Morocco, Migration & Development 5(2): 293-313.
- Abid M, Schilling J, Scheffran J, Zulfiqar F (2016) Climate Change Vulnerability, Adaptation and Risk Perceptions at Farm Level in Punjab, Pakistan, Science of the Total Environment, 547, 447-460.
- Scheffran J (2016) Der Vertrag von Paris: Klima am Wendepunkt?, WeltTrends - Das außenpolitische Journal, Nr. 112, 24(2): 4-9.
- Alwardt A, Scheffran J (2016) Mensch und Wasser. Praxis Geographie, 1/2016: 4-9.
- Schilling J, Locham R, Weinzierl T, Vivekanada J, Scheffran J (2015) The nexus of oil, conflict, and climate change vulnerability of pastoral communities in northwest Kenya. Earth System Dynamics 6(2): 703-717. DOI:10.5194/esd-6-703-2015.
- Schäfer MS, Scheffran J, Penniket L (2015) Securitization of media reporting on climate change? A cross-national analysis in nine countries. Security Dialogue 47(1): 1-21.
- Shu K, Schneider U, Scheffran J (2015) Bioenergy and Food Supply: A Spatial-Agent Dynamic Model of Agricultural Land Use for Jiangsu Province in China, Energies, 8(11): 13284–13307.
- Rodriguez Lopez JM, Rosso P, Scheffran J, Delgado-Ramos GC (2015) Remote sensing of sustainable rural-urban land use in Mexico City, Interdisciplina 3(7): 1-20. DOI:10.22201/ceiich.24485705e.2015.7.52413.
- Rodriguez Lopez JM, Rosso P, Scheffran J, Delgado-Ramos GC (2015) Teledetección del uso sustentable de tierra rural-urbana en la Ciudad de México: un análisis cualitativo para la confiabilidad y validación. Interdisciplina 3(7): 137-159.
- Yang L, Scheffran J, Qin H, You Q (2015) Climate-related Flood Risks and Urban Responses in the Pearl River Delta, China, Regional Environmental Change, 15(2), 379-391.
- Scheffran J (2015) Technikkonflikte in der vernetzten Welt. Wissenschaft & Frieden, 2/15: 6-10.
- Link PM, Brücher T, Claussen M, Link JSA, Scheffran J (2015) The Nexus Of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflict: Complex Human-Environment Interactions in Northern Africa. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, September: 1561-1562.
- Abid M, Scheffran J, Schneider UA, Ashfaq M (2015) Farmers' Perceptions of and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Their Determinants; the Case of Punjab Province, Pakistan, Earth System Dynamics, 6(1), 225-243.
- Link PM, Scheffran J (2015) Konfliktfeld Wasser - Argumente für mehr Kooperation am Nil, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1/2015.
- Claussen M, Scheffran J, Brücher T (2014) Climate, land use, and conflict in Northern Africa. EOS Earth & Space Science News, 31.12.2014. DOI:10.1029/2014EO021331.
- Ide T, Schilling J, Link JSA, Scheffran J, Ngaruiya G, Weinzierl T (2014) Spatial distribution of risk factors for climate change and violent conflict across Kenya and Uganda, Political Geography 43(1): 68-81.
- Gioli G, Khan T, Scheffran J (2014) Climatic and environmental change in the Karakoram: making sense of community perceptions and adaptation strategies, Regional Environmental Change, 14(3): 1151-1162.
- Buhaug H, Nordkvelle J, Bernauer T, Böhmelt T, Brzoska M, Busby JW, Ciccone A, Fjelde H, Gartzke E, Gleditsch NP, Goldstone JA, Hegre H, Holtermann H, Koubi V, Link JSA, Link PM, Lujala P, O'Loughlin J, Raleigh C, Scheffran J, Schilling J, Smith TG, Theisen OM, Tol RSJ, Urdal H, von Uexkull N (2014). One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict, Climatic Change 127 (3–4): 391–397.
- Gioli G, Khan T, Bisht S, Scheffran J (2014) Migration as an Adaptation Strategy and its Gendered Implications - Case Study From the Upper Indus Basin, Mountain Research and Development, 34(3): 255-265.
- Ide T, Scheffran J. (2014) On climate, conflict and cumulation: suggestions for integrative cumulation of knowledge in the research on climate change and violent conflict. Global Change, Peace & Security, 26 (3), 263-279.
- Scheffran J, Ide T, Schilling J (2014) Violent Climate or Climate of Violence? Concepts and Relations with Focus on Kenya and Sudan, International Journal of Human Rights, 18 (3): 369-390.
- Scheffran J (2014) Der unmögliche Krieg - Jan Bloch und die Mechanik des Ersten Weltkriegs. Wissenschaft & Frieden 2/14 38-42.
- Chi S-H, Flint C, Diehl P, Vasquez J, Scheffran J, Radil AM, Rider TJ (2014) The Spatial Diffusion of War: The Case of World War I. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society 49(1): 57-76.
- Sow P, Adaawen SA, Scheffran J (2014) Migration, Social Demands and Environmental Change amongst the Frafra of Northern Ghana and the Biali in Northern Benin, Sustainability, 6 (1): 375-398.
- Brzoska M, Scheffran J (2013) Climate and war: No clear-cut schism, Nature, 498: 171.
- Hartmann J, West J, Renforth P, Köhler P, de la Rocha C, Wolf-Gladrow D, Dürr H, Scheffran J (2013) Enhanced Chemical Weathering - as a sink for Carbon Dioxide, a Nutrient Source and a Strategy to Mitigate Ocean Acidification, Reviews of Geophysics, 51(2): 113-149.
- Scheffran J (2013) Atomwaffen-Teststopp und die Zukunft von Rüstungskontrolle und Verifikation. Das Blättchen, 16/2013.
- Ngaruiya G, Scheffran J (2013) Reducing climate adaptation deficits using revolving fund network schemes in rural areas of Kenya, African Journal of Economic & Sustainable Development, 2(4): 347-362.
- Link PM, Brzoska M, Maas A, Neuneck G, Scheffran J (2013) Possible implications of climate engineering for peace and security, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94: ES13-ES16.
- Link PM, Kominek J, Scheffran J (2013) Impacts of accelerated sea level rise on the coastal zones of Egypt, Mainzer Geographische Studien, 55: 79-94.
- Maas A, Scheffran J (2012) Climate Conflicts 2.0? Climate Engineering as Challenge for International Peace and Security, Sicherheit und Frieden, 30 (4): 193-200.
- Link PM, Piontek F, Scheffran J, Schilling J (2012) On Foes and Flows: Vulnerabilities, Adaptive Capacities and Transboundary Relations in the Nile River Basin in Times of Climate Change, L'Europe en Formation, 365: 99-138.
- Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Kominek J, Link PM, Schilling J (2012) Disentangling the Climate-conflict Nexus: Empirical and Theoretical Assessment of Vulnerabilities and Pathways, Review of European Studies, 4 (5): 1-13.
- Weil M, Grassl H, Hoshyaripour G, Kloster S, Kominek J, Misios S, Scheffran J, Starr S, Stenchikov G, Sudarchikova N, Timmreck C, Zhang D, Kalinowski M (2012) Pathways, Impacts, and Policies on Severe Aerosol Injections into the Atmosphere, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, September: ES 85-88.
- Ide T, Scheffran J, Schilling J (2012) Führt der Klimawandel zu mehr Gewaltkonflikten? Wissenschaft & Frieden, 30 (3): 7-9.
- Schilling J, Freier KP, Hertig E, Scheffran J (2012) Climate change, vulnerability and adaptation in North Africa with focus on Morocco, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 156: 12-26.
- Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Kominek J, Link PM, Schilling J (2012) Climate change and violent conflict. Science, 336: 869-871.
- Scheffran J (2012) Climate Change, Nuclear Risks and Nuclear Disarmament. Global Responsibility. 63 (April): 10-12.
- Meyer I, Kaniovski S, Scheffran J (2012) Scenarios for regional passenger car fleets and their CO2 emissions, Energy Policy, 41: 66-74.
- Freier KP, Brüggemann R, Scheffran J, Finckh M, Schneider UA (2012) Assessing the Predictability of Future Livelihood Strategies of Pastoralists in Semi-Arid Morocco under Climate Change, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 79: 371-382.
- Schilling J, Opiyo FEO, Scheffran J (2012) Raiding pastoral livelihoods: motives and effects of violent conflict in north-western Kenya. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice, 2 (25): 16.
- Scheffran J, Marmer E, Sow P (2012) Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa, Applied Geography, 33: 119-127.
- McCarter M, Budescu D, Scheffran J (2011) The Give-or-Take-Some Dilemma: An Empirical Investigation of a Hybrid Social Dilemma, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 116: 83-95.
- Vasquez JA, Diehl P, Flint C, Scheffran J, Chi S, Rider T (2011) The Conflict Space of Cataclysm: The International System and the Spread of War 1914-1917, Foreign Policy Analysis, 7: 143-168.
- Scheffran J, Battaglini A (2011) Climate and Conflicts - The security risks of global warming, Regional Environmental Change, 11 (Suppl. 1): 27-39.
- Scheffran J (2010) Verification and security in a nuclear-weapon-free world: Elements and framework of a Nuclear Weapons Convention, UNIDIR Disarmament Forum, 3-2010: 51-64.
- Scheffran J (2010) La vérification et la sécurité dans un monde sans armes nucléaires: éléments et cadre d’une convention sur les armes nucléaires, UNIDIR Forum du désarmement, 3/2010: 57-71.
- Schilling J, Scheffran J, Link PM (2010) Climate Change and Land Use Conflicts in Northern Africa. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, 112 (384): 173-182.
- Scheffran J (2010) Die Klimapolitik der Obama-Regierung. In: Dossier No. 63 „Ein Jahr US-Außen- und Militärpolitik unter Obama“. Wissenschaft & Frieden 1/2010.
- Flint C, Diehl P, Scheffran J, Vasquez J, Chi S (2009) Conceptualizing Conflict Space: Towards a geography of relational power and embeddedness in the analysis of interstate conflict, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99 (5): 827-835.
- Lempert R, Scheffran J, Sprinz DF (2009) Methods for Long-Term Environmental Policy Challenges, Global Environmental Politics, 9 (3): 106-133.
- Scheffran J, Schilling J (2009) Preventing Climate Conflicts - Cooperative Approaches to Facing the Security Risks of Global Warming. Global Responsibility 60: 1-5.
- Scheffran J (2009) Biofuel Conflicts and Human Security: Toward a sustainable Bioenergy Lifecycle and Infrastructure, Swords & Ploughshares, 17 (2): 4-10.
- Scheffran J, BenDor T (2009) Bioenergy and Land Use – A Spatial-Agent Dynamic Model of Energy Crop Production in Illinois, International Journal of Environment & Pollution, 39 (1/2): 4-27.
- BenDor T, Scheffran J, Hannon B (2009) Ecological and Economic Sustainability in Fishery Management: A Multi-Agent Model for Understanding Competition and Cooperation, Ecological Economics, 68: 1061 – 1073.
- Gopalaswamy B, Scheffran J (2009) Time for a Missile Test Ban, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June.
- Scheffran J, (2009) The gathering storm: is climate change a security threat? Security Index, 87 (2): 21-31.
- Singer CE, Rethinaraj TG, Addy S, Durham D, Isik M, Khanna M, Kuehl B, Luo J, Quimio W, Rajendran K, Ramirez D, Qiang J, Scheffran J, Tiouririne TN, Zhang J (2008) Probability distributions for carbon emissions and atmospheric response. Climatic change 88(3-4): 309-342.
- Scheffran J (2008) Climate change and security. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 64(2): 19-25.
- Scheffran J (2008) Adaptive management of energy transitions in long-term climate change. Computational Management Science 5(3): 259-286.
- Blaschek HP, Knott G, Scheffran J, Funk T, Overmyer S (2008) Overview of the Center for Advanced BioEnergy Research at the University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign. ACS chemical biology 3(1): 21-23.
- Scheffran J (2008) The Complexity of Security. Complexity, 14(1): 13-21.
- Scheffran J (2008) The Nuclear Weapons Convention – Transformation to a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World. INESAP Information Bulletin, No.28 (April): 44-49.
- Scheffran J (2008) Ein Klima der Gewalt? Das Konfliktpotenzial der globalen Erwärmung, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 4/2008.
- Meyer I, Scheffran J (2008) Potenziale und Grenzen von Biokraftstoffen: Bioenergie für Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung? Wissenschaft und Umwelt Interdisziplinär, 11: 80-93.
Edited Books & Journals, Reports & Working Papers
- BenDor TK, Scheffran J (2019) Agent-Based Modeling of Environmental Conflict and Cooperation. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 365 pp.
- Scheffran J (Ed.) (2017) Migration und Flucht zwischen Klimawandel und Konflikten, Hamburger Symposium Geographie, Band 9. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Geographie der Universität Hamburg.
- Böhner J, Dose A, Held H, Scheffran J (2017) Energielandschaften Norddeutschland: Energiewende im Raum. Affiliation: Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) at University of Hamburg; Cluster Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg.
- Burroughs J, Clark R, Deiseroth D, Delong B, Lichterman A, Rietiker D, Scheffran J, Ware A (2017) United Nations conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination: Prohibitions and the Preamble. International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms.
- Burroughs J, Clark R, Deiseroth D, Delong B, Lichterman A, Rietiker D, Scheffran J, Ware A (2017) UN conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination: Nuclear-Armed States, Positive Obligations, Institutional Issues, and Final Clauses. International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms.
- Brauch HG, Oswald-Spring O, Grin J, Scheffran J (2016) Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Springer.
- Brücher T, Brzoska M, Claussen M, Cook KH, Link PM, Link J, Mbow C, Scheffran J (Eds.) (2016) Climate, land use, and conflict in Africa, Special Issue, Earth System Dynamics 7(2).
- Gioli G, Hugo G, Manez M, Scheffran J (Eds.) (2016) Climate change and migration, Special Issue, Migration and Development 5(2).
- Klepper G, Dovern J, Rickels W, Barben D, Goeschl T, Harnisch S, Heyen D, Janich N, Maas A, Matzner N, Scheffran J, Uther S (2016) Herausforderung Climate Engineering - Bewertung neuer Optionen Für den Klimaschutz, Kiel: Institut für Weltwirtschaft.
- Gioli G, Lucarini V, Scheffran J, Turner A (Eds.) (2015) Climate Change and Environmental Pressure: Adaptation and Resilience in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya, Special Issue, Earth System Dynamics 6(1).
- Scheffran J (2015) Climate Change as a Risk Multiplier in a World of Complex Crises. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, 2-3 Nov. 2015.
- Scheffran J, Burroughs J, Leidreiter A, van Riet R, Ware A (2015) The Climate-Nuclear Nexus: Exploring the linkages between climate change and nuclear threats. World Future Council.
- Schäfer S, Lawrence M, Stelzer H, Born W, Low S, Aaheim A, Adriázola P, Betz G, Boucher O, Carius A, Devine-Right P, Gullberg AT, Haszeldine S, Haywood J, Houghton K, Ibarrola R, Irvine P, Kristjansson JE, Lenton T, Link JSA, Maas A, Meyer L, Muri H, Oschlies A, Proelß A, Rayner T, Rickels W, Ruthner L, Scheffran J, Schmidt H, Schulz M, Scott V, Shackley S, Tänzler D, Watson M, Vaughan N (2015) The European Transdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering (EuTRACE). Potsdam: IASS.
- Wirl L, Scheffran J, Bernhardt U, Ruhmann I, Reimers R (2015) Vernetzter Krieg. Conference Documentation, 20.02.2015, Berlin: Natwiss.
- Brzoska M, Link PM, Maas A, Scheffran J (Eds.) (2012) Geoengineering: An Issue for Peace and Security Studies?, Sicherheit & Frieden / Security & Peace, Special Issue, 30 (4/2012).
- Scheffran J, Broszka M, Brauch HG, Link PM, Schilling J (Eds.) (2012) Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict: Challenges for Societal Stability, Berlin, Springer Verlag, Hexagon Series Vol. 8, 868 pp.
- Scheffran J (coord.ed.) (2012) Klimawandel und Sicherheit (Thematic focus), Wissenschaft und Frieden, 3/2012.
- Ide T, Scheffran J (2012) Climate Change: Source of Conflict or Promoter of Cooperation? How to Sort Arguments in the Debate on Climate Change and Violent Conflict. Working Paper CLISEC-26.
- Santarius T, Scheffran J, Tricarico A (2012) North South Transitions to Green Economies - Making Export Support, Technology Transfer, and Foreign Direct Investments Work for Climate Protection, Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- Barben D, Dovern J, Goeschl T, Harnisch S, Heyen D, Janich N, Klepper G, Maas A, Matzner N, Reichwein D, Rickels W, Proelß A, Scheffran J, Uther S (2011) Regulierung, Bewertung und öffentlicher Diskurs von Climate-Engineering-Eingriffen, Gutachten für das Büro für Technikfolgenabschätzung, Kiel: IfW.
- Vasquez JA, Diehl PF, Flint C, Scheffran J (Eds.) (2011) Forum on the Spread of War, 1914-1917: A Dialogue between Political Scientists and Historians. Special Issue, Foreign Policy Analysis 7.
- Marmer E, Scheffran J, Sow P (2011) From security threat to conflict prevention: Integrating migration into climate adaptation policy frameworks in Africa. CLISEC-Working Paper 17.
- Scheffran J (2011) Climate Change, Nuclear Risks and Nuclear Disarmament - from Security Threats to Sustainable Peace. Report, Hamburg: World Future Council, May 2011.
- Blaschek H, Ezeji T, Scheffran J (Eds.) (2010) Biofuels from Agricultural Wastes and Byproducts, Wiley/Blackwell, 276 pp.
- Mascia PN, Scheffran J, Widholm J (Eds.) (2010) Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-Products, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 66, Springer Verlag, 458 pp.
- Khanna M, Scheffran J, Zilberman D (Eds.) (2010) Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 439 pp.
- Scheffran J, Summerfield G (Eds.) (2009) Sustainable Biofuels and Human Security, Swords & Ploughshares, XVII (2), Summer 2009.
- Hagen R, Scheffran J (Eds.) (2008) World at the Crossroads. INESAP Information Bulletin, No.28 (April).
- Scheffran J (Ed.) (2008) Security and Complexity. Complexity (Special Issue) 14(1). DOI:10.1002/cplx.
Book Chapters
- Bukari KN, Sow P, Scheffran J (2019) Real or Hyped? Linkages Between Environmental / Climate Change and Conflicts – The Case of Farmers and Fulani Pastoralists in Ghana. In: Behnassi M, Gupta H, Pollmann O (Eds.) Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global Risks: Perspectives from Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands. Springer, 161-185.
- Scheffran J (2018) Verification and security of transformation to a nuclear-weapon-free world: the framework of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. In: Camilleri JA, Hamel-Green M, Yoshida F (Eds.) The 2017 Nuclear Ban Treaty. A New Path to Nuclear Disarmament. Chapter 10, Routledge.
- Scheffran J (2018) Migration und soziale Probleme als Folge von Wetterextremen. In: Lozan J, Graßl H, et al (Eds.) Warnsignal Klima: Extremereignisse, Warnsignal Klima (GEO) 09/2018, 320-325.
- Link PM, Scheffran J, Shu K (2018) They sow the wind and reap bioenergy: implications of the German energy transition on coastal communities in Schleswig- Holstein, Germany. Heidkamp CP, Morrissey J (Eds.) Towards Coastal Resilience and Sustainability, Routledge, 145-170.
Brzoska M, Oßenbrügge J, Fröhlich C, Scheffran J (2018) Migration. In: H. von Storch, I. Meinke, M. Claussen (Eds.), Hamburger Klimabericht – Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg. Springer Spektrum. 209-224. - Scheffran J (2017) Der Nexus aus Migration, Klimawandel und Konflikten. In: Scheffran J (Ed) Migration und Flucht zwischen Klimawandel und Konflikten. Hamburger Symposium Geographie, Band 9: 7-40.
- Scheffran J (2017) Complex Crisis Landscapes and Climate Risk Governance: Challenges for European Stability and Transformation. Policy Insights, EUC Paper Series, Special Issue - Governing Globalization.
- Scheffran J (2016) Klimawandel als Risikoverstärker in komplexen Systemen. In: Brasseur G, Jacob D, Schuck-Zöller S (Eds), Klimawandel in Deutschland. Springer, 287-294.
- Ide T, Link PM, Scheffran J, Schilling J (2016) The Climate-Conflict Nexus: Pathways, Regional Links, and Case Studies. In: Brauch HG, Oswald Spring Ú, Grin J, Scheffran J (Eds.), Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace, Springer, 285-304.
- Scheffran J (2016) From a Climate of Complexity to Sustainable Peace: Viability Transformations and Adaptive Governance in the Anthropocene. In: Brauch HG, Oswald-Spring U, Grin J, Scheffran J (Eds.) Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Springer, 305-347.
- Scheffran J, Froese R (2016) Enabling Environments for Sustainable Energy Transitions: The Diffusion of Technology, Innovation and ability Transition and Sustainable Peace, Springer, 721-756. Investment in Low-Carbon Societies. In: Brauch HG, Oswald-Spring U, Grin J, Scheffran J (Eds.) Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Springer, 721-756.
- Oswald Spring Ú, Brauch HG, Scheffran J (2016) Sustainability Transition with Sustainable Peace: Key Messages and Scientific Outlook. Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. In: Brauch HG, Oswald-Spring U, Grin J, Scheffran J (Eds.) Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Springer, 887-927.
- Sow P, Marmer E, Scheffran J (2016) En Route to Hell: Dreams of Adventure and Traumatic Experiences among West African “Boat People” to Europe. In: Mannik L (Ed.) Migration by Boat: Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and Survival, Berghahn, 235-252.
- Scheffran J (2015) Complexity and Stability in Human-Environment Interaction. In: Kavalski E (Eds.), World Politics at the Edge of Chaos, SUNY Press, New York, 229-252.
- Scheffran J (2015) Klimakonflikte. In: Bauriedl S (Ed.), Wörterbuch Klimadebatte. Transcript, 179-186.
- Scheffran J (2015) Klimawandel als Sicherheitsrisiko? In: Jäger T (Ed.), Handbuch Sicherheitsgefahren, Wiesbaden, Springer, 105-122.
- Ngaruiya GW, Scheffran J, Yang L (2015) Social Networks in Water Governance and Climate Adaptation in Kenya. In: Filho WL, Sümer V (Eds.) Sustainable Water Use and Management, Springer, 151-167.
- Schilling J, Akuno M, Scheffran J, Weinzierl T (2014) On Raids and Relations: Climate Change, Pastoral Conflict and Adaptation in Northwestern Kenya. In: Bronkhorst S, Bob U (Eds.), Conflict-sensitive Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 241-268.
- Scheffran J, Brauch HG (2014) Conflicts and Security Risks of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Region. In: Goffredo S, Dubinsky Z (Eds.), The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges. Berlin, Springer Verlag, 625-640.
- Scheffran J (2013) Energy, climate change and conflict: securitization of migration, mitigation and geoengineering. In: Dyer H, Trombetta MK (Eds.) International Handbook of Energy Security, Edward Elgar, 319-344.
- Scheffran J, Remling E (2013) The social dimensions of human security in climate change. In: Redclift M, Grasso M (Eds.) Handbook on Climate Change and Human Security. Edward Elgar, 137-163.
- Scheffran J (2012) Wege zur atomwaffenfreien Welt. In: Flach G, Fuchs-Kittowski K (Eds.), Vom atomaren Patt zu einer von Atomwaffen freien Welt - Zum Gedenken an Klaus Fuchs. Abhandlungen der Leibnizsozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Berlin, Info Wissenschaftsverlag, 173-182.
- Kominek J, Scheffran J (2012) Cascading Processes and Path Dependency in Social Networks. In: Soeffner HG (Ed.), Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Scheffran J, Vollmer R (2012) Migration und Klimawandel: globale Verantwortung der EU statt Angstdebatte. In: Schoch B, Hauswedell C, Kursawe J, Johannsen M (Eds.), Friedensgutachten 2012, Münster, LIT Verlag, 209-221.
- Scheffran J (2012) Konflikt und Kooperation im Klimawandel. In: von Quistorp D (Ed.), Kirche schützt Klima, Wiesbaden/Berlin, fenestra Verlag, 51-60.
- Scheffran J (2012) Klimawandel und Ressourcenkonflikt. In: Menschen, Klima, Zukunft?, Jahrbuch Gerechtigkeit V, Glashütten, C&P Verlag, 52-61.
- Scheffran J, Link PM, Schilling J (2012) Theories and models of climate-security interaction: Framework and application to a climate hot spot in North Africa. In: Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Brauch HG, Link PM, Schilling J (Eds.) Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict, Berlin; Springer, Hexagon Series Vol. 8, 91-132.
- Brauch HG, Scheffran J (2012) Introduction: Climate Change, Human Security, and Violent Conflict in the Anthropocene. In: Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Brauch HG, Link PM, Schilling J (Eds.) Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict, Berlin: Springer, Hexagon Series Vol. 8, 3-40.
- Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Brauch HG, Link PM, Schilling J (2012) Conclusions and Outlook: Research Results and Research Needs. In: Scheffran J, Brzoska M, Brauch HG, Link PM, Schilling J (Eds.) Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict. Berlin: Springer, Hexagon Series Vol. 8, 797-818.
- Scheffran J, Gopalaswamy B, Gormley DM, Kubbig BW, Rubin U, Spitzer H (2012) The verification challenge: concepts, requirements, and technologies. In: Kubbig BW, Fikenscher S-E (Eds.) Arms Control and Missile Proliferation in the Middle East, London & New York, Routledge, 149-166.
- Senn M, Altmann J, Kubbig BW, Scheffran J, Schmidt H-J, Shulga O (2012) Caps and bans: limiting, reducing, and prohibiting missiles and missile defence. In: Kubbig BW, Fikenscher S-E (Eds.) Arms Control and Missile Proliferation in the Middle East, London & New York, Routledge, 251-276.
- Scheffran J (2012) „Da treffen zwei Welten aufeinander“, Interview, in: Dernbach B (Ed.) Vom Elfenbeinturm ins Rampenlicht . In: Prominente Wissenschaftler in populären Massenmedien. Wiesbaden, Spinger VS, 217-236.
- Scheffran J (2011) Globaler Klimawandel und Gewaltkonflikte: Befunde und Perspektiven der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. In: Brzoska M, Kalinowski MB, Matthies V, Meyer B (Eds.) Klimawandel und Konflikte, Baden Baden, Nomos Verlag, 27-50.
- Scheffran J (2011) Nuclear energy and climate change: limits and risks, in: Acheson R (Ed.) Costs, risks, and myths of nuclear power. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 37-39.
- Scheffran J (2011) Between Sustainability and Development: Bioenergy, land use, food security and lifecycle analysis. In: Amann E, Baer W, Coes D (Eds.) Energy, Bio Fuels and Development - Comparing Brazil and the United States. Routledge, New York, 203-220.
- Scheffran J (2011) Frieden und nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Giessmann HJ, Rinke B (Eds.) Handbuch Frieden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 310-323.
- Scheffran J (2011) The Security Risks of Climate Change: Vulnerabilities, Threats, Conflicts and Strategies. In: Brauch HG, Oswald-Spring U, Kameri-Mbote P, Mesjasz C, Grin J, Chourou B, Dunay P, Birkmann J (Eds.) Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security. Berlin: Springer, Hexagon Series Vol. 5, 735-756.
- Sieck M, Scheffran J (2010) Der Beitrag des Abfallsektors zur Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen: EU und USA im Vergleich. In: Bilitewski B, Zeschmar-Lahl B, Schnurer H (Eds.), Müll-Handbuch. Vol. 4, November 2010 (KZ 9350), Berlin, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, 1-8.
- Scheffran J (2010) Criteria for a Sustainable Bioenergy Infrastructure and Lifecycle. In: Mascia PN, Scheffran J, Widholm J (Eds.) (2010) Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-products, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 66, Springer Verlag, 409-443.
- Scheffran J (2010) Climate Conflicts and Food Security. In: Avery J (Ed.) Energy, Climate Change and Global Food Security, Proceedings of a symposium at the Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen (2009).
- Scheffran J, Acheson R, Lichterman A (2010) Missiles, missile defense, and space weapons. In: Acheson R (Ed.) Beyond arms control: challenges and choices for nuclear disarmament, New York, NY, 113-124.
- Loretz J, Scheffran J, Ware A, Wright T (2010) A nuclear weapons convention: framework for a nuclear weapon free world. In: Acheson R (Ed.) Beyond arms control: challenges and choices for nuclear disarmament. New York, NY, 181-187.
- Scheffran J (2010) Energiekonflikte, Klimawandel und nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Imbusch P, Zoll R (Eds.) Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Eine Einführung. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 333-352.
- Scheffran J (2010) The Global Demand for Biofuels: Technologies, Markets and Policies. In: Vertes A, Blaschek HP, Yukawa H, Qureshi N (Eds.) Biomass to Biofuels: Strategies for Global Industries, Wiley, 27-54.
- Kang S, Önal H, Ouyang Y, Scheffran J, Tursun D (2010) Optimizing the Biofuels Infrastructure: Transportation Networks and Biorefinery Locations in Illinois. In: Khanna M, Scheffran J, Zilberman D, Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy. Springer, 151-174.
- Scheffran J (2009) Military implications of global warming. In: Dutch SI (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Warming, Pasadena, CA, Salem Press, 729-733.
- Scheffran J (2009) International agreements and cooperation. In: Dutch SI (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Warming. Pasadena, CA, Salem Press, 610-612.
- Scheffran J (2009) Germany. In: Dutch SI (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Warming. Pasadena, CA, Salem Press, 481-483.
- Scheffran J (2008) Preventing Dangerous Climate Change. In: Grover VI (Ed.) Global Warming and Climate Change. Science Publishers (2 Vol), 449-482.
- Scheffran J (2008) Ein Klima der Gewalt? Das Konfliktpotenzial der globalen Erwärmung. Wissenschaft und Frieden, 4/2008.
- Scheffran J (2008) Strengthening International Security Through International Law: The Case of Nuclear, Missile and Space Weapons. In: Falk R, Krieger D (Eds.) At the Nuclear Precipice: Catastrophe or Transformation? Palgrave Press.
Conference Papers and Posters
- Spangenberg J, Scheffran J (2018) The Environmental Justice Atlas – Reason to Act. 24th Annual Conference of International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), Messina, Italy; 06/2018.
- Scheffran J (2018) Beyond Richardson: Modeling conflict in a world of complexity and climate change. International Studies Association Annual Convention 2018, San Francisco; 04/2018.
- Bukari KN, Sow P, Scheffran J (2016) Role of Chiefs in Managing and Resolving Resource Conflicts Between Farmers and Pastoralists in Ghana. Tropentag 2016, Vienna, Austria; 09/2016.
- Abid M, Gioli G, Scheffran J (2016) Internal migration and changing environmental conditions: A farmers’ perspective from rural Pakistan. 33rd International Geographical Congress, Beijing, China; 08/2016.
- Abid M, Scheffran J (2016) Climate change adaptation to sustain local food security in Pakistan. Cambridge Conference on Global Food Security, University of Cambridge, UK; 06/2016
- Baehr J, Behrens J, Brüggemann M, Frisius T, Glessmer MS, Hartmann J, Hense I, Kaleschke L, Kutzbach L, Röter S, Scheffran J (2016) Teaching Scales in the Climate System: An example of interdisciplinary teaching and learning. EGU General Assembly 2016; Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna; 04/2016.
- Scheffran J (2016) From complex crises to sustainable peace: Viability transformation and adaptive governance. ISA 2016 Presentation. International Studies Association, 57th Annual Convention, March 16 - 19, 2016, Atlanta; 03/2016.
- Scheffran J, Cox A, Ruben R, Chin A, Rekacewicz P (2015) Food Security on the Brink? Report of Working Group 9. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, 2-3 Nov. 2015. Planetary Security: Peace and Cooperation in Times of Climate Change and Global Environmental Challenges, Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands; 11/2015.
- Scheffran J (2015) Climate Change as a Risk Multiplier in a World of Complex Crises. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, 2-3 Nov. 2015. Planetary Security Conference, The Hague, Netherlands; 11/2015.
- Scheffran J (2014) Water, land use and environmental conflicts in East Africa. The Wondo Genet College Arboretum Project, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia; 02/2014
- Scheffran J (2013) Vulnerability, Security Risks and Resilience of Sea-level Change in Coastal Communities. Moving Beyond the Threat: Transatlantic Solutions to Sea Level Rise Adaptation, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia; 10/2013.
- Scheffran J (2013)The Diffusion of Innovations for the Sustainability Transition. ISA 2013 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, USA; 04/2013.
- Link PM, Kominek J, Scheffran J (2013) Impacts of accelerated sea level rise on the coastal zones of Egypt. Poster, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013.
- Link PM, Piontek F, Scheffran J, Schilling J (2013) Vulnerabilities, adaptive capacities and transboundary relations in the Nile River Basin in times of climate change. Poster, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013.
- Scheffran J, Kominek J, Cannaday T, Link PM (2013) Climate Engineering: Potential Pathways, Consequences and Risks. Poster, Conference "Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation?", Kristiansand, Norway, June 20-21, 2013.
- Scheffran J (2013) The Diffusion of Innovations for the Sustainability Transition, Working Paper presented at ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, 3-6 April 2013.
- Scheffran J (2013) Modeling the Climate-Security Nexus. Paper presented at ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, 3-6 April 2013.
- Link PM, Kominek J, Scheffran J (2013) Auswirkungen eines beschleunigten Meeresspiegelanstiegs auf die Küstenregionen Ägyptens, Poster, Symposium "Küstenforschung, Küstennutzung und Küstenschutz", Hamburg, March 04-06, 2013.
- Scheffran J (2012) Potential Pathways, Consequences and Risks of Climate Engineering, Poster, IMPLICC Final Symposium: The Atmospheric Science and Economics of Climate Engineering via Aerosol Injections, Mainz, Germany, May 14-16, 2012.
- Scheffran J (2012) Security Risks, Conflict Sensitivity and Cooperation Potential of Climate Change in Africa. Paper presented at Interparliamentarian Dialogue on Climate Change in relation to Peace and Security in Africa. Addis Ababa, March 3-5, 2012.
- Scheffran J (2011) Conflicts and Instabilities of Climate-Society Interaction, Paper presented at Panel “Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security”, Annual Convention International Studies Association, March 16, 2011.
- Scheffran J (2011) Security Risks of Climate Change, Energy Paths, and Climate Engineering: From Conflict to Cooperation, Commissioned paper for the 59th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Berlin, Germany, July 01-04, 2011.
- Lüthje C, Scheffran J, Schäfer M (2011) Limits of the Anthropocene: What are the challenges and boundaries of science for the post-normal age?, Poster, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 03-08, 2011.
- Scheffran J (2011) Conflicts and Instabilities in Climate-Society Interaction, International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, Canada, March 16, 2011.
- Piontek F, Link PM, Scheffran J (2010) Impacts of Climate Change on the Nile River Conflict: The Case of Egypt, DGAP-JREDS Conference "The Impact of Climate Change on the Middle East- Converging and Diverging Perceptions on Development and Human Security", Amman, Jordania, November 25-28, 2010.
- Scheffran J (2010) Climate Change and Stability: The case of the Mediterranean Region, IFAC International Workshop on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2010), Prishtina, Kosovo.
- Klawitter J, Schilling J, Scheffran J (2010) Moving the Desertec Concept Towards Sustainability, DGAP-JREDS Conference "The Impact of Climate Change on the Middle East- Converging and Diverging Perceptions on Development and Human Security", Amman, Jordania, November 25-28, 2010
- Kominek J, Scheffran J (2010) Cascading Effects in Social Networks. Paper presented at the conference "European Conference on Complex Systems", Lisbon, September 15, 2010.
- Link PM, Piontek F, Scheffran J, Schilling J (2010) Integrated assessment of climate security hot spots in the Mediterranean region, Paper presented at 250th Anniversary Conference on "Climate Change and Security", Trondheim, June 20-24, Link-et-al Trondheim 2010.pdf.
- Scheffran J (2010) The Nuclear Weapons Convention as a Process, Atlanta Consultation III, Middle Powers Initiative, Atlanta, Jan. 20-22, 2010, A shorter version appeared in: Global Responsibility, 61, 3-4.
- Scheffran J (2010) Assessing and Preventing Climate Conflicts and Security Risks, Workshop "Peace and Security in the Anthropocene", Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, USA, February 17, 2010
Meyer I, Scheffran J (2009) Passenger car use and climate change: Quantifying the impacts of technological innovations for substantial CO2 emission reductions, 7th International Conference on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Bonn, April 26-30, 2009. WIFO Working paper 351 - Scheffran J (2009) Climate change, Human Security and Societal Instability: Conflict or Cooperation?, Paper presented at the Synthesis Conference of the Global Environmental Change and Security program, Oslo, 22–24 June.
Tursun C, Kang S, Onal H, Ouyang Y, Scheffran J (2008) Optimum Biorefinery Locations and Transportation Network for the Future Biofuels Industry in Illinois. In: Khanna M (Ed.), Transition to a Bioeceonomy: Environmental and Rural Development Impacts. Proceed. USDA/Farm Foundation Conference, St. Louis, Oct. 15-16, 2008, Oak Brook.
Other publications
- Scheffran J (2019) Verbrannte Erde: Militär als Verursacher von Umweltschäden und Klimawandel. Friedensforum 01/2019: 32-44.
- Scheffran J (2018) Die Grenzen des Westens (Editorial). Wissenschaft & Frieden 2/18: 2.
- Scheffran J (2017) ICAN Ban Nuclear Weapons. ACDIS Commentary, November 2017.
- Scheffran J (2017) Zwei Welten: G20-Gipfel, Atomwaffenverbot und globale Machtverschiebungen. VDW Blog, July 7, 2017.
- Scheffran J (2017) Complex Crisis Landscapes and Climate Risk Governance: Challenges for European Stability and Transformation. Policy Insights, EUC Paper Series, Special Issue - Governing Globalization.
- Scheffran J (2015) Vom vernetzten Krieg zum vernetzten Frieden: Die Rolle von Wissenschaft und Technik. FIFF-Kommunikation 3/2015.
- Scheffran J (2014) Water, land use and environmental conflicts in East Africa. The Wondo Genet College Arboretum Project, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia; 02/2014.
- Scheffran J (2013) Geopolitik und Grenzüberschreitung (Editorial), Special Issue Geopolitik, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1/2013: 2.
- Maas A, Brzoska M, Link PM, Neuneck G, Scheffran J (2012) Direkte Eingriffe ins Klima – Eine friedenspolitische Herausforderung?, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1/2012: 44-45.
- Scheffran J (2011) Wenn Wetterextreme Konflikte auslösen, Financial Times Deutschland, December 09.
- Scheffran J (2011) Security Risks of Climate Change: from Conflict to Cooperation, Blickpunkt Zukunft, 55 (August).
- Comardicea I, Tänzler D, Scheffran J (2011) Climate Change in South Asia: Conflict or Cooperation over the Himalaya, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC.
- Piontek F, Platau-Wagner J, Schütz A, Scheffran J (2011) Desert Power for the People – Sustainable Development by DESERTEC?, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 04/2011.
- Máñez Costa M, Scheffran J (2011) Die Flucht vor dem Klimawandel,
- Adriazola P, Maas A, Scheffran J (2011) Climate Change in Latin America, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC.
- Maas A, Scheffran J (2011) Climate Change in Central Asia, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC.
- Fritzsche K, Scheffran J (2011) Climate Change in the Southern Mediterranean, Climate Security Dialogue Brief, Berlin/Hamburg, Germany, adelphi/CLISEC.
- Scheffran J (2011) Konkurrenz um Wasser und Land - an interview with Jürgen Scheffran, Klima im Fokus, June 2011, 28-31.
- Scheffran J (2010) Gesellschaften im Klimastress: Konflikt oder Kooperation?, KlimaCampus Hamburg (Ed.), Der Ozean ist kein Wasserglas - zehn Klimaforscher berichten, 30-37.
- Schilling J, Link PM, Scheffran J (2010) Report on the international conference "Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict". FONAS Newsletter, 10 (10), 17-18.
- Schilling J, Link PM, Scheffran J (2010) Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict. Wissenschaft & Frieden, 1-2010.
- Scheffran J (2009) Ressourcen, Risiken, Konflikte (Editorial), Special issue on resource conflicts, Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2/2009: 2