Studying soil science within the earth system sciences
You can study soil science at bachelor's and master's levels on the BSc and MSc in the Geosciences in the Department of Earth System Sciences in the MIN Faculty. The subject is also part of the international, English-language MSc in Integrated Climate System Sciences (ICSS).
Classes in soil science are also offered within the supplementary and elective areas of degree programs in the earth system sciences (geophysics, meteorology, oceanography, geography), the BSc and MSc in Biology, and the minor BA in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology.
Lectures, seminars, field work, lab work, field trips, and excursions impart expertise in assessing soil as a resource, the skills required for advanced research in the field, and practical experience in the soil sciences. In short: these degree programs not only make you smart, they are also fun!
Core training in soil science covers the formation and diversity of soils, the structure and function of soils, the significance of soils and their processes for materials cycles and ecosystems, soil usage and sustainability, and soil conservation.