Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach

Photo: Annette Eschenbach
Professor for Soil Technology and Soil Protection, Vice Dean for Studies, Teaching and Career Development
University of Hamburg
Allende-Platz 2
20146 Hamburg
Room: 304b
Office hours
Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Currently due to corona please register first by e-mail. You receive a time frame and a zoom link.
Tel: +49 40 42838-2008
Key aspects of activity
- Properties and function of soils
- Sustainable use of soils
- Soil protection
Secretary's office
Curriculum Vitae
since 2007 | Professorship General Soil Science / Soil Protection and Soil Technology, Institute of Soil Science, Universität Hamburg |
2006 - 2007 | Substitute Professor for General Soil Science / Soil Protection and Soil Technology, Institute of Soil Science, Universität Hamburg |
2004 | PostDoc Institute for Technical Environmental Protection, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, BMBF funding priority seepage water prognosis |
2002 - 2005 | Parental leave |
1999 - 2002 | PostDoc, Research Associate and Deputy Head of Department, Department of Environmental Engineering, GKSS Forschungszentrum GmbH, Geesthacht |
1998 - 2001 | Lectureships at the Helmut-Schmidt University Hamburg and at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen |
1997 - 1999 | Research Associate, Institute of Technical Environmental Protection, Bremen University of Applied Sciences BMBF project "Evaluation of the long-term hazard potential of pollutant residues in the soil" |
1995 | Doctorate Dr. rer. nat. at the Technical University Hamburg–Harburg, title of the dissertation: "Einfluß von Pleurotus ostreatus, Kompost, Sphingomonas paucimobilis und der Kontaminationsdauer auf den Verbleib und Abbau 14C-markierter polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in Altlastböden" [Influence of Pleurotus ostreatus, compost, Sphingomonas paucimobilis and contamination duration on the fate and degradation of 14C-labeled polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in contaminated soils; in German] |
1992 - 1999 | Research Associate in the Environmental Engineering Office and Laboratory Dr. R. Wienberg, Hamburg |
1992 - 1997 | Research Associate, Workspace Engineering/Biotechnology, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Projects: PostDoc BMBF project "Formation and long-term stability of bound PAH residues in soil remediation", DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Cleaning of contaminated soils" (SFB 188), "Scientific accompanying investigation program of a biological remediation of contaminated sites in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg" of the Hamburg Environmental Authority and DBU. |
1984 - 1991 | Studies of Geosciences/Applied Physical Geography at the University of Trier, degree Diplom |
Research and Working Focuses
- Resource soil in the enviromental and the climate system (CEN-research focus)
- Soil functions and sustainable utilization of soils: Properties and functions of soils, impact of climate change and land use changes (DFG: CLICCS-C2; especially in southern Africa in the BMBF projects SASSCAL, TopSoil, TFO; and soils of the Elbe estuary and habitat diversity DFG-Research Training Group 2530, BMBF-Projekt Median)
- Soils in urban areas: Properties and functions of urban soils, climate function, adaptation strategies of urban trees in climate change (among others in the BMBF projects: SiK, BoBaSt, BlueGreenStreets and DFG: CLICCS-C1, CLICCS-A3)
- Resource and soil protection: Evaluation of contaminant loads and availability, harbour sediments, dredged material (projects for e.g. HPA, UBA, ELSA, BUKEA, Neumünster)
B.Sc. degree programmes:
- The pedosphere in the earth system: properties and processes; lecture in German, 2 SWS
- Resource soil and soil management; lecture in German, 2 SWS
- Pedologic field training; field internship, 2 SWS (together with colleagues of the Instiute of Soil Science)
- Supervision of B.Sc. theses
M.Sc. degree programmes:
- Pollution and remediation of soils; lecture in German, 2 SWS
- Geoscientific-soil research methods; lecture in German, 2 SWS
- Interactions in the system soil, water balance and atmosphere; field internship in German, 5 SWS (together with Joscha Becker)
- Soil research methods: Analysis and evaluation of the soil as a protected resource; laboratory internship in German, 5 SWS (together with Joscha Becker, Christian Knoblauch)
- Soil diversity and international soil classification; seminar and field internship in German, 2 SWS (together with Lars Kutzbach)
- Supervision of M.Sc. theses
Participation in joint interdisciplinary modules of the B.Sc. and M.Sc. Geosciences:
- Orientation units B.Sc. Geosciences and M.Sc. Geosciences (in German)
- Seminar Current topics of geoscientific practice (in German)
- Study project
- Geoscience B.Sc. final seminar (in German)
- Interdisciplinary seminar
Further Duties and Activities
- Vice Dean for Studies, Teaching and Career Development (since 2022, Dean's office)
- Deputy executive director of the Institute of Soil Science
- Head of MIN Graduate Center (MINGZ)
- Member of the directorate of the cluster of excellence CLICCS
- Member of the directorate of CEN
- Head of the CEN cchool SICSS
- Member of the doctorate committee of the earth system sciences
- Head of the Advisory Panels for PhD-candidates in several graduate schools
- Member of the council of the Hamburg Research Academy (HRA)