BoBaSt: Soil substrate and tree species selection for climate-adapted urban tree plantings
Photo: IfB, UHH / Annette Eschenbach
Project description
The project deals with the development of practice-oriented adaptation measures to climate change. The model-based studies will determine the level of adaptation to drought for tree species and cultivars, and how the effect of potential drought stress can be addressed by selecting the regionally available soil substrate.
The project integrates soil hydrological and plant physiological studies on specifically set up field experiments in a tree nursery, the monitoring of young trees under site conditions at the roadside in the city and the modeling of hydrological processes also for future climate scenarios. Aims of the project are to develop knowledge-based recommendations for practical implementation through the establishment of cooperations in urban areas and thus to increase the sustainability of urban tree populations.
- Dickhaut, W., Doobe, G., Eschenbach, A., Fellmer, M., Gerstner, J., Gröngröft, A., Jensen, K., Lauer, J., Reisdorff, C., Titel, S., et al., 2019. Entwicklungskonzept Stadtbäume. Hamburg: HafenCity Universität Hamburg. Link:
- Heger, A., Kleinschmidt, V., Gröngröft, A., Kutzbach, L., Eschenbach, A., 2020. Application of a low‐cost NDIR sensor module for continuous measurements of in situ soil CO2 concentration. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 183 (5), 557-561. doi: 10.1002/jpln.201900493
- Richter, M., Dickhaut, W., Eschenbach, A., Knoop, L., Pallasch, M., Voß, T., 2021. Können Straßenbaumstandorte durch Regenwasserbewirtschaftung verbessert werden? Pro Baum: Zeitschrift für Pflanzungen, Pflege und Erhaltung 1/2021, 22-26.
- Thomsen, S., Reisdorff, C., Gröngröft, A., Jensen, K., Eschenbach, A., 2019. Responsiveness of mature oak trees (Quercus robur L.) to soil water dynamics and meteorological constraints in urban environments. Urban Ecosystems 23 (1), 173-186. doi: 10.1007/s11252-019-00908-z
Cooperation partners
- Prof. Dr. Kai Jensen, Applied Plant Ecology, Biozentrum Klein-Flottbek, Universität Hamburg
- Dr. Christoph Reisdorff, Applied Plant Ecology, Biozentrum Klein-Flottbek, Universität Hamburg
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dickhaut, Umweltgerechte Stadt und Infrastrukturplanung, HafenCity Universität
Associated network partners
- Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft (BUKEA) Stadtbaummanagement, Amt Naturschutz, Grünplanung und Bodenschutz (Annette Wagner, Torsten Melzer)
- Baumschule Lorenz von Ehren (Herr Bernhard von Ehren)
- K+E Kompost und Erden GmbH (Dr. Martin Rubbert)
Employees at the Institute of Soil Science
- Professor for soil technology and soil protection: Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach
- Scientist: Dr. Joscha N. Becker
- Doctoral candidate: Alexander Schütt
- Engineer: Volker Kleinschmidt
- Senior scientist (retired): Dr. Alexander Gröngröft
Sponsoring institution and project sponsor
Sponsored by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Funding priority: Funding measure "Promotion of measures for adaptation to climate change" in the funding area "Promotion of local and regional cooperation for adaptation to climate change".
Funding code: 67DAS153A
- Duration: 2019 - 2021
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach
- Sponsor: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) based on a resolution of the German Bundestag, Funding code: 67DAS153A