Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer
Photo: Eva-Maria Pfeiffer
Professor (retired) for soil ecology and soil genesis
Curriculum Vitae
Eva-Maria Pfeiffer was born on 17.09.1955 in Landau. Since the winter semester 2002/03 she is C4-professor for soil science at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Hamburg. She studied biology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main and finished her Ph.D. in geosciences in 1985 at the University of Hamburg. As a postdoc she carried out an EU project on heavy metal pollution of tropical soils on the Philippenes until 1987. Afterwards she worked as a scientific employee in the Environmental Protection Agency of the City of Hamburg until 1989. Being an assistent professor from 1989 to 1996 at the University of Hamburg, she finished her habilitation in 1997. Until the end of 1998 she worked as a scientic employee and vice section head in the field of soil protection at the Environmental Protection Agency of the City of Hamburg. Afterwards she became a scientific employee at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Ocean Research in Bremerhaven and at the research station Potsdam. At that time she was also teaching at the University of Potsdam. The focuses of her research and teaching at the University of Hamburg are soil ecology and soil genesis. The working group "Soil ecology and soil genesis" is concerned with pedogenic processes of the anaerobic C turnover with focus on methane emissions and the N circulation in ecosystems in different climates. Since 2004 she is directress-general of the Institute of Soil Science and educational dean of the Department Geosciences.
On April 1, 2021 Eva-Maria Pfeiffer has retired.