Marine Geophysik
In der Arbeitsgruppe „Marine Geophysik“ untersuchen wir vor allem solche Prozesse in der oberen Erdkruste, die einen Einfluss auf die Topografie des Meeresbodens haben. Unsere wichtigsten Verfahren sind die Seeseismik, Fächerlote und parametrische Sedimentecholote. In einigen unserer Projekte nutzen wir auch Ozean-Boden-Seismographen für Weitwinkel-Reflexions- und Refraktionsseismik, sowie ein Seegravimeter und die Magnetometer (Gradiometer). Uns interessieren zum Beispiel die Lebenszyklen von Unterwasservulkanen, submarine Hangrutschungen, die Wechselwirkung zwischen Meeresströmungen und Sedimentablagerungen, Salztektonik, im Untergrund zirkulierende Fluide und Riftsysteme. Unsere Forschung ist in hohem Maße interdisziplinär, wir arbeiten zusammen mit Geologen, Geochemikern und Petrologen.
Regionale Schwerpunkte sind das östliche und zentrale Mittelmeer, die Azoren, der Golf von Mexiko, die Sierra Leone Schwelle und, nicht zuletzt, die Ostsee. Dort werden die BCs-Studierenden mit Vertiefungsrichtung Geophysik während des seegeophysikalischen Praktikums intensiv in die seismischen und hydroakustischen Systeme eingewiesen.
Wenn Sie Interesse an unserer Arbeit haben, sprechen Sie mit Prof. Christian Hübscher (, Geomatikum Raum 1434)
Expeditionen seit 2000
RV Meteor (2024). North Atlantic (Vesturdjup Basin)
* Fahrtleitung nicht durch Institut für Geophysik
Publikationen seit 2000
Last update: 5 April 2023
Preine, J., Karstens, J., Hübscher, C., et al., 2024. Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera. Nature Geoscience,
Ponikowska, M., Stovba, S.M., Mazur, S., Malinowski,M., Krzywiec, P., Nguyen, Q., Hübscher, C., 2024. Crustal‐Scale Pop‐Up Structure at the Junction of Two Continental‐Scale Deformation Zones in the Southern Baltic Sea. Tectonics 43, e 2023TC008066,
Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Hincke, C., Beaman, R.J., Webster, J.M., 2024. Seismic stratigraphic and sedimentary record of a partial carbonate platform drowning, Queensland Plateau, north-east Australia. Marine Geology 470 107255,
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T.A., and the Expedition 398 Scientists, 2024. Expedition 398 Preliminary Report: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field. International Ocean Discovery Program.
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T., Hübscher, C., Nomikou, P., Preine, J., et al., 2024. Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini. Nature Communications Earth & Environment 5:24,
Crutchley, G.J., Karstens, J., Preine, J., Hübscher, C., Fossen, H., Kühn, M., Extensional faulting around Kolumbo Volcano, Aegean Sea – relationships between local stress fields, fault relay ramps and volcanism. Tectonics 42, e2023TC007951.
van der Zwan, F., Augustin, N., Le Saout, M., Seidel, E., Wölfl, A.-C., Schade, M., Lampridou, D., Long, X., Follmann, J., Miluch, J., Schönberg, J., Antonio, R.J., Heinath, V., Köse, Louisa M.C., Krach, L., Garbe-Schönberg, C.D., Hübscher, C., 2023. Tectonically assisted emplacement of oceanic intraplate volcanoes: The Bathymetrists Seamounts, central Atlantic. Geomorphology 441 108891,
Nguyen, Q., Malinowski, M., Kramarska, R., Kaulbarsz, D., Mil, L., Hübscher, C., 2023. Gas escape features along the Trzebiatow Fault offshore Poland: evidence for a leaking petroleum system. Marine and Petroleum Geology 156 (2023) 106431,
Al Hseinat, M., AlZidaneen, M., Jaradat, R., Al-Rawabdeh, A., Hübscher, C., 2023. Tectono-stratigraphic framework and evolution of the northwestern Arabian plate, Central Jordan. Tectonophysics 863 229993,
Warwel, A., Hübscher, C., Hartge, M., Artschwager, M., Schäfer, W., Preine, J., Häcker, T., Strehse, V., Karušs, J., Lüdmann, T., 2023. The Paleozoic Hydrocarbon System in the Gotland Basin (central Baltic Sea) leaks. Earth and Space Science, 10.1029/2023EA002883
Karstens, J., Preine, J., Carey, S., Bell, K.C., Nomikou, P., Hübscher, C., Lampridou, D., Urlaub, M., 2023. Formation of undulating seafloor bedforms during the Minoan eruption and their implications for eruption dynamics and slope stability at Santorini. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616, 118215,
Hübscher, C., Häcker, T., Betzler, C., Kalvelage, C., Weiß, B., 2023. Reading the sediment archive of the Eastern Campeche Bank (southern Gulf of Mexico): From the aftermath of the Chicxulub impact to Loop Current variability. Marine Geophysical Research 44(6),
Karstens, J., Preine, J., Crutchley, G., van der Bilt, W. G. M., Hooft, E. E. E., Druitt, T. H., Schmid, F., Cederstrøm, J. M., Hübscher, C., Nomikou, P., Carey, S., Kühn, M., Elger, J., Berndt, C., 2023. Revised Minoan eruption volume as benchmark for large volcanic eruptions. Accepted for publications in Nature Communications.
Chang, Y.-C., Mitchell, N.C., Schindlbeck-Belo, J.C., Hansteen, T.H., Freundt, A., Hübscher, C., Quartau, R., 2023. Emplacement history of volcaniclastic turbidites around the central Azores volcanic islands: frequencies of slope landslides and eruptions. Geosphere,
Ahlrichs, N., Hübscher, C., Andersen, T.R., Preine, J., Bogner, L., Schäfer, W., 2023. The Langeland Fault System unraveled: Quaternary fault reactivation along an elevated basement block between the North German and Norwegian–Danish basins. Boreas,
Ahlrichs, N., Noack, V., Seidel, E., Hübscher, C., 2023. Salt tectonics in intracontinental sedimentary basins: Triassic–Jurassic salt movement in the Baltic sector of the North German Basin and its relation to post-Permian regional tectonics. Basin Research,
Hübscher, C., Nürnberg, D., 2023. Loop Current attenuation after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition contributes to Northern hemisphere cooling. Marine Geology 456 106976,
Preine, J., Hübscher, C., Karstens, J., Nomikou, P., 2022. Volcano-Tectonic Evolution of the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo Rift Zone. Tectonics 41(11), e2022TC007524,
Batista, L., Hübscher, C., Terrinha, P., Matias, L., Afilhdao, A., Loureiro, A., Weiß, B., 2022. Crustal structure across the São Miguel Island (Azores, North Atlantic) and tectonic implications. Marine Geophysical Research 43(41),
Warwel, A., Hübscher, C., Ahlrichs, N., Schnabel, M., 2022. New insights into tunnel valley locations and Cenozoic exhumation in the southwestern Baltic Sea based on Machine Learning aided seismic refraction tomography. Marine Geophysical Research 43(35),
Beier, C., Genske, F., Hübscher, C., Haase, K.M., Bach, W., Nomikou, P., and Shipboard Scientific Party R/V Meteor M128, 2022. The submarine Azores Plateau: evidence for a waning mantle plume? Marine Geology 451, 106858,
Pan, Y., Seidel, E., Juhlin, C., Hübscher, C., Sopher, D., 2022. Inversion tectonics in the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone: insight from new marine seismic images at the Bornholm Gat, SW Baltic Sea. GFF,
Chang, Y-C-. Mitchell, N.C., Quartau, R., Hübscher, C., Rusu, L., Tempera, F., 2022. Asymmetric abundances of submarine sediment waves around the Azores volcanic islands. Marine Geology 449, 106837,
Mitchell, N.C., Hernandez, K., Preine, J., Ligi, J., Augustin, N., Izzeldin, A., Hübscher, C., 2022. Early stage diapirism in the Red Sea deep-water evaporites: Origins and length-scales. Tectonophysics, 831, 229331
Preine, J., Karstens, J., Hübscher, C., Crutchley, G.J., Druitt, T., Schmid, F, Nomikou, P., 2022. The Hidden Giant: How a rift pulse triggered a cascade of sector collapses and voluminous secondary mass-transport events in the early evolution of Santorini. Basin Research, DOI: 10.1111/bre.12667
Janik, T., Wójcik, D., Ponikowska, M., Mazur, S., Skrzynik, T., Malinowski, M., Hübscher, C., 2022. Crustal structure across the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone offshore Poland based on a new refraction/wide-angle reflection profile and potential field modelling. Tectonophysics 828, 229271.
Preine, J., Karstens, J., Hübscher, C., Nomikou, P., Schmid, F., Crutchley, G.J., Druitt, T.H., Papanikolaou, 2022. Spatio-temporal evolution of the Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field, Aegean Sea. Geology 50(1), 96-100.
Lüdmann, T., Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Lahajnar, N., Hübscher, C., 2022. Submarine landsliding in carbonate ooze along low-angle slopes (Inner Sea, Maldives). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 136, 105403.
El-Sharkawy, A., Meier, T., Hübscher, C., Lebedev, S., Dannowski, A., Kopp, H., Behrmann, J.H., McGrandle, A., Hamada, M., 2021. Lithospheric structure of the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Inferences from surface wave tomography and stochastic inversions constrained by wide-angle refraction measurements. Tectonophysics 821, 229159.
Ahlrichs, N., Noack, V., Hübscher, C., Seidel, E., Warwel, A., Kley, J., 2021. Impact of Late Cretaceous inversion and Cenozoic extension on salt structure growth in the Baltic sector of the North German Basin. Basin Research DOI: 10.1111/bre.12617
Nomikou, P., Papanikolaou, D., Lampridou, D., Blum, M., Hübscher, C., 2021. The active tectonic structures along the southern margin of Lesvos Island, related to the seismic activity of July 2017, Aegean Sea, Greece. Geo-Marine Letters (2021) 41(4), 1-11
Follman, J., van der Zwan, F.M., Preine, J., Hübscher, C., Bousquet, R., Augustin, N., 2021. Gabbro discovery in Discovery Deep: First plutonic rock samples from the Red Sea Rift axis. Front. Earth Sci. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.742815
Romer, R.H.W., Beier, C., Haase, K.M., Eberts, A., Hübscher, C., 2021. The Evolution of Central Volcanoes in Ultraslow Rift Systems: Constraints from D. João de Castro Seamount, Azores. Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006663.
Schäfer, W., Hübscher, C., Sopher, D., 2021. Seismic stratigraphy of the Klints Bank east of Gotland (Baltic Sea): A giant drumlin sealing thermogenic hydrocarbons. Geo-Marine Letters 41:9,
Schnabel, M., Noack, V., Ahlrichs, N., Hübscher, C., 2021. A comprehensive model of seismic velocities for the Bay of Mecklenburg (Baltic Sea) at the North German Basin margin: implications for basin development. Geo-Marine Letters 41 (2), 1-12
Dehghan, M.J., Ardestani, V.E., Dehghani, A., 2021. Moho Topography Estimation using Interactive Forward Modeling of Gravity Data. Journal of Earth and Space Physics, DOI:10.22059/JESPHYS.2021.310962.1007252
Dunlap, S.B., Krzywiec, P., Hübscher, C., Tagliao, G., Molina, F.J.H., 2021. Introduction to special section: Seismic interpretation of contourites and deep-water sediment waves. Interpretation 9(2), 1-3.
Dehghan, M.J., Ardestani, V.E., Dehghani, A., 2021. The study of crustal structures in the southwestern part of the Baltic Sea by modeling of gravity data. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14(5), DOI:10.1007/s12517-021-06672-9
Marques, F.O., Catalão, J., Hübscher, C., Costa A.C.G., Hildenbrand, A., Zeyen, H., Nomikou, P., Lebas, E., Zanon, V., 2021. The shaping of a volcanic ridge in a tectonically active setting: The Pico-Faial Ridge in the Azores Triple Junction. Geomophology 378, 107612,
Preine, J., Schwarz, B., Bauer, A., Hübscher, C., 2020. When there is no offset – a demonstration of seismic diffraction imaging and depth-velocity model building in the southern Aegean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 125(9), e2020JB019961,
Frahm, L., Hübscher, C., Warwel, A., Preine, J., Huster, H., 2020. Misinterpretation of velocity pull-ups caused by high-velocity infill of tunnel valleys in the southern Baltic Sea. Near Surface Geophysics 18(6), 643-657,
Grob, H., Seidel, E., Hübscher, C., 2020. Seismic amplitude and attribute data from Mesozoic strata in the Skagerrak (Danish-Norwegian North Sea): Indicators for fluid migration and seal bypass systems. Marine and Petroleum Geology 121, 104596,
Schmidt, C., Hensen, C., Hübscher, C., Wallmann, K., Liebetrau, V., Schmidt, M., Kutterolf, S., Hansteen, T.H., 2020. Geochemical characterization of deep-sea sediments on the Azores Plateau – From diagenesis to hydrothermal activity. Marine Geology 429, 106291.
Ahlrichs, N., Hübscher, C., Noack, V., Schnabel, M., Damm, V., Krawczyk, C.M., 2020. Structural evolution at the northeast North German Basin margin: From initial Triassic salt movement to Late Cretaceous‐Cenozoic remobilization. Tectonics 39, e2019TC005927, DOI: 10.1029/2019TC005927
Huster, H., Hübscher, C., Seidel, W., 2020. Impact of Late Cretaceous to Neogene plate tectonics and Quaternary ice loads on supra‑salt deposits at Eastern Glückstadt Graben, North German Basin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109, 1029-1050,
Camerlenghi, A., Del Ben, A., Hübscher, C., Forlin, E., Geletti, R., Brancatelli, G., Micallef, A., Saule, M., Facchin, L., 2020. Seismic markers of the Messinian salinity crisis in the deep Ionian Basin. Basin Research 32(4), 716-738. DOI: 10.1111/bre.12392
Nomikou, P., Hübscher, C., Carey, S., 2019. The Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo Volcanic Field. Elements, 15, 171-176.
Schmidt, C., Hensen, C., Wallmann, K., Liebetrau, V., Tatzel, M., Schurr, S.L.,Kutterolf, S., Haffert, L., Geilert, S., Hübscher, C., Lebas, E., Heuser, A., SchmidtM., Strauss, H., Vogl, J., Hansteen, T., 2019. Origin of high Mg and SO4 fluids in sediments of the Terceira Rift, Azores – indications for caminite dissolution in a waning hydrothermal system. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G-Cubed). DOI: 10.1029/2019GC008525.
Gadol, O., Tibor, G., ten Brink, U., Hall, J.K., Groves-Gidney, G., Bar-Am, G., Hübscher, C., Makovsky, Yizhaq, 2019. Semi‐automated bathymetric spectral decomposition delineates the impact of mass wasting on the morphological evolution of the continental slope, offshore Israel. Basin Research, DOI: 10.1111/bre.12420
Camerlenghi, A., Del Ben, A., Hübscher, C., Forlin, E., Geletti, R., Brancatelli, G., Micallef, A., Saule, M., Facchin, L., 2019. Seismic markers of the Messinian salinity crisis in the deep Ionian Basin. Basin Research, DOI: 10.1111/bre.12392
Beier, C., Bach, W., Busch, A.V., Genske, F.S., Hübscher, C., Krumm, S.H., 2019. Extreme intensity of fluid-rock interaction during extensive intraplate volcanism. Geochimica et Cosmochimia Acta, 257, 26-48.
Hübscher, C., Al Hseinat, M., Schneider, M., Betzler, C., 2019. Evolution of Contourite Systems in the Late Cretaceous Chalk Sea along the Tornquist Zone. Sedimentology 66, 1341-1360.
Maillard, A., Driussi, O., Briais, A., Chanier, F., Gaullier, V., Garcia, M., Ochoa, D., Hübscher, C., Sage, F., Lofi, J., Sierro, F., Lüdmann, T., 2018. 3.B-Balearic Promontory. MSC-Units. In: Seismic atlas of the Messinian Salinity Crisis markers in the Mediterranean Sea. Volume 2 (ed.: Lofi, J.). Mem. Soc. Géol. Fr. and Commission for the Geological Map of the World, 18-19.
Reiche, S., Hübscher, C., Brenner, S., Betzler, C., Hall, J., 2018. The role of internal waves in the late Quaternary evolution of the Israeli continental slope. Marine Geology, 406, 177-192
Romer, R., Beier, C., Haase, K.M., Hübscher, C., 2018. Correlated changes between volcanic structures and magma composition in the Faial volcanic system, Azores. Accepted for publication in Front. Earth Sci. | doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00078
Hodgson, D.A., Hogan, K., Smith, J., Smith, Hillenbrand, C-D., Graham, A.G.C., Fretwell, P., Allen, C., Peck, V., Arndt, J.-E., Dorschel, B., Hübscher, C., Smith, A.M., Larter, R., 2018. Deglaciation and future stability of the Coats Land ice margin, Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 12, 2383-2399, DOI: tc-12-2383-2018
Marques, F.O.O., Hildenbrand, A., Hübscher, C., 2018. Evolution of a volcanic island on the shoulder of an oceanic rift and geodynamic implications: S. Jorge Island on the Terceira Rift, Azores Triple Junction. Tectonophysics 738-739, 41-50.
Fabbri, S.C., Buechi, M.W., Horstmeyer, H., Hilbe, M., Hübscher, C., Schmelzbach, C., Weiss, B., Anselmetti, F.S., 2018. A subaquatic moraine complex in over-deepened Lake Thun (Switzerland) unravelling the deglaciation history of the Aare Glacier. Quaternary Science Reviews 187, 62-79.
Nomikou, P., Hübscher, C., Papanikolaou, D., Farangitakis, G.P., Ruhnau, M., Lampridou, D., 2018. Expanding extension, subsidence and lateral segmentation within the Santorini - Amorgos basins during Quaternary: Implications for the 1956 Amorgos events, central - south Aegean Sea, Greece. Tectonophysics 722, 138-153
Bendixen, C., Boldreel, L.O., Jensen, J.J., Bennike, O., Hübscher, C., Clausen, O.R., 2017. Early Holocene estuary development of the Hesselø Bay area, southern Kattegat, Denmark and its implication for Ancylus Lake drainage. Geo-Marine Letters, 37(6), 579-591
Al Hseinat, M., Hübscher, C., 2017. Late Cretaceous to recent tectonic evolution of the North German Basin and the transition zone to the Baltic Shield/southwest Baltic Sea. Tectonophysics 708, 28-55.
Fabbri, S.C., Herwegh, M., Horstmeyer, H., Hilbe, M., Hübscher, C., Merz, K., Schlunegger, F., Schmelzbach, C., Weiss, B., Anselmetti F.S., 2017. Combining amphibious geomorphology with subsurface geophysical and geological data: A neotectonic study at the front of the Alps (Bernese Alps, Switzerland). Quaternary International 451, 101-113.
Batista, L., Hübscher, C., Terrinha, Matias, L., Afilhado, A., Lüdmann, T., 2017. Crustal structure of the Eurasia-Africa plate boundary across the Gloria Fault, North Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Journal International 209, 713-729.
Mitchell, N.C., Ligi, M., Feldens, P., Hübscher, C., 2017. Deformation of a young salt giant: regional topography of the Red Sea Miocene evaporites. Basin Research 29 (Suppl. 1), 352-369, DOI: 10.1111/bre.12153
Feld, C., Mechie, J., Hübscher, C., Hall, J., Nicolaides, S., Gurbuz, C., Bauer, K., Louden, K., Weber, M., 2017. Crustal structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Cyprus and S. Turkey from an amphibian wide-angle seismic profile. Tectonophysics 700-701, 32-59.
Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., Lindhorst, S., Lüdmann, T., Reijmer, J., Braga, J.-C., 2016. Lowstand wedges in carbonate platform slopes (Quaternary, Maldives, Indian Ocean). The Depositional Record 2(2), 196-207, DOI: 10.1002/dep2.21,
Nomikou, P., Druitt, T.H., Hübscher, C., Mather, T.A., Paulatto, M., Kalnins, L.M., Kelfoun, K., Papanikolaou, D., Bejelou, K., Lampridou, D., Pyle, D.M., Carey, S., Watts, A.B., Weiß, B., Parks, M.M., 2016. Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation. Nature Communications 7, DOI:10.1038/ncomms13332.
Hübscher, C., Betzler, C., Reiche, S., 2016. Seismo-stratigraphic evidences for deep base level control on middle to late Pleistocene drift evolution and mass wasting along southern Levant continental slope (Eastern Mediterranean). Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology 77, 526-534.
Kammann, J., Hübscher, C., Boldreel, L.O., Nielsen, L., 2016. High-resolution shear-wave seismics across the Carlsberg Fault zone south of Copenhagen–Implications for linking Mesozoic and late Pleistocene structures. Tectonophysics 682, 56-64.
Al-Hseinat, M., Hübscher, C., Lang, J., Lüdmann, T., Ott, T., Polom, U., 2016. Triassic to recent tectonic evolution of a crestal collapse graben above a salt-cored anticline in the Glückstadt Graben / North German Basin. Tectonophysics 680, 50-66.
Wolf, D., Hübscher, C., Betzler, C., Lüdmann, T., 2016. Vast amount of accommodation space controlled evolution of a continuous Pliocene-Pleistocene mixed cool-water carbonate-siliciclastic prograding wedge in the Bay of Oran (Western Mediterranean). Marine and Petroleum Geology 73, 86-96.
Weiß, B., Hübscher, C., Lüdmann, T., Serra, N., 2016. Submarine sedimentation processes in the southeastern Terceira Rift / São Miguel region (Azores). Marine Geology 374, 42-58.
Nomikou, E., Hübscher, C., Ruhnau, M., Bejelou, K., 2016. Tectono-stratigraphic evolution through successive extensional events of the Anydros Basin, hosting of the Kolumbo volcanic field at Aegean Sea, Greece. Tectonophysics 671, 202-217.
Welford, K., Hall, J., Rahimi, A., Reiche, S., Hübscher, C., Louden, K., 2015. Crustal structure from the Hecataeus Rise to the Levantine Basin, eastern Mediterranean, from seismic refraction and gravity modelling. Geophysical Journal International 203(3), 2055-2069
Bendixen, C., Joern, C., Boldreel, L.O., Clausen, O., Bennike, O., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Nyberg, J., Hübscher, C., 2015. The Holocene Great Belt connection to the southern Kattegat, Scandinavia: Ancylus Lake drainage and Early Littorina Sea transgression. Boreas, DOI 10.1111/bor.12154
Ehrhardt, A., Hübscher, C., 2015. The northern Red Sea in transition from rifting to drifting - lessons learned from Ocean Deeps. In: Rasul, N.M.A., Stewart, I.C.F. (eds.), The Red Sea: The Formation, Morphology, Oceanography and Environment of a Young Ocean Basin, Springer New York, 99-121
Hübscher, C., Ruhnau, M., Nomikou, P., 2015. Volcano-tectonic evolution of the polygenetic Kolumbo submarine volcano / Santorini (Aegean Sea). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 291, 101-111
Reiche, S., Hübscher, C., 2015. The Hecataeus Rise, easternmost Mediterranean: A structural record of Miocene-Quaternary convergence and incipient continent-continent-collision at the African-Anatolian plate boundary. Marine and Petroleum Geology 67, 368-388
Reiche, S., Hübscher, C., Ehrhardt, A., 2015. The impact of salt on the late Messinian to recent tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Cyprus subduction zone. Basin Research, DOI: 10.1111/bre12122
Sibrant, A.L.R., Hildenbrand, A., Marques, F.O., Weiss, B., Boulesteix, T., Hübscher, C., Lüdmann, T., Coasta, A.C.G., Catalão, 2015. Morpho-structural evolution of a volcanic island developed inside an active oceanic rift: S. Miguesl Island (Terceira Rift, Azores). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 301, 90-106
Weiß, B., Hübscher, C., Wolf, D., Lüdmann, T., 2015.Submarine explosive volcanism in the southeastern terceira Rift / São Miguel Region (Azores). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 303, 79-91
Weiß, B., Hübscher, C., Lüdmann, T., 2015. The Tectonic Evolution of the South-Eastern Terceira Rift / São Miguel Region (Azores), Tectonophysics 654, 75-95
Welford, K., Hall, J., Hübscher, C., Reiche, S., Louden, K., 2015. Crustal seismic velocity structure from Eratosthenes Seamount to Hecataeus Rise across the Cyprus Arc, eastern Mediterranean, Geophysical Journal International 200, 933-951.
Hübscher, C., Gohl, K., 2014. Reflection / Refraction Seismology. Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. DOI 10.1007/987-94-007-6644-0_128-1
Al-Hseinat, M., Hübscher, C., 2014. Ice-load induced tectonics controlled tunnel valley evolution - instances from the southwestern Baltic. Quaternary Science Reviews 97, 121-135.
Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Eberli, G., Lüdmann , T., Möbius, J., Ludwig, J., Schutter, I., Wunsch, M., Reijmer, J.J.G., Hübscher, C., 2014. Periplatform drift: The combined result of contour current and off-bank transport along carbonate platforms. Geology 42(10), 871-874.
Maillard, A., Driussi, O., Lofi, J., Briais, A., Chanier, F., Hübscher, Gaullier, V., 2014. Record of the Messinian salinity Crisis in the SW Mallorca area (Balearic Promontory, Spain). Marine Geology, 357, 304-320
Reiche, S., Hübscher, C., Beitz, M., 2014. Fault-controlled evaporite deformation in the Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology, 354, 53-68.
Roveri, M., Flecker, R., Krijgsman, W., Lofi, J., Lugli, S., Manzi, V., Sierro, F.J., Bertini, A., Camerlenghi, A., De Lange, G., Govers, R., Hilgen, F.S., Hübscher, C., Meijer, P.Th., Stoica, M., 2014. The Messinian Salinity Crisis: past and future of a great challenge for marine sciences. Marine Geology, 352, 25-58.
Betzler, C., Lüdmann, T., Hübscher, C., Fürstenau, J., 2013. Current and sea-level signals in periplatform ooze (Neogene, Maldives, Indian Ocean). Sedimentary Geology, Vol. 290, 126-137.
Betzler, C., Fürstenau, J., Lüdmann, T., Hübscher, C., Lindhorst, S., Paul, A., Reijmer, J., Droxler, A., 2013. Sea-level and ocean-current control on carbonate-platform growth, Maldives, Indian Ocean. Basin Research, Vol. 25(2), 172–196
Herbozo, G., Hübscher, C., Kaul, N., Wagner, M., Pecher, I., Kukowski, N., 2013. Influence of recent depositional and tectonic controls on marine gas hydrates in Trujillo basin, Peru Margin. Marine Geology 340, 30-48.
Lüdmann, T., Kalvelage, C., Betzler, C., Fürstenau, J., Hübscher, C., 2013. The Maldives, a giant isolated cabonate platform dominated by bottom currents. Marine and Petroleum Geology 43, 326–34
Grützner, C., Reicherter, K., Hübscher, C., Silva, P. 2012. Active faulting and neotectonics in the Baelo Claudia area, Campo de Gibraltar (southern Spain). Tectonophysics Vol 554–557, 127-142.
Lüdmann, T., Wiggershaus, S., Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., 2012. Southwest Mallorca Island: a cool-water carbonate margin dominated by drift deposition associated with giant mass wasting. Marine Geology (307–310), 73-87
Betzler, C., Lindhorst, S., Hübscher, C., Lüdmann, T., Fürstenau, J., 2011. Giant pockmarks in a carbonate platform (Maldives, Indian Ocean). Marine Geology, 289, 1-16
Betzler, C., Braga, J.-C., Jaramillo, D., Römer, M., Hübscher, C., Schmiedl, G., Lindhorst, S., 2011. Late Pleistocene and Holocene cool-water carbonates of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Sedimentology 58(3), 643-669
Dümmong, S., Hübscher, C., 2011. Levant Basin – Central Basin. In: Atlas of the Messinian seismic markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Lofi et al.,Eds., Atlas of Messinian seismic markers in the Mediterranean and Black seas. Mém. Soc. géol. fr., 179, and World Geological Map Commission, 72p.
Hübscher, C., Dümmong, S., 2011. Levant Basin – Salt and fluid dynamic. In: Atlas of the Messinian seismic markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Lofi et al.,Eds., Atlas of Messinian seismic markers in the Mediterranean and Black seas. Mém. Soc. géol. fr., 179, and World Geological Map Commission, 72p.
Just, J., Hübscher, C., Betzler, C., Lüdmann, T., Reicherter, K. 2011. Erosion of continental margins in the western Mediterranean due to sea-level stagnancy during the Messinian reflooding. DOI 10.1007/s00367-010-0213-z. Geo-Marine Letters 31(1), 51-64
Maillard, A., Hübscher, C., Benkhelil, J., Tahchi, E. 2011. Messinian markers in the Cyprus Arc: Tectonics or Messinian Salinity Crisis erosion indicators? Basin Research 23, 146-170.
Fürstenau, J., Lindhorst, S., Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., 2010. Submerged reef terraces of the Maldives indicate variations in the rate of deglacial sea-level rise during MWP-1A. Geo-Marine Letters 30, 511-515
Hübscher, C., Dullo, C., Flögel, S., Titschack, J., Schönfeld, J. 2010. Contourite drift evolution and related coral growth in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and its gateways. International Journal of Earth Science, 99(1) 191-206
Hübscher, C., Hansen, M., Trinanes, S.P., Lykke-Anderson, H., Gajewski, D. 2010. Structure and evolution of the Northeastern German Basin and its transition onto the Baltic Shield. Marine and Petroleum Geology 27, 923-938
Tahchi, E., Urgeles, R., Hübscher, C., Benkhelil, J., 2010. Mass wasting and drift deposition at the easternmost Cyprus Arc, off Syria / Eastern Mediterranean, In: Mosher, D.E., Shipp, R.C., Moscardelli, L. (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazard Research 28, 323-334
Feldens, P., Schwarzer, K., Hübscher, C., Diesing, M., 2009. Genesis and sediment dynamics of a subaqueous dune field in Fehmarn Belt (south-western Baltic Sea). Marburger Geographische Schriften 145, 80-97, ISSN 0341-9290
Betzler, C., Hübscher, C., Lindhorts, S., Reijmer, J., Römer, M., Droxler, A., Fürstenau, J., Lüdmann, T., 2009. Monsoonal-induced partial carbonate platform drowning (Maldives, Indian Ocean). Geology, 37(10), 867 – 870.
Hübscher, C., Tahchi, E., Klaucke, I., Maillard, A., Sahling, H., 2009. Salt tectonics and mud volcanism in the Latakia and Cyprus Basins, eastern Mediterranean. Tectonophysics (470), 173–182.
Hieke, W., Camerlenghi, A., Cita, M.B., Dehghani, G.A., Fusi, N., Hirschleber, H.B., Mirabile, L., Müller, C., Polonia, A., 2009. Bannock Basin, Sirte Abyssal Plain and Conrad Spur: Structural relationships between Mediterranean Ridge and its western foreland and implications on the character of the accretionary complex (eastern Mediterranean). Marine Geophysical Resarches 30(161),
Dümmong, S., Meier, K., Hübscher, C., Gajewski, D., 2008. Comparison of prestack stereotomography and NIP-wave tomography for velocity model building: Instances from the Messinian evaporites. Geophysics, 73(5), 291–302.
Krawczyk, C.M., Rabbel, W., Willert, S., Hese, F., Götze, H.-J., Gajewski, D. & the SPP-Geophysics Group (incl. Hübscher) 2008: Crustal structures and properties in the Central European Basin system from geophysical evidence (chapter 3.2), pp. 67-95. In: Littke, R.; Bayer, U.; Gajewski, D.; Nelskamp, S. (Eds.). Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System. ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7, 520p.
Reicherter, K., Froitzheim, N., Jarosiski, Badura, J., Franzke, H.-J., Hansen, M.B., Hübscher, C., Müller, R., Poprawa, P., Reinecker, J., Stackebrandt, W., Voigt, H., von Eynatten, H., Zuchiewicz, W., 2008. Alpine tectonics north of the Alps. In: McCann, T. (ed) Geology of Central Europe. Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc. London..
Scheck –Wenderoth, M., Maystrenko, Y., Hübscher, C., Hansen, M. 2008. Dynamics of Salt Basins (chapter 5.4), pp. 307-322. In: Littke, R.; Bayer, U.; Gajewski, D.; Nelskamp, S. (Eds.). Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System. ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7, 520p.
Sirocko, F., Reicherter, K., Lehné, R., Hübscher, C., Winsemann, J. Stackebrandt, W. 2008. Glaciation, salt and the present landscape (chapter 4.5), pp. 233-245. In: Littke, R.; Bayer, U.; Gajewski, D.; Nelskamp, S. (Eds.). Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins - The Central European Basin System. ISBN: 978-3-540-85084-7, 520p
Hansen, M.B., Scheck-Wenderoth, Hübscher, C., Lykke Andersen, H., Dehghani, A., Hell, B., Gajewski, D. 2007. Basin evolution of the northern part of the Northeast German Basin – insights from a 3D structural model. Tectonophysics 437(1-4), 1-16.
Hübscher, C., Netzeband, G. 2007. Evolution of a young salt giant: The example of the Messinian evaporites in the Levantine Basin. In: Wallner, M., Lux, K.-H., Minkley, W., Hardy, Jr., H.R. (eds.) The Mechanical Behaviour of Salt – Understanding of THMC Processes in Salt. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-44398-2, pp.175-184.
Hübscher, C., Cartwright, J., Cypionka, H., De Lange, G., Robertson, A., Suc, J.P., Urai, J., 2007. Global look at Salt Giants. EOS 88(16), 177-179.
Reicherter, K., Hübscher, C. 2007. Off-shore evidence for the 1522 Almería earthquake (M > 6.5) in the Alborán Sea (southern Spain). Journal of Seismology 11(1), 15-26
Hübscher, C., Borowski, C., 2006. Seismic evidence for fluid escape from Mesozoic cuesta type topography in the Skagerrak. Marine and Petroleum Geology 23, 17-28.
Hübscher, C., Hensch, M., Dahm, T., Dehghani, A., Dimitriadis, I., Hort, M., Taymaz, T., 2006. Toward a risk assessment of central Aegean volcanos. EOS 87(39), 401-407.
Netzeband, G., Hübscher, C., Gajewski, D., 2006. The structural evolution of the Messinian Evaporites in the Levantine Basin. Marine Geology 230, 249-273.
Netzeband, G., Gohl, K., Hübscher, C., Ben-Avraham, Z., Dehghani, A., Gajewski, D., Liersch, P., 2006. The Levantine Basin – crustal structure and origin. Tectonophysics 418, 178-188.
Schattner, U., Ben-Avraham, Z., Lazar, M., Hübscher, C., 2006. Tectonic isolation of the Levant basin offshore Galilee-Lebanon – Effect of the Dead Sea fault plate boundary on the Levant continental margin, eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Structural Geology 28(11), 2049-2066.
Hansen, M.B., Lykke Anderson, H., Dehghani, A., Gajewski, D., Hübscher, C., Olesen, M., Reicherter, K., 2005. The Mesozoic - Cenozoic structural framework of the Bay of Kiel area, western Baltic Sea. International Journal of Earth Sciences 94(5-6), 1070-1082
Benkhelil, J., Bayerly, M., Branchoux, S., Courp, T., Gonthier, E., Hübscher, C., Maillard A., Tahchi, E., 2005. La branche orientale de l’Arc de Chypre: Aspects morphostructuraux d’une frontière de plaques d’après la campagne BLAC (2003), Comptes Rendus Geoscience 337, 1075-1083.
Ehrhardt, A., Hübscher, C., Ben-Avraham, Z., Gajewski, D, 2005. Pull-apart induced sediment tectonics: Dead Sea Transform / Gulf of Aqaba (Elat). Tectonophysics 396, 59-79.
Ehrhardt, A., Hübscher, C., Gajewski, D., 2005. Conrad Ocean Deep, Northern Red Sea: Transtension Basin within the Axial Depression. Tectonophysics 411, 19-40
Gradmann, S., Hübscher, C., Ben-Avraham, Z., Gajewski, D., Netzeband, G., 2005. Salt tectonic off northern Israel. Marine and Petroleum Geology 22(5), 597-611
Hübscher, C., Spieß, V., 2005. Forced Regression System Tracts of the eastern Bengal Shelf. Marine Geology 219, 207-218.
Kaiser, A., Reicherter, K., Hübscher, C., Gajewski, D., 2005. Variations of the present-day stress field within the North German Basin – insights from thin shell FE-modeling based on residual GPS-velocities. Tectonophysics 397, 66-72.
Netzeband, G.L., Hübscher, C., Gajewski, D., Grobys, J.W.G., Bialas, J. 2005. Seismic Velocities from the Yaquina Forearc Basin off Peru: Evidence for Free Gas within the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone. Int. J. Earth Sc., 94(3), 420-432
Schwenk, T., Spieß, V., Breitzke, M., Hübscher, C., 2005. The architecture and evolution of the Middle Bengal Fan in the vicinity of the active channel-levee system imaged by high-resolution seismic data. Marine and Petroleum Geology 22(5), 637-656
Hampel, A., Kukowski, N., Bialas, J., Hübscher, C., Heinbockel, R., 2004. Ridge subduction at an erosive margin – the collision zone of the Nazca Ridge in southern Peru. Journal of Geophysical Researches , 109, B02101
Hübscher, C., Lykke-Andersen, H., Bak Hansen, M., Reicherter, K., 2004. Investigating the structural evolution of the western Baltic. EOS Vol. 85(12), 115
Krabbenhöft, A., Bialas, J., Kopp, H., Kukowski, H., Hübscher, C., 2004. Crustal structure of the Peruvian continental margin from wide angle seismic studies, Geophysical Journal International 159, 749-764.
Hübscher, C., Kukowski, N., 2003. A complex BSR Pattern in the Yaquina Basin off Peru. Geo-Marine Letters, 23(2), 91-101.
Maystrenko, Y., Stovba, S., Stephenson, R., Bayer, U., Menyoli, E., Gajewski, D., Hübscher, C., Rabbel, W., Saintot, A., Starostenko, V., Thybo, H., Tolkunov, A., 2003. Crustal-scale pop-up structure in cratonic lithosphere: DOBRE deep seismic reflection study of the Donbas Foldbelt, Ukraine. Geology, 31(8), 733-736.
Schwenk, T., Spieß, V., Hübscher, C., Breitzke, M., 2003. Frequent channel avulsion within the active channel-levee system of the middle Bengal Fan – an exceptional channel-levee development derived from Parasound and Hydrosweep data. Deep Sea Research II, 50, 1023-1045.
Wong, H. K., T. Lüdmann, C. Haft, A.-M. Paulsen, C. Hübscher & J. Geng, 2003. Quaternary sedimentation in the Molengraaff paleo-delta, northern Sunda Shelf (southern South China Sea). In: F.H. Sidi, D. Nummedal, P. Imbert, H. Darman and H.W. Posamentier (eds.), Tropical Deltas of Southeast Asia Pacific Region - Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Min. (SEPM) Spec. Publ. 76, 201-216, Tulsa, OK.
Hieke, W., Hirschleber, H.B., Dehghani, G.A., 2003. The Ionian Abyssal Plain (central Mediterranean Sea): Morphology, subbottom structures and geodynamic history - An inventory. Marine Geophysical Researches, 24(3-4), 279-310
Hübscher, C., Figueiredo, A., Kruse, L., Spieß, V., 2002. High-resolution analysis of the desposition pattern on the Amazon sub-aquatic delta and outer continental shelf. Marine Geophysical Researches 23-3, 209-222.
DOBREflection-2000 and DOBREfraction’99 Working Groups (incl. C. Hübscher), 2002. DOBRE studies evolution of inverted intra-cratonic rifts in Ukraine. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 83(39), 323-327
Pecher, I., Kukowski, N., Hübscher, C., Greinert, J., Bialas, J., and GEOPECO Working Group, 2001. The link between bottom simulating reflections and methane flux into the gas hydrate stability zone – New evidence from Lima Basin, Peru Margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 185, 343-354.
Makris, J., Papoulia, J., Papanikolaou, D. und Stavrakakis, G., 2001. Thinned continental crust below northern Evoikos Gulf, central Greece, detected from deep seismic soundings. Tectonophysics, 341, 225-236.
Maia, M., Ackermand, D., Dehghani, G.A., Gente, P., Hekinian, R., Naar, D., O`Connor, J.O., Perrot, K., Phipps Morgan, J., Ramilien, G., Révillon, S., Sabetian, A., Sandwell, D., Stoffers, P., 2000. The Pacific-Antarctic Ridge-Foundation hotspot interaction: A case study of a ridge approaching a hotspot. Marine Geology 167(1-2), 61-84