RIMFAX: Initial results from GPR on the Mars 2020 Perseverance RoverTitus Casademont
23. Januar 2023

Foto: T. Casademont
Vortrag von Titus Casademont im Rahmen des Geophysik-Seminars am 23.01. 16:15 Uhr
NASA's Mars Rover Perseverance operates in Jezero Crater, Mars, since February 2021. On board is a Norwegian built Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) RIMFAX, which has conducted the first GPR measurements on the surface of Mars. With over 15 km sounded terrain, RIMFAX has gained insight to the shallow Martian subsurface all along the drive. Initial findings include the stratigraphic succession of the major local formations as well as estimates of the governing dielectric material parameters. In this session, a RIMFAX team member from the University of Oslo as the RIMFAX host organization will discuss results and challenges from the early mission phase.