Hospitality law
The scientific guest right applies to professors, postdocs and doctoral students who work at a scientific institution, usually abroad, and who are planning a research stay (usually up to one year) at the University of Hamburg in order to learn new methods or to do so to use the equipment located on site.
By granting guest rights, the guest does not become a member of the University of Hamburg within the meaning of Section 8 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG).
The granting of guest rights does not establish an employment relationship or a relationship similar to an employment contract. The guest is not obliged to carry out activities at the university (exception: services within the framework of a work contract, see Financing). There is also no entitlement to be taken on as an employee or civil servant.
In the Department of Earth System Sciences, the department head decides whether to grant guest rights. The guest right is granted for a limited period of time. It can be revoked at any time.
Guest contract
If you are staying as a guest for more than 3 months or if you are applying for a user ID, an additional guest contract must be concluded between the guest and the department head.
The inviting professor submits the guest contract and the checklist electronically via the department mailbox ("AT" ).
At the beginning of the stay in Hamburg at the latest, the guest must be given the information sheet by the inviting professorship.
Information sheet and guest contract in German and English can be found here ( ).
The UHH Welcome Center provides useful assistance in organizing your stay:
and the MIN Faculty has also created a guide that is intended to make it easier for prospective and newly arrived guest researchers to arrive at Hamburg University: