Physics of Volcanoes
Exploring the physics of volcanic eruptions is a fairly new field compared to mapping and analyzing the deposits of past volcanic eruptions. The pure observation and description of volcanic processes can be traced back to Pliny the Younger. He observed the eruption of Vesuvius (Italy) that destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum 79 AD.
Physical volcanology deals on the one hand with the development of new measuring methods and the construction of measuring networks, on the other hand with the analysis and interpretation of the acquired measurement data. For data analysis, new methods are developed and physical relationships and processes are researched. To verify the data interpretation, computer simulations (so-called numerical models) and experiments in the laboratory (so-called analog models) are performed.
The goal of physical volcanology is to identify one or more physical parameters that can be monitored at each volcano in real time and allow the prediction of eruptions. For this, the physical system "volcano" must be described and characterized exactly.
Ground Deformation near Chiles-Cerro Negro volcanoes, Colombian-Ecuadorian border
A. Vasquez Castillo (2019)
The movements registered on the surface of volcanic zones reflect the dynamics of fluids moving underground, such as magma, gas or water, or also the movements of the earth’s crust according to the structural configuration (faults) of the region. Measuring the deformation that the ground experiences as a result of these processes allows us to infer how the volcano behaves in its interior and understand its dynamics. These observations, together with other volcanological monitoring techniques, allow us to identify patterns associated with possible eruptions and thereby increase the knowledge of volcanic hazards for the closest civilian population.
The purpose of my master’s thesis is the analysis of ground deformation in the Chiles-Cerro Negro volcanic complex (CVCCN), on the Colombian-Ecuadorian border, understanding that the deformation patterns can provide information about the dynamics of the magmatic material. The development of the research is based on the use of geodetic instruments: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar - InSAR -, GPS and tiltmeter.
The effect of pulsing of volcanic eruptions on eruption column height
K. Grunert (2019)
The correlation between the erupted mass and the height of the eruption column has been studied for quite some time. However, a recent study found, that the pulsing of an eruption also has an influence on column height and that certain types of pulsing behaviour can create higher eruption columns than non-pulsed eruptions even if the erupted mass is equal or even less. I am looking deeper into this matter, doing some parameter studies with PDAC (Pyroclastic Dispersal Analysis Code) and then trying to find a physical explanation for the phenomenon.
Time series classification using recurrent neural networks (RNN) in a volcanological context
P. Werdenbach-Jarklowski (2019)
Being an active volcano erupting quite frequently, Stromboli is well monitored and observations lead to the finding that some eruptions have pulse-like features. However, the datasets are huge and manual examinations to label these characteristics within an event are both time consuming and monotonous and have to be repeated for every new measurement campaign so far. New techniques such as neural networks, especially recurrent ones, shall be explored to classify single pulses in an automatic manner and hence facilitate future work for in depth analysis.
Finished Theses (MSc and BSc)
- The thermal influence of hydrothermal fluid flow on tectonic faulting at ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridges
- Automatic Detection of Volcanic Eruptions Measured at Different Volcanoes Using Neural Networks
- Eruption dynamics of Anak Krakatau volcano (Indonesia) estimated using photogrammetric methods
- Investigation of Volcanic Lightning using a Geophysical Network
- Modelling the Electrification of Volcanic Plumes
- Bestimmung von Partikeleigenschaften aus Radardaten - Flugbahn, Größe und Größen-verteilung
- Using FMCW Radar for High Velocity Far-Field Targets: Signal Investigation and Pro-cessing
- CFD Modeling of Ascending Strombolian Gas Slugs Through a Constricted Volcanic Conduit Considering a non-Linear Rheology
- CFD-Modellierung strombolianischen Blasenaufstiegs durch nicht-statische Vulkanschlote
- Die Initialphase explosiver Eruptionen des Vulkans Stromboli
- Die Dynamik gepulster strombolianischer Eruptionen untersucht am Beispiel des Vulkans Yasur, Vanuatu
- Entwicklung einer Kalibriereinheit für Dopplerradargeräte
- Automatische Detektion von Vulkanausbrüchen mit neuronalen Netzen
- Thermal Infrared Velocimetry on Explosive Eruptions of Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Detektion vulkanischer Eruptionen mittels neuronaler Netze
- Neuronale Netzwerke zur Detektion von Eruptionen am Vulkan Yasur, Vanuatu
- Automatic Detection of Volcanic Eruptions at Turrialba Volcano using Neural Networks
- Ein eindimensionales Modell der Verdriftung von Vulkanasche durch ein Windfeld bei einer Eruption
- A simplified model for volcanic plumes and its solution by an adaptive numerical scheme
- Kalibrierung eines Dopplerradars
- Thermische Evolution planetarer Körper
- Entwicklung einer low-cost Kamera SO2 Kamera
- Konvektionsgeschwindigkeiten auf der Oberfläche des Lavasees des Mt. Erebus
- A closer look at Strombolian eruption pulses using CFD modeling of ascending gas Slugs
- Comparison of radar and video observations of plumes at Stromboli volcano
- Eruptionsdynamik strombolianischer Eruption am Mt. Erebus, Antarktis
- Modellierung der Datenverarbeitung des Rückstreusignals eines rotierenden Cornerreflektors in einem Dopplerradar
- Dynamik des Lavasees des Mt. Erebus, Antarktis
- Die Untersuchung eines Analogons für die Quelltiefe explosiver vulkanischer Eruptionen des Vulkans Yasur (Vanuatu)
- Untersuchung der Quelltiefe und Nachströmgeschwindigkeit aschereicher Eruptionen am Mount Yasur
- Dynamik strombolianischer Eruptionen
- Strombolian eruption dynamics derived from video and radar observations
- An Adaptive Semi-Lagrangian Advection Model for Volcanic Emissions
- Statistical analysis of repose intervals at Volcán de Colima
- Experimente zu 3 Phasen Strömung im Vulkanschlot
- Modellrechnungen zu Partikelgeschwindigkeiten während Strombolianischer Eruptionen
- On Deformations Associated with Strombolian Volcanic Activity
- Untersuchung der Gas Slug Länge am Strom am Stromboli
- Untersuchung des Reibungskoeffizienten von vulkanischer Asche
- Eruptionsdynamik des Volcan de Colima
- Implementation of chemical reactions in a semi-Lagrangian transport scheme with an adaptive grid
- Vp/Vs-ratio variations during the earthquake swarms preceding the 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- Numerische Subpixel Temperaturauswertung von aufgezeichneten Infrarotdaten
- Deformation im Kraterbereich des Vulkan Stromboli
- Messung und Interpretation einer künstlichen Vulkanaschewolke mit einem Sonnenphotometer
- Modelling the atmospheric dispersion and sedimentation of volcanic ash and sulphur of the August 1991 Cerro Hudson eruption
- Vorgehensweise bei der Bestimmung quantitativer SO2-Emissionswerte mithilfe einer UV-Kamera
- Die Eruptionsdynamik des Vulcán de Colima
- Dopplerradarmessungen der Auswurfgeschwindigkeit an einem künstlichen Vulkan
- Entwicklung eines Schwingungsmesssystems für ein Radar
- Auswertung der Infrarotmessungen von Fragmentationsexperimenten
- Die thermische Entwicklung der Erde
- Aufstieg von Gasblasen in Vulkanschloten
- Die thermische Evolution der Erde
- Konvektionsgeschwindigkeiten im Lavasee des Erebus Vulkan, Antarktis
- Bilddatenaufnahme für eine SO2 Kamera
- Pulsierende Eruptionen am Stromboli, Italien
- Eruption Characteristics of Stromboli Volcano – Insights from Doppler-Radar Data of 2008 and 2010
- Entschlüsselung der Eruptionsdynamik des Yasur mittels thermischer Beobachtungen
- Infrasonic Event Localization at the Multivent Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- Der SO[t]2[/t]-Fluss am Mount Yasur, Vanuatu
- Numerische Simulation pulsierender Mantelplumes
- Bestimmung der Übertragungsfunktionen der Güralp-Seismometer des Exupéry-Projektes
- Modelling the atmospheric dispersion and sedimentation of volcanic ash of the June 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption
- Experimenteller Vergleich von Ozeanbodentiltmetern