M.Sc. Geosciences
Description of the study programme
Against the backdrop of global environmental changes and the scarcity of natural resources, our modern society is facing multiple challenges. With their research of the Earth system, geoscientists make important contributions to resource management and to solutions for the future in the fields of
- Climate research
- Soil science and environmental protection
- Geohazards
- Petroleum and raw material geology
- Material sciences
The Department of Earth Sciences is characterised by its particular diversity of research activities in the field of terrestrial, marine and atmospheric geosciences. The Master's programme in Geosciences offers an interdisciplinary education that is unique in Germany and is oriented towards research in terrestrial, marine and atmospheric geosciences on the one hand and the demand of the labour market at home and abroad on the other.
Career Prospects
The job description of a geoscientist includes a wide range of activities in the field of research, industry and authorities.
Scientific activities at research institutions and universities include, for example, research of material cycles and processes on land and in the sea, climate research, geohazards, applied soil research and materials research.
The practice-oriented training aims at employment in raw material geology, in the fields of construction, water and energy management as well as in environmental and soil protection. In addition, geoscientists find professional employment in the optical, chemical, computer or electrical industries.
Structure of the study programme
Students can choose one of the following specialisations depending on their scientific interests and their planned professional orientation:
- Geology
with the aspects of biogeochemistry, hydrochemistry, sedimentology, tectonics, geobiology and micropalaeontology - Soil science
with the aspects of material cycles in the terrestrial system, processes in the soil and soil genesis, soil as a protected resource, soil research methods - Mineralogy
with the aspects of petrology, crystallography and materials research
1st year: Geoscientific deepening, supplement and practice, offers of other natural sciences as well as free elective area
2nd year: Geoscientific specialisation, preparatory project and Master's theses disciplines, on the other hand, on the demand of the labour market at home and abroad

Superordinate examination regulations (for all MIN study programmes leading to the M.Sc. degree) (in German)
- Version of 16.06.2021 (PDF)
- Amendment of 31.01.2018 (PDF)
- New version of 04.07.2012 (PDF)
- First version of 26.10.2005 (PDF)
Subject-specific regulations (in German)
- Version of 21.04.2021 (PDF) (Applies to students with start of studies from WS 2021/22 onwards)
- New version of 27.02.2019 (PDF) (Applies to students with start of studies from WS 2019/20 onwards)
- Amendment of 06.04.2016 (PDF) (Applies to students with start of studies from WS 2016/17 onwards)
- New version of 26.01.2011 (PDF) (Applies to students with start of studies from WS 2011/12 onwards)
- First version of 05.03.2008 (PDF)
Related links (in German)
- Module Handbook (PDF) (Status: 19.11.2024)
- Module Handbook (PDF) (Status: 09.02.2017)
- Flyer (PDF)
Offers for study orientation
Extensive advising for prospective students
Lecture series: What to study and for what?
· Video 2016 (in German): “Böden sind mehr als Dreck – warum das Studium der Geowissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Bodenkunde so aktuell ist“
Admission requirements
General admission requirements for all Master’s programmes:
Proof of first degree, language skills
Further information…
Special admission requirements for this study programme:
Bachelor's degree in geosciences or a comparable natural science study programme
Further information on admission requirements…
Application process
You apply for this study programme via the central online application portal of the Universität Hamburg (in STiNE).
Here you can find more information about the process.
To the application portal…
The International Guide helps prospective international students with their application.
Application deadlines
Application is only possible for the winter semester; application deadline for the winter semester is 1 June - 15 July.
Selection criteria
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places, the selection will be made according to the following criteria: Auswahlsatzungen der Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
Application information (PDF)
Here (in German) you can find the official information on the admission requirements from the STiNE online application as a PDF within the application deadlines. Outside the application deadlines, we provide the latest PDF for your orientation, currently from WS 2021/22 (application deadline: 1.6. - 15.7.2021). Changes to the requirements for the next process are possible in individual cases, and contact persons may also change. The information on this website in the sections "Admission requirements" and "Contact" may therefore be more up-to-date.