Soil microbiological studies on permanent soil monitoring sites
Project description
Within the framework of precautionary soil protection, approx. 40 permanent soil monitoring sites (BDF) have been operated for 25 years in Schleswig-Holstein for identifying and observing changes in soils which are mainly under forestry and agricultural use. The investigation program includes pedological field surveys, soil physical and chemical investigations, water level measurements, and documentation of utilization-related data (agricultural in- and outputs), as well as soil microbiological, soil faunal, and vegetation studies. The objectives of the permanent soil monitoring are 1. to describe the current state of the soils, 2. to monitor the change of the soils in the long term, and 3. to derive forecasts for the future development. The findings developed in the Permanent Soil Monitoring Project form the basis for decisions regarding sustainable use and the long-term protection of soil as a basis for life. The results are used for soil function evaluation and development of soil contamination maps and serve as a basis for soil protection recommendations.
At the Institute of Soil Science, the soil physical, chemical and especially the microbiological parameters of the permanent soil monitoring sites (BDF) in the organic layer and topsoil horizons have been collected since 2011. Growth conditions for soil microorganisms are determined by measuring pH, water content, and organic and inorganic C and N contents. In addition, microbial biomass is recorded using different methods, such as the chloroform fumigation extraction (CFE) method and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) using the Sapromat and Heinemeyer equipment. Conclusions about whether the microorganisms present are active are made by determining basal respiration, potential arginine ammonification, and respiratory activation, metabolic, and microbial quotients. So far, the results of soil microbiological investigations mainly reflect the type of use (intensive or extensive; arable land, grassland or forest) as well as the initial substrate. Impact of change in management measures or climate cannot yet be reliably delineated.
- Woloszczyk, P., Fiencke, C., Elsner, D.-C., Cordsen, E., Pfeiffer, E.-M., 2020. Spatial and temporal patterns in soil organic carbon, microbial biomass and activity under different land-use types in a long-term soil-monitoring network. Pedobiologia 80, 150642. doi: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2020.150642
- Woloszczyk, P., 2019. Integrierte Verfahren zur ökologischen Bewertung schleswig-holsteinischer Boden-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung mikrobiologischer Größen. Dissertation [Ph.D. thesis] University of Hamburg (in German). Hamburger Bodenkundliche Arbeiten 97, 146 S.
- MSc: Martina Lensing-Burgdorf, Elisa Toth, Camille Homeyer, Jonas Reinhard, Sergej Renner, Julia Bußmann, Ronja Tigges, Anika Ruffert
- BSc: Ina Bosse, Meret Carstensen, Peter Klink, Elisa Toth
Cooperation partners
- Institut for Angewandte Bodenbiologie GmbH (IFAB), Sondenkamp 59 + 62, 22337 Hamburg
- Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume (LLUR) Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburger Chaussee 25, 24220 Flintbek
Employees at the Institute of Soil Science
- Laboratory assistant: Birgit Grabellus
- Duration: 04.2013 - 12.2021
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Beer, Dr. Claudia Fiencke, Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer
- Sponsor: Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume in Schleswig-Holstein (LLUR), Abteilung 6: Geologie und Boden, Referat 62: Boden