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- Institute
- : Title
- : Duration
- : Project lead
- Title: Biofilter with high methane oxidation efficiency in agriculture and waste treatment
- Duration: 02.2013 - 01.2016
- Project lead: Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Dr. Claudia Fiencke
- Title: CLICCS project A1: Contribution of the Institute of Soil Science
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach
- Title: CarboPerm - Carbon in Permafrost
- Duration: 10.2013 - 09.2016
- Project lead: Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach, Dr. Christian Knoblauch
- Title: Carbon Fluxes from Arctic Tundra and Temperate Wetland Soils
- Duration: 2013 - 2015
- Project lead: Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Dr. Christian Knoblauch
- Title: Carbon dynamics and fixation in forest soils
- Duration: 06.2015 - 03.2022
- Project lead: Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Dr. Christina Steffens
- Title: Carbon in Permafrost
- Duration: 06.2017 – 05.2020
- Project lead: Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Prof. Dr. Lars Kutzbach, Dr. Christian Knoblauch
- Title: KLIMZUG-NORD, Subproject 3.7-AP3: Effects of climate change on peatlands
- Duration: 04.2009 - 03.2014
- Project lead: Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer, Dr. Claudia Fiencke
- Title: MOMENT – Permafrost Research Towards Integrated Observation and Modelling of the Methane Budget of Ecosystems
- Duration: 11.2022 - 10.2025
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Beer
- Title: PERICLES: Partnership for research on Biota-Climate-Feedbacks
- Duration: 04.2021 - 03.2024
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Kai Jensen
- Title: Process-oriented cryoturbation modelling
- Duration: 2020 - 2023
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Beer
- Title: Soil microbiological studies on permanent soil monitoring sites
- Duration: 04.2013 - 12.2021
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Christian Beer, Dr. Claudia Fiencke, Prof. i.R. Dr. Eva-Maria Pfeiffer