ZEISS blog on microplastics - Elke Fischer
New publications 2021:
Hengstmann, E., Weil, E., Wallbott, P.C., Tamminga, M., Fischer, E.K., 2021. Microplastics in lakeshore and lakebed sediments – External influences and temporal and spatial variabilities of concentrations. Environmental Research 197, 111141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.111141
Süssmann, J., Krause, T., Martin, D., Walz, E., Greiner, R., Fischer, E., Hackl, T., Rohn, S., Fritsche, J., 2021. Mikroplastik in Fischereierzeugnissen ‐ Vergleich und Optimierung von Aufarbeitungsmethoden. Lebensmittelchemie 75. https://doi.org/10.1002/lemi.202158040
Süssmann, Julia, Krause, T., Martin, D., Walz, E., Greiner, R., Rohn, S., Fischer, E.K., Fritsche, J., 2021. Evaluation and optimisation of sample preparation protocols suitable for the analysis of plastic particles present in seafood. Food Control 125, 107969. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.107969
Tamminga, M., Hengstmann, E., Deuke, A.-K., Fischer, E.K., 2021. Microplastic concentrations, characteristics, and fluxes in water bodies of the Tollense catchment, Germany, with regard to different sampling systems. Environ Sci Pollut Res. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-16106-4
Neue Publikation: Pfeiffer, F. and E.K. Fischer (2020): Various Digestion Protocols Within Microplastic Sample Processing—Evaluating the Resistance of Different Synthetic Polymers and the Efficiency of Biogenic Organic Matter Destruction. Frontiers in Environmental Science 572424. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.572424
Neue Publikation: Philipp, C.; Unger, B.; Fischer, E.K.; Schnitzler, J.G.; Siebert, U. (2020): Handle with Care—Microplastic Particles in Intestine Samples of Seals from German Waters. Sustainability 2020, 12, 10424. doi: 10.3390/su122410424
MRC auf der MICRO2020:
Oral presentation by Elena Hengstmann: Anthropogenic litter and microplastics in freshwater sediments - A case study at Lake Tollense, Germany (MICROLIM)
Oral presentation by Matthias Tamminga: Microplastics in a deep, dimictic lake with special regard to vertical distribution patterns (MICROLIM)
Poster presentation by Larissa Motyl: Microplastics in the upper tidal Elbe - A comparison between sediments from the Hamburg port area and an adjacent nature reserve
Neue Publikation: Tamminga, M. and E.K. Fischer (2020): Microplastics in a deep, dimictic lake of the North German Plain with special regard to vertical distribution patterns. Environmental Pollution, 115507. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115507.
Neue Publikation: Hengstmann, E. and E.K. Fischer (2020): Anthropogenic litter in freshwater environments–Study on lake beaches evaluating marine guidelines and aerial imaging. Environmental Research: 109945. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109945
Elke Fischer: Webinar: Understanding Microplastics in Limnic Ecosystems
Webinar, ThermoFisher Scientific (12/2019)
Elena Hengstmann & Matthias Tamminga: „Woher kommt das Plastik im Meer?“
Kinder-Uni Hamburg, UHH News (10/2019)
Elena Hengstmann & Matthias Tamminga: Kinder-Uni Hamburg: Forscher beantworten Fragen „Wie kommt der Plastikmüll ins Meer?“
Hamburger Morgenpost (10/2019)
Elke Fischer: Ertrinken die Meere irgendwann im Müll?
100 große Fragen: 71, Hamburger Abendblatt (07/2019)
Elke Fischer: Discuss & Do Mikroplastik
oikos Hamburg e.V. (05/2019)
Neues DFG-Projekt gestartet!
MICROLIM: Bilanzierung von Mikroplastik in limnischen Ökosystemen: Quellen, Flüsse und Senken von Mikroplastikpartikeln im Modelleinzugsgebiet des Tollensesees, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (04/2019)
Elke Fischer: Wieder was gelernt - Plastikbann "Wir müssen uns einfach umgewöhnen"
Podcast, ntv (04/2019)
Elke Fischer: Dem Mikroplastik auf der Spur
UHH News (08/2018)