2021-2024 Member of the DFG Sino-German Mobility Program project titled "Climate-driven landsape and vegetation dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau: a multi-timescale synthesis", funded by DFG, led by the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
2021 A RESA project titled "Glacial Lakes dynamics within the Hindukush-Karakoram- Himalaya, Indus Basin", high resolution satellite imagery funded by the Planet Lab Inc.
2020-2024 Member of the WRCP-CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies (FPS) project (CPTP) - “Convection-Permitting Third Pole”, lead by the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
2019-2024 Member of the Cluster of Excellence project (CliCCS) - "Climate, Climate Change and Society - A4- African Asian Monsoon Margins”, Universität Hamburg, funded by DFG, Germany
2014-2018 Member of the Cluster of Excellence project (CliSAP) - "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction", Universität Hamburg, funded by DFG, Germany
2012-2014 Member of Bundle Project "(CLASH) - Climate variability and landscape dynamics in Southeast-Tibet and the eastern Himalaya during the Late Holocene reconstructed from tree rings, soils and climate modeling", funded by BMBF, Germany